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Measurement and Units. Rulers- Do Now  How do you read a ruler?  Why are rulers important?  What are some examples of careers where rulers are necessary?

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Presentation on theme: "Measurement and Units. Rulers- Do Now  How do you read a ruler?  Why are rulers important?  What are some examples of careers where rulers are necessary?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Measurement and Units

2 Rulers- Do Now  How do you read a ruler?  Why are rulers important?  What are some examples of careers where rulers are necessary?

3 Reading a Ruler

4 Some Things To Note:  Each long line labeled with a number represents the whole number place(s)  Each smaller line is a fraction, decimal or “A little bit more” of that whole number  When measuring in centimeters, each smaller line is worth 0.1 (a tenth of a centimeter)

5  Add to get the full value to the nearest tenth  If on a whole number line, add.0 if the measurement needs to be to the nearest tenth  Example: __________


7 Rules for Rounding 1. When rounding to a place, look to the number to the right of the number in question. Example: If you are rounding to the nearest tenth, look at the hundredths place

8 2. If the number to the right is a. Less than 5, keep the number the same and drop all numbers to the right b. Equal to or greater than 5, increase the number in question by 1 and drop the numbers to the right

9  Round to the nearest tenth: 7.8832  Round to the nearest thousandth: 234.24325

10 Units  Units tell you what is being measured  Distance is measured in: meters, centimeters, millimeters, miles, feet, etc and is measured with some kind of ruler  Mass or weight is measured in: grams, kilograms, pounds and ounces and is measured with some kind of scale

11 Units and Math  When adding or subtracting numbers with the same units, the units stay the same A. Example: 2 grams + 8 grams = 10 grams  When multiplying units that are the same, each time you “times” an exponent is added A. Example: 3 grams *2 grams * 4 grams = 24 grams cubed

12  When multiplying different units, they carry A. Example: 2 oranges X 5 apples = 10 apples X oranges  When dividing, units that are the same on the top and bottom cancel out A. Example:

13  If dividing and the units are different, carry them through A.

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