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Wednesday, January 28, 2015 7:00 pm in the Auditorium College Planning Night for Juniors Class of 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday, January 28, 2015 7:00 pm in the Auditorium College Planning Night for Juniors Class of 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday, January 28, 2015 7:00 pm in the Auditorium College Planning Night for Juniors Class of 2016

2 What do colleges look for in students? College Research and Visits Strongsville Application Process Financial Aid and Scholarships NCAA Questions

3 Academics How does the student perform in class on a daily basis? What is the student’s course load and level of difficulty? SAT/ACT Scores Based on a national average, at what level does this student achieve? Extra-Curricular Activities Will this individual be a positive addition to our campus environment? Community Involvement What does this student do with his or her time outside of school? Personal Statement or Essay Based on his/her writing sample, what more can we learn about this unique individual? Does this student have the potential to grow? Are they intellectually curious? What is their writing ability? Student Interview How effectively does the student communicate his/her experiences in high school? How prepared is he/she for a college education?

4 Make sure you are following a college preparatory course of study English4 Credits Math4 Credits Science3 Credits Social Studies3 Credits Health and P.E.½ Credit each Foreign Language2 Credits Personal Finance½ Credit Fine Art1 Credit **You will need 4 credits of English, Math, Science and Social Studies, 3 credits of Foreign Language, and at least a 3.5 GPA for an Ohio Honors Diploma.

5 You can register for the tests at the following websites: SATACT March 14th – Register by Feb 13 th May 2n d – Register by April 6 th April 18 th – Register by March 13 th June 13 th – Register by May 8 h Expect to spend at least 45 minutes registering You will need a credit card Please register at least 6-8 weeks before the scheduled test.

6 Students should take both at least once (twice recommended) between Winter and Spring Junior year.(optional retake Senior year) When registering, make sure the results are sent to Strongsville High School (school code is 364855 ). Some schools require the scores sent directly to them from the testing agency (i.e. Miami &OSU). Make sure you are aware if the schools you are applying to require this. Highly Selective school applicants: check to see if your school requires SAT Subject tests.

7 Seven times per year Covers Math, Reading, and Writing ¼ point deducted for wrong answers 200-800 /section for a total score of 600-2400 Accepted in and out of state Sub-Test Strongsville Ohio National Cr Reading 553 548 496 Math Reas. 578 556 514 Writing 532 531 488 Total 1663 1635 1498 Six times per year Covers Math, Reading, Science and Writing No points deducted for wrong answers 1-36 composite score Accepted in and out of state Sub-Test Strongsville Ohio National English 23.5 21.2 20.6 Mathematics 24.0 21.5 20.9 Reading 24.3 22.2 21.1 Science 23.6 21.8 20.7 Composite 23.9 21.8 20.9

8 SAT/ACT practice tests are provided on their websites. Use the SAT Question of the Day App Prep/Practice books (Barron’s, Princeton Review, etc) can be purchased or borrowed from the public library. Prep Courses offered at SHS for each testing date: Contact Dave Diciccio for information & registration or

9 Things to consider:  Majors  Location  Setting (Urban, Suburban, Rural)  Size  Other Opportunities (Internships, Study Abroad, Etc)  Don’t rule out Private Schools based on Cost What School is Right for me? College Acceptance is not a prize to be won, but rather a match to be found.

10 Early Decision - a binding contract between you and the school. If accepted, you must attend that school. May offer a better chance to be accepted. Student may only apply for one school Early Decision. Early Action- admitted students are not obligated to enroll, but receive an admission decision early in the process.

11 1. Start online Application on School’s website or Common App 2. Ask teachers to write recommendation letters. (Give them ample time and information. Tell them if they will need to submit paper copies or upload electronically.) 3. If necessary, request test scores from ACT or SAT. 4. Review Application and Application Requirements. 5. Complete & Submit Application 6. Turn in a “Transcript Release Form” to Mrs. Scerba (Forms in Guidance or on website-Allow 10 school days to process).

12 One online application that can be submitted to over 500 schools including Miami University, OSU and Dayton. All recommendations, school reports and transcripts can be sent electronically. You will need to “Invite” your Counselor and Teachers to complete their recommendations for you online.

13 Misspellings and grammatical errors. Applying online, but the application isn't submitted Forgotten signatures Not reading directions Writing illegibly Listing extracurricular activities that you’ve never participated in. Not telling your school counselor where you've applied Using an email address that friends might laugh about, but colleges will not Not checking your email regularly Letting Mom or Dad help you fill out your application

14 We cannot send transcripts without permission. Turn Transcript Request forms and allow 10 school days to process. Make sure you see your counselor early. Do not wait until the last minute !!! You can ask teachers for recommendations before the end of the year (especially if the teacher is retiring). These teachers know you well and you may benefit.

15 All public Ohio colleges must accept and issue credit for “3” on an AP test. Please be prepared when College Reps visit. Visit schools during College Open Houses. Ensure the security of any website. Don’t pay for a scholarship service or FAFSA Application.

16 Try the FAFSA 4CASTER, a site developed by the US Department of Education to provides student and parents with an early estimate of eligibility for federal student aid. Completing the 4CASTER pre-registers you for the FAFSA Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) should be Complete Senior Year after January 1 Financial Aid Night usually held first week in December of senior year.

17 Register on for scholarship The application for Strongsville Community Scholarships for Seniors is usually available in February of Senior Year. Check the Scholarship Center in the guidance office and our website for opportunities. Follow @MustangMonies on TWITTER

18 NCAA Eligibility Center All students planning to pursue Collegiate Athletics will need to register with the NCAA and send transcripts to NCAA by the end of Junior Year. Final Transcripts will need to be sent upon Graduation. CLICK HERE


20 I still don’t know what I want to major in!!!

21 Megan Sislowski (A-Co) Bethanty Hussong(Cr- Ha) John Young (He – Lo) Tracy Davidson (Lu-Pe) Tara Brzuski (Pf –Sr) Julia Williams (St – Z) Phone: 440-572-7103 Fax: 440-572-8542 Like Follow Follow Strongsville High School Guidance @StrongGuidance @MustangMonies ( General Info) (Scholarship Info)


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