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Children Map Their World Interpretation of How Maps Represent Plural Ways of Learning about our World by Denise Halsey.

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Presentation on theme: "Children Map Their World Interpretation of How Maps Represent Plural Ways of Learning about our World by Denise Halsey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Children Map Their World Interpretation of How Maps Represent Plural Ways of Learning about our World by Denise Halsey

2 Country: Indonesia We Are All in the Same Boat, No Matter what Country We Originate From Worldview Interpretation: This child seems to view the world as many different cultures working together to achieve a goal that we share. He/she believes in all of us, working together in a peaceful manner and supporting one another, no matter what our country of origin is.

3 Country: Brazil A Variety of Cultures Joined Together to Create a Welcoming World Worldview Interpretation: My views on the above map is that this child sees the World in which we live to be a very welcoming place by all of the people who live here. It also appears that the people from the different countries are holding hands in the illustration, which to me means that this child sees the varying cultures working together and supporting one another.

4 Country: Argentina Through a Kaleidoscope of World Views, We all Strive for a Common Goal…Peace Worldview Interpretation: When I saw this illustration, I immediately thought of a kaleidoscope. It appears that this child believes there are many “pieces” that make up the world in which we live. These pieces, like a kaleidoscope, come Together to make one complete picture. The child depicts a variety of places Around the world through each of the dissected pieces.

5 Country: Bulgaria Altogether We Are One Worldview Interpretation: This map appears to have a road/path leading up to the World, so it seems the child believes that living here provides many pathways to various opportunities, no matter what your country of origin may be.

6 Country: Canada It Takes Everyone to Make the World a Better Place Worldview Interpretation: It takes all of us, no matter what country we live in To make our World what we would like it to be. The student uses puzzles pieces And people working together to show this. It is also very clear that the student Has highlighted issues that have been abolished throughout history, as well as items they would like to see disappear to make the place we live peaceful.

7 Country: Cyprus A Diverse Nation of Peace Worldview Interpretation: This child has used a white dove to indicate that they are seeking a peaceful nation. He/she would like all countries (illustrated by the banner of flags) to work together to make the World a better place.

8 Country: Finland Commonalities between Cultures Worldview Interpretation: To me is seems as though the illustrator is trying to show us that no matter what our culture is, we have more in common than one might Think. He/she depicted the World as a soccer ball and to me it looks as though There are footprints on the soccer, which indicates that we ALL have an opportunity To “leave our footprints behind.”

9 Country: Italy Many Nations Joined together to Create our Culturally Diverse World Worldview Interpretation: The World is made up of many different cultures (pieces), however great things can happen and we can become one when we work together.

10 Country: Greece Roads between Nations Worldview Interpretation: It appears that through this illustration the artist sees the different countries around us as a pathway/gateway to many other opportunities. People can travel between countries to experience new things they may not have in their originating country. The map also makes the World seem wide-open, so people can move freely and welcomed by other countries.

11 Country: Japan Creating a Peaceful World by Working Together, No Matter Who You Are Worldview Interpretation: This map illustration seemed similar to many others I viewed on the website. There are a variety of cultures depicted around the globe, representing the people who live in our World, joined hands which to me symbolizes working together and supporting each other.

12 Child’s Global Perspective Focus: Greece I believe this particular child has a high knowledge of not only the surroundings in which he/she lives, but also the world that surrounds us. The map shows this child has an awareness of geographic location, as well as various landmarks, animals, and plants that grow in particular regions. It seems that he/she did not choose to highlight politics or specific cultures through this drawing of the world, however that does not mean this particular child does not have an understanding or the knowledge of the varying cultures around him/her. I think the history of each nation or region is highlighted in the drawings of the various landmarks, which the child would need to explain, orally, more in detail to demonstrate their knowledge of each country’s historical influences.

13 Synthesis of all 10 Maps In all the maps I chose the children have demonstrated an understanding of where countries and/or continents are located in our world surroundings. They all seem to portray an common theme; there are many cultures around the world and they all share an idea of everyone working together to make for a better place to live and interact. Some of the maps reflect, in detail, the various cultures found in our communities.

14 Instructional Idea Specifically for Grades 3 or higher *Assign each student a country to research or have them choose one they are interested in Teacher can model each part of the project using the United States (as each part of the project is assigned) *Parts of the project that students must complete: -Create a map showing where your country is, while including the World that surrounds it -On the Map you create represent the history of the country; include important inventions, landmarks, crops, resources -Illustrations: create drawings throughout your map that represent the culture and beliefs of your country, as well as illustrations portraying how the country you have researched perceives other countries around the world -During the research of your country you should also be learning about the natives; how they dress, their beliefs, traditions, political views. You will become a native from your country for our Wax Museum display. You will create a one-minute speech, to go along with your costume, that will explain to our museum visitors the above list. The map you created in the first part of this project will be displayed in front or behind you during the museum tour. The students at my school have access to I-Touches, so they would use these for their research, note-taking, saving pictures and videos to assist them with this project.

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