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SOUTHEAST Region Regional Composite REGIONAL DATA REPORT JAN – MAR 2015 vs. 2014.

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1 SOUTHEAST Region Regional Composite REGIONAL DATA REPORT JAN – MAR 2015 vs. 2014

2 Methodology IRI gathers chain-wide sales across all RMAs (Retail Market Areas) – Regional Composite Reports reflect multi-outlet retail data. Multi-outlet reporting includes an aggregation of the following channels: grocery, mass, club, drug, dollar and military Average Selling Price (ASP) is not Advertised Retail Price – Average selling price is the average of all prices including coupons, promotional pricing, club/loyalty card deals that are given at the register at the time of purchase Categories: – Avocados – Total Produce: Includes avocados Timeframe: YTD Q1 (January – March) 2015 Retail data provided by IRI / FreshLook Marketing Important Note: IRI / FreshLook Marketing periodically restates retail data, therefore this review cannot be compared or used in conjunction with prior reviews 2

3 Southeast Region: Highlights - YTD Q1 Overview based on the following geography: – The Southeast Region captures the Markets of Atlanta, Jacksonville, Miami, Orlando, South Carolina and Tampa, plus additional cities not included in those Markets 2015 vs. 2014, avocado dollars grew +19% in Southeast and outpaced Total U.S. (+12%) by +7 points – Category dollars outpaced total produce (+2%) by +17 points – Volume increased +21%, +16 points ahead of Total U.S. – Category average selling price (ASP) declined -2% to $1.16/unit – Small Hass (4046) and bagged avocados drove dollar and volume growth, adding a combined +$7.9MM and +7.8MM units to the category – SE small avocado ASP of $1.10/unit was +40% higher than the national average Lower dollars and units per store per week in Southeast presents opportunity for growth – Southeast averaged $72 and 62 units per store per week through Q1 2015 3

4 Southeast: YTD Q1 - Avocados vs. Total Produce 2015 vs. 2014, avocado dollars grew +19%, +17 points ahead of total produce (+2%) Southeast held a 15% share of total produce dollars and a 12% share of avocado dollars 4 Avocados Outpaced Total Produce in Retail Dollar Sales Growth Rate

5 Southeast: YTD Q1 Avocado Retail Overview 2015 vs. 2014, Category dollars grew +19%, and units increased +21% – Southeast avocado dollars and volume grew double-digits in all time periods 2015 vs. 2014, Category average selling price (ASP) declined -2% to $1.16/unit 5 Southeast Avocado Dollars and Volume Posted Double-Digit Growth Rates

6 Southeast vs. Total U.S. - YTD Q1 PLU Comparisons Avocado dollar sales in SE increased +19%, +7 points ahead of Total U.S. (+12%) – Volume increased +21%, +16 points ahead of Total U.S. Small Hass (4046) and bagged avocados drove dollar and volume growth, adding a combined +$7.9MM and +7.8MM units to the category – Small Hass avocados held the largest dollar share in SE and second largest share in Total U.S. – SE small avocado ASP of $1.10/unit was +40% higher than the national average 6 Southeast Outpaced Total U.S. in Dollar and Volume Sales Growth Rates

7 Southeast: YTD Q1 Category Per Store Per Week Averages Southeast had the fourth lowest dollar velocity – Southeast averaged $72 per store per week through Q1 2015 Southeast had the third lowest volume velocity – Southeast averaged 62 units per store per week through Q1 2015 7 Lower Dollars and Units Per Store Per Week in Southeast Presents Opportunity for Growth

8 Southeast: 2013-Q1 through 2015-Q1 Units vs. ASP Retail Units – The peak quarter was 2015-Q1 at 45MM units when ASP was $1.16/unit – The lowest quarter was 2013-Q4 at 28MM units when ASP was at $1.24/unit ASP – Lowest ASP to date occurred during 2014-Q4 at $1.13/unit – Highest ASP to date occurred during 2013-Q3 at $1.34/unit 8

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