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WORD SKILLS 16. Aug (aux, auct): Increase, Grow  Augment: Aug (increase) ment (action)  Auction (increase) tion (act of)--to increase by bidding  Auxiliary:

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Presentation on theme: "WORD SKILLS 16. Aug (aux, auct): Increase, Grow  Augment: Aug (increase) ment (action)  Auction (increase) tion (act of)--to increase by bidding  Auxiliary:"— Presentation transcript:


2 Aug (aux, auct): Increase, Grow  Augment: Aug (increase) ment (action)  Auction (increase) tion (act of)--to increase by bidding  Auxiliary: Aux (increase) iary (pertaining to)--Providing supplementary or additional help and support  Augment: Aug (increase) ment (action)  Auction (increase) tion (act of)--to increase by bidding  Auxiliary: Aux (increase) iary (pertaining to)--Providing supplementary or additional help and support

3 Blast: Bud, Cell, Embryo  Blastogenisis: Blast (bud) gen (start) sis (process)--reproduction by budding  Erythroblastosis: Erythro (red) blast (cell) osis (disease)  Neuroblastoma: Neuro (brain) blast (cell) oma (tumor)--malignant brain tumor  Blastogenisis: Blast (bud) gen (start) sis (process)--reproduction by budding  Erythroblastosis: Erythro (red) blast (cell) osis (disease)  Neuroblastoma: Neuro (brain) blast (cell) oma (tumor)--malignant brain tumor

4 Cranio: Skull  Craniology: Cranio (Skull) Logy (Study)  Craniotomy: Cranio (Skull) Tomy (Cut)  Intracranial: Intra (within) Crani (Skull) al(related to).  Craniology: Cranio (Skull) Logy (Study)  Craniotomy: Cranio (Skull) Tomy (Cut)  Intracranial: Intra (within) Crani (Skull) al(related to).

5 Crit: Judge, Evaluate  Critic: Crit (evaluate) ic (one who)  Critique: Crit (Judge)--rating or discussion of merits and faults.  Hypercritical: Hyper (over) crit (judge) al (related to)  Critic: Crit (evaluate) ic (one who)  Critique: Crit (Judge)--rating or discussion of merits and faults.  Hypercritical: Hyper (over) crit (judge) al (related to)

6 Cycl: Circle  Recycle: Re (back, again) cycl (circle)  Cyclops: Cycl (circle) op (eye)  Encycolpedia: En (within) cycl (circle) pedia (instruction--as in pedagogy)  Recycle: Re (back, again) cycl (circle)  Cyclops: Cycl (circle) op (eye)  Encycolpedia: En (within) cycl (circle) pedia (instruction--as in pedagogy)

7 Dign: Worth, Value  Dignity: Dign (worth) ity (state of)  Indignation: In (not) dign (worth) tion (act of)  Undignified: Un (not) dign (worth) fy (make)  Dignity: Dign (worth) ity (state of)  Indignation: In (not) dign (worth) tion (act of)  Undignified: Un (not) dign (worth) fy (make)

8 Dorm: Sleep  Dormant: Dorm (sleep) ant (that which)  Dormer: Dorm (sleep) er (that which)-- window, usually in a bedroom  Dormitory: Dorm (Sleep) ory (place)  Dormant: Dorm (sleep) ant (that which)  Dormer: Dorm (sleep) er (that which)-- window, usually in a bedroom  Dormitory: Dorm (Sleep) ory (place)

9 -Ess: Female  Lioness: Leo (Lion) Ess (Female)  Empress: Empereor (emperor) ess (female)  Princess: Primus (first) ess (female)  Lioness: Leo (Lion) Ess (Female)  Empress: Empereor (emperor) ess (female)  Princess: Primus (first) ess (female)

10 Fend (fens): Strike  Fend: fend (strike)--to ward off  Defend: De (down, from) fend (strike)  Offensive: Of (against) fens (strike) ive (that which)  Fend: fend (strike)--to ward off  Defend: De (down, from) fend (strike)  Offensive: Of (against) fens (strike) ive (that which)

11 Hydr: Water  Hydrant: Hydr (water) ant (that which)  Dehydrate: De (from) hydr (water) ate (make, cause)  Hydrophobia: Hydro (water) phobia (fear of)  Hydrant: Hydr (water) ant (that which)  Dehydrate: De (from) hydr (water) ate (make, cause)  Hydrophobia: Hydro (water) phobia (fear of)

12 -ician: Specialist  Musician: Muse (music) ician (specialist)  Physician: Physi (nature) ician (specialist)  Technician: Techn (skill, art) ician (specialist)  Musician: Muse (music) ician (specialist)  Physician: Physi (nature) ician (specialist)  Technician: Techn (skill, art) ician (specialist)

13 Loco: Place  Location: Loco (place) ation (act of)  Locomotive: Loco (place) mot (move) ive (that which)  Dislocate: Dis (away) loc (move) ate (make, cause)  Location: Loco (place) ation (act of)  Locomotive: Loco (place) mot (move) ive (that which)  Dislocate: Dis (away) loc (move) ate (make, cause)

14 Mor (Mort): Dead, Death  Immortality: Im (not) mort (death) al (related to) ity (state, condition)  Moribund: (death)--about to die; approaching death.  Post Mortem: Post (after) mort (death)  Immortality: Im (not) mort (death) al (related to) ity (state, condition)  Moribund: (death)--about to die; approaching death.  Post Mortem: Post (after) mort (death)

15 Nounc (nunc): Speak, Tell  Pronounce: Pro (forth) nounc (speak, tell)  Denounce: De (down) nounc (speak)  Enunciation: E (out) nunc (speak) ation (act of)  Pronounce: Pro (forth) nounc (speak, tell)  Denounce: De (down) nounc (speak)  Enunciation: E (out) nunc (speak) ation (act of)

16 Oto: Ear  Otic: Ot (Ear) ic (pertaining to)  Otology: Oto (ear) logy (study of)  Otitis: Ot (ear) itis (inflammation)  Otic: Ot (Ear) ic (pertaining to)  Otology: Oto (ear) logy (study of)  Otitis: Ot (ear) itis (inflammation)

17 Plac: Please  Placid: Plac (please) id (related to)-- outwardly pleased or calm  Complacent: Com (with) plac (please) ent (that which)--self satisfied; contented to a fault  Implacable: Im (not) plac (please) able (able)  Placid: Plac (please) id (related to)-- outwardly pleased or calm  Complacent: Com (with) plac (please) ent (that which)--self satisfied; contented to a fault  Implacable: Im (not) plac (please) able (able)

18 Pneumo: Lung, Air  Pneumatic: Pneum (air) ic (related to)  Pneumonia: Pneum (lungs) ia (condition)  Pneuocardial: Pneumo (lungs) cardi (heart) al (related to)  Pneumatic: Pneum (air) ic (related to)  Pneumonia: Pneum (lungs) ia (condition)  Pneuocardial: Pneumo (lungs) cardi (heart) al (related to)

19 Prob (prov): Test  Probe (Test)  Probation: Prob (test) ation (act of )  Reprove: Re (again) Prov (test)-- Censure, as for a fault; to rebuke  Probe (Test)  Probation: Prob (test) ation (act of )  Reprove: Re (again) Prov (test)-- Censure, as for a fault; to rebuke

20 Prop (propri): Own, Select  Proper: Prop (select) er (that which)-- suitable to select  Appropriate: Ap (to) propri (own) ate (make, cause)--to take exclusive possession  Proprietor: Propri (own) or (one who)  Proper: Prop (select) er (that which)-- suitable to select  Appropriate: Ap (to) propri (own) ate (make, cause)--to take exclusive possession  Proprietor: Propri (own) or (one who)

21 Sat(Satis): Enough  Satisfy: Satis (enough) fy (make)  Saturate: Sat (enugh) ate (make)  Insatiable: In (not) sat (enough) able (able)  Satisfy: Satis (enough) fy (make)  Saturate: Sat (enugh) ate (make)  Insatiable: In (not) sat (enough) able (able)

22 Scler: Hard, Hardening  Scleroderma: Sclera (hardening) derm (skin)--a disease  Arteriosclerosis: Arterio (artery) schler (hardening) osis (disease)  Multiple Sclerosis:Multi (many) pli (fold) sclera (hardening) osis (disease)  Scleroderma: Sclera (hardening) derm (skin)--a disease  Arteriosclerosis: Arterio (artery) schler (hardening) osis (disease)  Multiple Sclerosis:Multi (many) pli (fold) sclera (hardening) osis (disease)

23 Turb: Agitate  Turbid: Turb (agitate) id (related to)-- muddy, confused  Disturb: Dis (away) turn (agitate)  Perturbation: Per (thoroughly) turb (agitate) ation(act of)  Turbid: Turb (agitate) id (related to)-- muddy, confused  Disturb: Dis (away) turn (agitate)  Perturbation: Per (thoroughly) turb (agitate) ation(act of)

24 Umbra: Shade, shadow  Umbrella: Umbra (shade) ella (little)  Penumbra: Pen (almost) umbra (shadow)--partial shadow as in eclipse  Umbrage: Umbr (shadow) age (state of)--a reason for doubt or suspicion (shadow of doubt)  Umbrella: Umbra (shade) ella (little)  Penumbra: Pen (almost) umbra (shadow)--partial shadow as in eclipse  Umbrage: Umbr (shadow) age (state of)--a reason for doubt or suspicion (shadow of doubt)

25 Vect: Carry  Vector: Vect (carry) or (that which)--a quantity completely specified by a magnitude and a direction  Convection: Con (together, with) vect (carry) tion (act of)  Invective: In (In) Vect (carry) Ive (that which)--a denunciatory expression; abusive language; vituperation  Vector: Vect (carry) or (that which)--a quantity completely specified by a magnitude and a direction  Convection: Con (together, with) vect (carry) tion (act of)  Invective: In (In) Vect (carry) Ive (that which)--a denunciatory expression; abusive language; vituperation

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