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Temple Elementary School. Cluster Theme: Tiger Pride.

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Presentation on theme: "Temple Elementary School. Cluster Theme: Tiger Pride."— Presentation transcript:

1 Temple Elementary School

2 Cluster Theme: Tiger Pride

3 Improve Student Mastery of the Curriculum

4 CRCT Reading Percent of Students Meeting Standards

5 Reading Domains 3 rd Grade4 th Grade5 th Grade Literary Comprehension 82% 78% Reading For Information 60%72%76% Reading Skills and Vocabulary Acquisition 76%88%87%

6 Lexile Levels 3 rd Grade- 6 th in County 5 th Grade- 1 st in the county

7 CRCT ELA Percent of Students Meeting Standards

8 ELA Domains Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5 Grammar and Sentence Construction 68%77%83% Research and Writing Process 74%77%82%

9 5 th Grade Writing

10 CRCT MATH Percent of Students Meeting Standards

11 Math Domains Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5 Numbers and Operations 72%78%77% Measurement and Data Analysis 71%69%75% Geometry71%69%76% Algebra78%86%77%

12 CRCT Science Percent of Students Meeting Standards

13 Science Domains Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5 Earth Science61%74%62% Life Science67%77%69% Physical Science 76%73%71%

14 CRCT Social Studies Percent of Students Meeting Standards

15 Social Studies Domains Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5 History79%74%73% Geography67% 74% Government/ Civics 67%74%62% Economics71%68%73%

16 CRCT System Comparisons Top 4 Schools 3 rd Social Studies 4 th ELA 5 th Reading 5 th ELA Middle 4 Schools 3 rd ELA 3 rd Math 3 rd Science 4 th Social Studies Lowest 4 Schools 3 rd Reading 4 th Reading 4 th Math 4 th Science 5 th Math 5 th Science 5 th Social Studies

17 Ensure Nationally Competitive Students

18 Percent Exceeding Standards Reading CRCT  READING  ELA

19 Percent Exceeding Standards ELA CRCT

20 Percent Exceeding Standards CRCT Mathematics

21 Percent Exceeding Standards CRCT Science

22 Percent Exceeding Standards CRCT Social Studies

23 Increase Student Success

24 African American Students Percent Meeting Standards 201120122013 Reading Grade 381%78%76% Grade 468%85%76% Grade 571%89%100% ELA Grade 369%85%82% Grade 476%92%88% Grade 577%90%92% Math Grade 350%69%71% Grade 461%54%81% Grade 558%65%75%

25 Students With Disabilities Percent Meeting Standards READINGMATHEMATICS

26 SPED Performance Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5 Reading80%64%100% ELA60%82%80% Math40%55%50% Science40%55%40% Social Studies40%64%50%

27 SWD County Comparisons Top 4Middle 4Bottom 4 5 th Reading 4 th ELA 3 rd Reading 4 th Social Studies 4 th Reading 3 rd ELA 5 th ELA 3 rd Math 4 th Math 5 th Math 3 rd Science 4 th Science 5 th Science 3 rd Social Studies 5 th Social Studies

28 CRCT Comparisons Percent Above State/System Above System Above State 20090% 20100%13% 20116% 201240%53% 201363%94% 15/16 Areas!


30 Parent Perception of Safety 2013School Year2012 School Year

31 Number of Discipline Referrals

32 Attendance Percent of Students Missing 15 Days or More

33 Daily Attendance Rate

34 Improving Stakeholder Engagement Volunteer Hours Community/Business Partners


36 Perception Data Survey QuestionFY 13FY 12FY 11 Parent Perception of Quality91 90 Staff Perception of Quality9897 Staff Perception of School Climate929079 Staff Perception of Consistency888765 Parent Perception of Consistency9194 Staff Perception of Communication989772 Parent Perception of Communication838980

37 CCRPI Prediction YearScoreAchiev ement Progres s Achievem ent Gap Exceedin g the Bar Performa nce Points 2012-13 91.3 59.811. 2011-12 87.5 56.611.114.34.51

38 Expect Success quote: “We need more HOW thinkers, not IF thinkers.

39 Expect Success quote: “Without leaps of imagination or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.

40 Are You a Shark or Goldfish?  gHZkTOs gHZkTOs

41 Things to Remember:  Shark or Goldfish: It’s your choice!  You have more control than you think you do.  Events (E) + Positive Response (P) = Outcome (O)  To Thrive you must embrace and ride the waves of change  Adversity is not the end, but the beginning of something better

42 Things to Remember About Being Positive:  If you think your best days are behind you, they are  If you think your best days are ahead of you, they are  Your belief must be greater than all the negativity and doubt  Positive fish find more food  Choose faith over fear  Your faith and belief in a positive future leads to powerful actions today.

43 Things to Remember About Being Positive:  When you expect to find food, you do  Expect Success and you will find it  The only one who can limit your possibilities is you  Don’t let your past determine your future  Instead of being disappointed about where you are, be optimistic about where you are going!

44 Things to Remember Thrive BECAUSE of Change:  There is no substitute for hard work.  Focus on finding food, tune out the distractions.  Don’t settle  You won’t find food sleeping under a rock  Know what you want, work hard, and focus on getting it  Learn from others and model their success

45 So What? Then What?  Are you going to act like a goldfish or a shark this year?  Are you going to be a HOW thinker or an WHAT IF thinker?  Are you going to dream bigger and push harder to move Temple Elementary forward or are you going to keep doing the same old thing? If not, we can’t be a team with one dream. No one person can do it alone…Are you in??????

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