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California Community College Students' Health: How to Understand and Use the HSA-CCC Survey Findings to Promote Your Students' Mental Health Susan Quinn,

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Presentation on theme: "California Community College Students' Health: How to Understand and Use the HSA-CCC Survey Findings to Promote Your Students' Mental Health Susan Quinn,"— Presentation transcript:

1 California Community College Students' Health: How to Understand and Use the HSA-CCC Survey Findings to Promote Your Students' Mental Health Susan Quinn, MSN, FNP Director Student Health Services Santa Rosa Junior College HSACCC Research Committee Chair

2 Assessing Student Health Needs National College Health Assessment Survey

3 National College Health Assessment  National benchmark instrument for college student health  Comprehensive assessment of the health – i.e. whole student  8 Content Sections: Health, Health Education and Safety Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs Sex Behavior and Contraception Weight, Nutrition and Exercise Mental Health Physical Health Impediments to Academic Performance Demographics  Online or paper survey formats  Supplemental questions optional

4 How can we utilize NCHA Data?  Health Status Trend Analysis  Comparative Analysis between local, CCC, and National Reference Groups  Assess student health indicators in relationship to Healthy Campus 2020 benchmarks  College Program Planning - Identify priority health issues for CCC students  Population based health support planning  State/National agencies and programs  Higher Education; links with UC/CSU systems  Advocacy for CCC student health support  Equity and Access to Health Services  Inform Student Success Initiatives  Legislative Activities  Policy development  Funding Requests for campus health centers  Grant applications  Support Research Projects, Dissertations, and Publications on CCC Students

5 Available Comparison Reference Groups  Summary data from 18 CCCs that conducted the NCHA during Spring ’13 and participated in the HSACCC Consortium Project.  Sample Size: 14,502 CCC students  Consortium data available from 2010 for trends. CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES HSACCC-NCHA Reference Group Spring 2013 AMERICAN COLLEGE HEALTH ASSOCIATION NCHA Reference Group Spring 2013  Summary data from all 153 colleges in the United States and Canada that conducted the NCHA during Spring ‘13  Sample Size: 123,078 U.S. college students These Reference Groups are used for NCHA comparisons today  “Sister document” to Healthy People 2020  Created in collaboration with 25 higher education professional organizations, led by the American College Health Association  Identified health indicators included in Healthy People 2020 aligned with national NCHA data and set health objectives specifically for college students. HEALTHY CAMPUS 2020 TARGETS

6 Health Insurance Trend CCC Students 2010 to 2013* Comparison CCC/National 2013

7 AgeGender Select Demographics

8 Ethnicity Select Demographics

9 Disabilities – CCC/National 2013 Disabilities – CCC 2010/2013

10 Some Ethnicity Breakouts on Demographics




14 Academic Performance Some Different Ways to Look at It, and An Example of Diving Into the Detail on One Issue

15 Negative Impact on Academic Success

16 Academic Performance Healthy Campus 2020 Targets


18 Conditions Diagnosed and/or Treated Within the Last 12 Months – CCC- Physical and Mental Health (Top 20)

19 ANXIETY – Diagnosed and/or Treated in the Last 12 Months CCC Students by Ethnicity

20 Anxiety/Depression – Of Students With A Diagnosis Made, The % Receiving Treatment of Any Kind

21 Anxiety and Academic Performance SRJC NCHA Data 2013 – by Ethnicity Results were obtained using a series of cross tabulations with chi-square analysis Hispanic Populations The following issues displayed significant or approaching-significant results for the relationship between the issue and academic performance (Question 45):  Anxiety (very strong indicator of significance p<.001)  Concern for family (p=.025)  Death of a family member (p=.05)  Depression (p=.024)  Sleeping difficulties (approaching significance p=.051) Issues were also examined by gender within the Hispanic population to see whether specific issues pertain more to one gender or another. The following results showed a significant relationship with a specific gender within the Hispanic sample:  Anxiety, females (p=.002)  Concern for family, female (p=.017)  Death of a family member, female (p=.048)  Depression, male (p=.047)  Finances, female (p=.045)

22 Other Data of Interest

23 Relationship Violence

24 Negative Consequences of Drinking Alcohol

25 Substance Abuse - Marijuana

26 An example of the value of local data, compared with national and state data, by gender breakout (males only)

27 Traumatic/Difficult to Handle Last 12 Months National CCC

28 Suicide

29 Dissemination of Health Information Percent of students that received information from the college on the following….

30 Next Steps  Additional trend and comparison data from Executive Summary reports is easy and accessible to all! 2007, 2010 and 2013 CCC Consortium Executive Summaries are all available for these relatively simple reports.  If you did a local NCHA survey, do your own comparison analysis.  You may request a customized SPSS file or other report from the HSACCC Consortium Database to support your more focused and in-depth research questions, for a specific project or dissertation.  Complete a HSACCC research request form (on web site)  Submit to Research Committee for review.  SRJC’s Office of Institutional Research will prepare this once approved by HSACCC.  Dissertation topics?

31 Health Services Programs within the CCC System HSACCC Annual Survey

32  Benchmark survey for CCC Health Services  Started 2008-2009 academic/fiscal year  Administered online via Survey Monkey  81 Questions  7 Sections: Demographics, Compliance, Funding, Staffing, Scope of Service, Outcomes, Mental Health  30 colleges participated in 2012-2013  Survey for the 13-14 Academic/Fiscal Year is out and ready to be completed (by November 14 th )

33 Uses of HSACCC Annual Survey  Collects organized and easily reportable data on the infrastructure and program activities of Health Services in the CCC system.  Assists in orienting health services professional staff coming into the CCC system, regarding compliance, program development and administrative issues in our setting.  Provides ongoing informational support to Health Services personnel on program models throughout the state for CCC health services, to assist in local program development and advocacy efforts.  Identifies training needs, and professional development topics for HSACCC’s and MHWA’s conferences and meeting.  Reduces the number of emails from our listservs asking for information on topics we already have!

34 Uses of HSACCC Annual Survey  Offers trend analysis and reporting on the status of our health centers and services  Preserving and enhancing the fiscal health of our services, through collaboration with relevant agencies, grantors, and health partners.  Demonstrates how our services and system are dynamic and changing quickly  Provides a snapshot of what areas of support are needed for our health centers, and helps prioritize system response.  Contributes to your Program Review and Accreditation requirements.


36 Colleges with a Health Services Advisory Committee, overseeing Health Fee fund and program planning, remains low, at only 20% during 12-13.


38 Full Time Equivalency Staff Average 6.1FTE per college Range 1.65 to 21.35 FTE. Temporary, Hourly, Contract Workers = 53.3% of the workforce.

39 Health Services Director/Coordinator Tidbits

40 22 colleges reporting 132,867 service visits Average 7849 64.3% of colleges provide Nurse Practitioner Services 62.1% provide direct care physician services in health centers * “Other” includes service visits by colleges without capacity to report by provider type

41 Mental Health Services Increase in direct mental health services Paid for by the (diminishing) Health Fee Majority of services are under the supervision of Health Services Directors/Coordinators

42 Mental Health Internship Programs Colleges Providing Psychotropic Medications

43 Colleges with a Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) Colleges with a well defined threat assessment protocol

44 CCC BIT Functions 12-13

45 CCC Mental Health Services 12-13  82% of mental health counseling services report sessions limits for students.  64% of mental health counseling services report weekly therapy sessions (almost always)  51% of mental health counseling services report having a wait list. (average wait time from 1 day to two weeks = most within a few days)  32% of mental health counseling services report they provide mandated therapy.  18% of mental health counseling services report they provide psychological testing.  15% of mental health counseling services report charging a fee for services.

46 Health Promotion and Education  100% of health services provide classroom presentations  97% of health services provide health awareness events  86% of health services provide open workshops and seminars  45% of Student Health Services departments have a Facebook page.  37% of colleges utilize the Student Health 101 online magazine  35% of health services work with faculty on curriculum infusion projects  31% of health services have certified health educators and/or prevention specialists working  14% of colleges reported a structured peer support/education program

47 Seminars and Workshops Offered 12-13

48 Thanks to everyone that participated in our data collection projects! Let’s all put it to good use!



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