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Name:_________________________ Date:______________ Number:____ 1. _______ The capital city of Greece. 2._______ The art or practice of designing and building.

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Presentation on theme: "Name:_________________________ Date:______________ Number:____ 1. _______ The capital city of Greece. 2._______ The art or practice of designing and building."— Presentation transcript:

1 Name:_________________________ Date:______________ Number:____ 1. _______ The capital city of Greece. 2._______ The art or practice of designing and building structures 3._______ An ancient Greek building that was used as a model for United States government buildings 4._______ The type of government that allows citizens to vote on issues. Word Bank A.Architecture B.Democracy C.Athens D.Parthenon Directions: Read each question and circle the answer that is the BEST match. 5. What continent is Greece located on? A. North America B. Europe C. Asia 6 If you were going to fly to Greece from the United States, what direction would the plane go? A. West B. South C. East Directions: Match the word to its definition.

2 7. Government buildings in the United States are modeled after buildings from ________, ________? A. Athens, Greece B. Rome, Italy C. Washington, D.C. 8. The Parthenon was used as a model to build this important government building. A. White House B. Statue of Liberty C. Supreme Court Building Directions: Fill in the brace map. 9. 10. 11. Features of Greek Architecture: What are the three main features that many government buildings use to model Greek architecture? Directions: Answer the question using complete sentences. 12. Why are many government building made to look like those from Greece?

3 Name:_________________________ Date:______________ Number:____ Directions: Match the word to its definition. 1. _______ A democracy in which citizens vote directly for leaders and on issues. 2._______ International athletic and sporting contests held every four years. 3._______ A member of a community 4._______ A democracy in which citizens choose leaders to represent them. Word Bank A.Citizen B.Direct Democracy C.Olympics D.Representative Democracy 5. Where did democracy start? A. Washington, D.C. B. Athens, Greece C. Atlanta, Georgia 6 What type of democracy did Athens, Greece have? A. Representative democracy B. Elective democracy C. Direct democracy Directions: Read each question and circle the answer that is the BEST match.

4 7. What type of democracy does the United States have? A. Representative democracy B. Elective democracy C. Direct democracy Directions: Read the following statements and then write either Ancient Olympics, Modern Olympics, Both in the blank. 8. Only free, Greek men could participate. ________________ 11. Takes place every 4 years ________________ 12. Took place in Olympia, Greece _______________ 9. Receives medals for winning ________________ 10. Summer games and winter games________________

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