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Published byFelicity McCoy Modified over 9 years ago
1 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club (SPARC) Gordon Miller, NQ4KMark Travis, KI4OBTJohn Huggins, KX4O
2 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 Appreciation Hams Everywhere –For enthusiastically participating Members of SPARC –Committee Members Dick, W2YE, for rules and club station Don, K7CS, for plaque management Henry, K2BFY, for electronic scoring and publicity. Bill, KJ4VTH, for scoring management Gordon, NQ4K, Mark, KI4OBT, and John, KX4O for presentations to clubs. John, KX4O, for assistance with scoring and graphics –All members for K4NVA operation Advice, and Log scoring Plaque Sponsors Manassas Hamfest: Time and space for Awards Ceremony Topics
3 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 Topics Rules Meta-Analysis of the 2012 QSO Party All Time High Scores Description of Certificates
4 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 VQP Committee Dick, W2YE Rules Henry, K2BFY E-Scoring SW Mark, KI4OBT Club Presentations Don, K7CS Plaques Bill, KJ4VTH E-Scoring Gordon, NQ4K Coordination John, KX4O Club plaque scoring Club Presentations
5 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 2012 VQP K4NVA Operation Operators: Dick, W2YE Gordon, NQ4K Don, K7CS Jim, KF4PQL Bill, KJ4VTH Bill, WF1L Ray, KD4RSL John, KK4AHY Red, N3TG Don, K7CS Dick, W2YE Gordon, NQ4K Jim, KF4PQL
6 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 2013 Rules No rule changes. Added Plaque: Youth (18 or younger) Indicate age in soapbox or on summary sheet.
7 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 2013 Rules Objective and Dates To promote amateur radio activity in the 95 VA Counties and 39 VA Independent Cities. Sat 16 Mar 1400 UTC – Sun 17 Mar 0200 UTC (Saturday, 10 AM – 10 PM local) Sun 17 Mar 1200 UTC – Sun 2400 UTC (Sunday, 8 AM – 8 PM local)
8 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 2013 Rules Entry Categories OP Categories Station Categories Single OPFixed Station Multi OP / Single TransMobile Multi OP / Multi TransExpedition Power CategoriesBand Categories High (> 150 w) Multi-Band Low (150 w or less) Single Band QRP (5 w or less) Mode Categories Phone (SSB/FM) CW Club Entry Digital (RTTY/PSK) Mixed
9 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 2013 Rules Valid Contacts VA stations work all stations. Out-of-State stations work VA stations only. Work fixed stations once per band/mode. Work VA Mobiles and Expeditions in each VA County or Independent City from which they operate. Stations on County or Independent City lines count as one QSO and only one County/Independent City multiplier. Mobile and Expedition stations use sufffix in callsign. Satellite contacts allowed. No cross-mode or repeater QSO's. Spotting nets, DX clusters, etc., may be used to locate other stations - no self-spotting permitted.
10 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 2013 Rules Exchange QSO number and QTH –VA County or Independent City for VA stations –State, Province or DX Country for others VA Mobile and Expedition Stations log QSO's by VA Independent City or County of operation. Identify all QSO's with band, mode, sequential QSO number sent/received and date/time of contact in UTC. Please follow standard contest practices by making and responding to "CQ VA QSO Party" calls. Multiple Transmitter stations may maintain sequential QSO numbers independently for each transmitter.
11 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 2013 Rules Scoring QSO Points Phone 1 pt CW2 pts Digital 2 pts VA Mobile3 pts Multipliers Multipliers are only counted once. VA Station multipliers are VA counties and independent cities US States Canadian Provinces DX Countries No DX multiplier for US (including AK, HI), VA and Canada Mobile / Expedition stations that contact 10 or more different stations while operating from a county or independent city may claim it as a multiplier, if not otherwise worked. Outside of VA station VA Counties and Independent Cities
12 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 2013 Rules Scoring Bonus Points VA Mobile and Expedition stations: 100 points for each VA County/Independent City from which they log a valid QSO. Contact with K4NVA: 500 bonus points (one time only) Final score QSO Points X Multipliers + Bonus Points
13 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 2013 Rules Entries Fixed, Expedition, and Mobile operations will be considered separately. Please submit separate logs. Multiple OP stations should indicate all OPs by name / call sign. Electronic (preferred) or paper logs, summary and dupe sheets (200 or more QSO’s) are required for all entries. The summary and 'dupe sheet' requirements are waived if recognized contesting software is used. For Club Competition purposes, be sure to indicate club name on summary sheet and log. Submit entries by April 15, 2013 by mail to the VA QSO Party, Call Box 599, Sterling, VA 20167 or by email to A $1.00 donation to help defray the costs of printing and mailing is encouraged.
14 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 2013 Rules Awards All participants submitting a log will receive a certificate. Plaques are identified on the contest web site.
15 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 2013 VQP Plaques and Sponsors Plaques for Virginia Stations Virginia Single Operator High Power North Shenandoah DX Association Virginia Single Operator Low Power Don Sambol, K7CS Virginia Single Operator Phone High Power Shenandoah Valley ARC Virginia Single Operator Phone Low Power Joe Palsa, K3WRY Virginia Single Operator Phone/Mixed QRP Alexandria Radio Club, W4HFH Virginia Single Operator CW QRP Randy Drake, KB4QQJ Virginia Mobile Multiple Operator Kevin Stuart, W4KLS, in memory of Howard Stuart, W2VWK (SK) Virginia Mobile Single Operator William Conkling, NR4C, in memory of KI4LXT Virginia Expedition Alamance Amateur Radio Club, K4EG Virginia Club Combined Score Vienna Wireless Society Virginia Club - Virginia QSOs Only John Huggins, KX4O Multiple Operator Single Transmitter Station Mark Travis, KI4OBT Multiple Operator Multiple Transmitter Station Central Virginia Contest Club Single Operator CW High Power (Changed to in-state plaque) Loudoun Amateur Radio Group Plaques for any Single Operator Station Single Operator CW Low Power FISTS QSL Bureau Single Operator VHF Only Richmond Amateur Telecommunications Society Single Operator Novice/Tech/Rookie Richmond Amateur Radio Club Single Band Vienna Wireless Society Single Operator Virginia Counties/Independent Cities Contacted Franklin County ARC Single Operator Digital Mode Chris Walter, KI4CBF Single Operator Youth (18 or younger) (New 2013) K4AMG Memorial Amateur Radio Club Plaques for Single Operator stations Outside of Virginia Outside Virginia Single Operator Alexandria Radio Club, W4HFH Outside Virginia Phone/Mixed QRP Dave Williams, K7HMP Outside Virginia Single Operator CW QRP Virginia QRP Society Plaque for a Single Operator DX station (outside US and Canada) DX Station North Shenandoah DX Association
16 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 Log Metadata Analysis and QSO Analysis
17 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 2012 Scoring Party Jim, KF4PQL; Don, K7CS; Red, N3TG; Gordon, NQ4K; Ray, KD4RSL; and Dick, W2YE.
18 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 Log MetaData Year No of Logs 2012356 2011358 2010341 2009364 2008336 2007353 2006279 2005170 2004138 2003142 2002124 2001110 License Class 0506070809101112 Extra103170229210224213214236 Advanced8171211910 14 General3247716781708367 Tech11205111614106 Club4411131110618 Other1121232423243515 Shorter hours, same number of entries. More Extras all the time.
19 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 Log MetaData Mode20052006200720082009201020112012 CW2239435466415245 Mixed14898117110908896105 Phone0140187169204208205204 DG02634452 Scores20052006200720082009201020112012 High803,540523,382934,990944,5971,097,1591,178,532608,100402,774 Average17,28717,23516,97518,48318,66921,91024,09916,400 Median2,9643,9902,1092,5152,5702,9764,3003,329 Low1101121 (6x)1 (2x) Distribution between modes is about same. Scores are down. Effectively no Digital
20 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 Power20052006200720082009201020112012 Hi-Low155260330 High7380667363 Low238263248256272 QRP1519232521252921 Most hams use low power. Station20052006200720082009201020112012 Fixed145220310291311295312308 Mobile2455393747433940 Expedition14486376 Checklog1 Total170279353336364341358356 Log MetaData Few Expeditions
21 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 Log MetaData # Operators2006200720082009201020112012 1263333315350318337339 287156965 3423443 45411232 51111 611121 711 82121 91113 1011 112 131211 152 Multi-Ops1619211421 Multi-Ops still popular W4CA ROANOKE VALLEY ARC
22 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 Log MetaData Band20052006200720082009201020112012 All133201266265273260284272 SB(160M)1 SB(80M)36201316942 SB(40M)1113272127383758 SB(20M)4111618 1113 SB(15M)1 SB(10M)121 SB(6M)011 SB(2M)224920151210 SB (1.25M)11 SB (70 cm)1 VHF Only152314496510 Hams chase propagation
23 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 Log QTHs 20052006200720082009201020112012 Not VA6097143128137102108116 VA110182210208227239250240 Total170279353336364341358356 Not VA Canada11 DX 4 Other US 101
24 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 Log QTHs DX DX QTH20052006200720082009201020112012 Argentina 1 Azores 1 Columbia1 Curacao2 Czeck Rep1 11 11 England 11 Germany11 2111 Hungary1 11 Italy 1 1 Jamaica1 Japan 1 1 Lithuania 111 Netherlands1111111 Paraguay 1 Poland 2121 Portugal 11111 Spain 1 Sweden 2 Ukraine 1 1 West Indies1
25 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 Logs from US and Canada QT H 0505 0606 0707 0808 0909 10101 1212 AL13132322 AZ235114 AR11 BC12141 CA13713233 CO221 CT121 DE11122 FL37678599 GA2644331 IA111 ID1 IL13244532 IN14322113 KS2312424 KY12223111 LA111112 QT H 0505 0606 0707 0808 0909 10101 1212 OK211 ON35985347 OR1111 PA43610812156 RI112223 QC1311121 SC11122 SD131 SK111331 TN26447855 TX214313 UT11 VT2121 WA144212 WI24336131 WV25231211 WY12 QT H 0505 0606 0707 0808 0909 10101 1212 MA2313213 MB1 MD34333224 ME2111 MI63526214 MN2133221 MO11121254 MS11221 MT1111 NB11 NC23445872 NE321 NH11232222 NJ4465346 NM1 NT11 NV11111 NY12775379 OH13769876 5 or more in GREEN 33 states 5 provinces
26 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 Logs from VA Logs from 73 C&IC Up 1 from last year QTH0506070809101112 ACC11 131 ALB 223 4 ALL1 1 ALX22112223 AMH1 1 122 APP 1 ARL34814744 AUG 111144 BAT112113 2 BED12 23133 BHM 1 BOT 11 BRX 1 CAM 12 131 CCY 1111 CHE 32233 CHX 212 CLA2222 2 232 CLN 11 CPX13753966 CRA 1111 2 CRL 1111 11 CUL23234434 CVX12221111 DIC 1 1 1 DIN 111 ESS 1 1 Exp14486376 FAU111415121918147 FBX1111 1 1 FFX12 281519152315 FLO 12 1 FLU 1 1 2 FRA23334233 FRE23223127 QTH0506070809101112 FRX 1111 FXX 1 1112 GIL12121121 GLO 2 2 GOO11231122 GRA 1 GRN1111111 HAL 11 HAN21526553 HAX 1 22 HBX 112 HCO22523436 HOX 11 IOW11156474 JAM 3243233 KGE 11111 KQN 1 LAN 1231321 LDN1420151318222421 LEE 1 LSA 11 2 LYX 31 11 MAD 111 MAT 1 11 MAX 1 MEC 1 MID 1 Mobile2455393747433940 MON1113 223 MVX 1 NEL 1111 1 NEW 11 1 NFX 212323 NNX 11 NRX 1 QTH0506070809101112 NUM22231357 ORG 1242 PAG12211111 PIT2 1 132 POW 11221 POX11 2 1 1 PRG1 8 PRW261176748 PUL 1 RHM 111121 RIC1 RIX 2 11 ROA21461251 ROX 111 RUS 1 111 SAX 121222 SCO111 1 SHA 1 2 SHE 1111 13 SMY 3 1 21 SPO 212223 STA243531 1 STX 1 SUR 1111 SUS 11 SUX 1 TAZ 1 VBX 7666434 WAR11111122 WAX1 111111 WES 11 1 WIS 12324 WIX 43 124 WMX1 11112 WYT 1 1 YOR 221111
27 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 Logging Programs Program200720082009201020112012 N3FJP's VA State QSO Party Program98113127104118112 N1MM3950697594118 PAPER816360463646 None Stated5222825132 WriteLog232419152011 Fat Fingers381115243438 GenLog9111013127 Cabrillo Analyzer81065 VA QSO LOGGER32126486 NA553411 TR Log POST342221 Ham Radio Deluxe222 Cab-converter(TM) v1.1911 CU2JT Logger11 Log-EQF V91 Win-EQF111454 WINLOG321 Xlog21 Other712 N3FJP and N1MM equally popular Still a lot of paper and manual logs.
28 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 QSO Analysis Measure20052006200720082009201020112012 Contacts (electronic logs only) 22,30051,04876,65480,75686,11692,944107,42289,576 Non-Virginia contacts 1/3 26% States Contacted50 Provinces Contacted 10 141112 DX Entities~4168112118119 C&C Not Activated177621355 High # QSOs in C&IC 2,7893,9695,4343,1665,272 FAU 9,178 LDN 2008: Buchanan (BCH) Norton (NRX) 2009: Highland 2010: Buchanan (BCH), Buckingham (BHM), Essex (ESS) 2011: Amelia (AME), Colonial Heights (COX), Nottoway (NOT), Petersburg (PBX), Poquoson (PQX) 2012: Bland (BLA), Buchanan (BCH), Emporia (EMX), Nottoway (NOT), Petersburg (PBX)
29 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 QSO Analysis Missing C&IC by Year C&IC2006200720082009201020112012 Amelia (AME) X Bristol BRX) X Bland (BLA)X Buchanan (BCH) X X X Buckingham (BHM) X Charles City (CCY) X Charlotte (CHA) X Colonial Heights (COX) X Danville (DAX)X Emporia (EMX)X Essex (ESS) X Highland (HIG) X Hopewell (HOX)X Martinsville (MVX)X Northampton (NHA)X Norton (NRX) XX Nottoway (NOT) X XX Petersburg (PBX)X XX Poquoson (PQX)X X Tazewell (TAZ)X Wythe (WYT) X Red “X” is 2 or more times missing.
30 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 Mode 201020112012 CW9,66013,137855319% DG8851,3085431% PH35,92739,27635,69280% Grand Total46,47253,72144,788 Up from 72% last year. More Phone
31 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 2012 VQP Pre-Party Presentations 7 Nov 2011 Arlington Radio Public Service Club 25 Jan 2012 Rappahannock Amateur Radio Association
32 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 2012 VQP Pre-Party Presentations 1 Feb 2012 Peninsula Amateur Radio Club 6 Feb 2012 Chesapeake Amateur Radio Service
33 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 2012 VQP Pre-Party Presentations 10 Feb 2012 Alexandria Radio Club 17 Feb 2012 Shenandoah Valley Amateur Radio Club
34 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 2012 VQP Pre-Party Presentations 17 Feb 2012 Richmond Amateur Telecommunications Society 21 Feb 2012 Arlington Amateur Radio Club
35 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 2012 VQP Pre-Party Presentations 7 Mar 2012 Pentagon Amateur Radio Club
36 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 QSO Analysis Contacts in Counties and Independent Cities (1 of 3) GREEN: More than 2,000 C&C20052006200720082009201020112012 Accomack15015637 3109710106592 Albemarle784189 5861728261583727 Alexandria *215145171 29316462640447 Alleghany211120 5863532667 Amelia26601 5318102 Amherst4254582 15183442634720 Appomattox03548 3967318245 Arlington344411614 15826250614221773 Augusta440532 60460182710621324 Bath85124310 94486235913517 Bedford615391208 663737584961783 Bedford *242163 4935736295 Bland042 3242280 Botetourt11849 1134962245200 Bristol *090 561063461 Brunswick31463 602328292 Buchanan221 010250 Buckingham7411334 622008459 Buena Vista *1256 71568412127 Campbell458169 12989142577322 Caroline52451 853517434356 Carroll8201144 57423887654337 C&C20052006200720082009201020112012 Charles City050 531891942757 Charlotte20330 69285714 Charlottesville *12080 5923106186214 Chesapeake *15185715 43323472814041234 Chesterfield5876193 6393061326401249 Clarke127348403 645222220316468 Colonial Heights *0313 722102 Covington *2586398 15313211811186 Craig19128 10610424289561 Culpeper53111641320 22122835251628092424 Cumberland861169 45144354 Danville *0034 111518416350 Dickenson4730242 4545815613048 Dinwiddie26118 5322628200173 Emporia *183711 562224200 Essex055212 16629045201 Fairfax154513043602 19333113314242742192 Fairfax *82143415 162326146223370 Falls Church *639066 178121142 Fauquier155039365434 52728804597084766269 Floyd8012426 87308169295230 Fluvanna4210595 87705262381
37 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 QSO Analysis Contacts in Counties and Independent Cities (2 of 3) C&C20052006200720082009201020112012 Franklin144844584 62657969411841130 Franklin *155828 84446823094 Frederick86322948 149405359615970 Fredericksburg *1328811222 2335267652445 Galax *3137 36476017120 Giles22240544 392448265626316 Glouchester37114 211811262256 Goochland278925624605 43463772352728983100 Grayson91148 868378426 Greene98305542 427456538624493 Greensville212911 5020 269 Halifax492630 661856162654 Hampton *62447 319515468313 Hanover3521511154 840206320852071949 Harrisonburg *113518 293503038321 Henrico1422221032 1136652134815101480 Henry1133 1088517229785 Highland0184 2808116 Hopewell *106 13182159139 Isle of Wight66124242 57398822589671935 James City15610760 10251312239857885 King & Queen2146 4155253432 C&C20052006200720082009201020112012 King George244686 44311 991860 King William1163 63303 27 Lancaster0126616 8916281032984602 Lee013 1465128724 Lexington *0258 6042691588 Loudoun129934653586 434786299178118438463 Louisa1342712 7113219658136 Lunenburg12459 497214955 Lynchburg *942786 32214753259168 Madison1532961 434447259373568 Manassas *111220109 101152117249382 Manassas Park *56196118 7612090302267 Martinsville *0060 208624025848 Mathews01052 2131876228200 Mecklenburg383949 593454553 Middlesex11347 304186241416 Montgomery11812801817 17512131197613612 Nelson10111287 23027547121157 New Kent012699 329311232161 Newport News *111654 2743129691930 Norfolk *518151 113291162214 Northampton30132 15187137155
38 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 QSO Analysis Contacts in Counties and Independent Cities (3 of 3) C&C20052006200720082009201020112012 Northumberland23140195 26714597620382307 Norton *120 02872522 Nottoway25610 2728200 Orange940175 1245006812841186 Page2868251237 910755627839778 Patrick1071793 384409652707361 Petersburg *2501 7017100 Pittsylvania2001109 92207776106563 Poquoson *7027 10211101 Portsmouth *3834108 146123693143 Powhatan5411662223 191911571922154 Prince Edward479120 5154327151 Prince George333319 604625103 Prince William39611663031 2125974258027282498 Pulaski72884 302 426 Radford *451 214545172 Rappahannock79440274 896298491335756 Richmond3646523 8768746107 Richmond *1914201 36777816934 Roanoke4493409 217144416593634 Roanoke *1017208 225108990801243 Rockbridge03776 10317712586226 Rockingham19108370 5626777101036798 C&C20052006200720082009201020112012 Russell05147342153939852 Salem *32012749913645375409 Scott539177611865910446 Shenandoah48200216643671129653 Smyth01153292115428253 Southampton143715651143781710 Spotsylvania2092325199409161397443 Stafford119316231295167110201311531235 Staunton *133586645843 22 Suffolk *14174487663759 Surry01122182205352237 Sussex125663304310205 Tazewell36026524897017716 Virginia Beach *92421108399310291897360506 Warren83357316415205454670832 Washington31910 1591211652 Waynesboro *3856424266352508390273 Westmoreland6892325303963150 Williamsburg *13921348510376115 Winchester *218916310391076541099 Wise1131447119021240129340 Wythe530451755222620 York235368462382169352310
39 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 2005 QSO Analysis
40 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 2006 QSO Analysis
41 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 2007 QSO Analysis
42 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 2008 QSO Analysis
43 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 2009 QSO Analysis
44 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 2010 QSO Analysis
45 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 2011 QSO Analysis
46 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 2012 QSO Analysis
47 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 Total QSOs by Year
48 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 Percent QSOs by QTH
49 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 High Club - Combined Score CVCC FARA LARG
50 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 Log Counts by Club Club201020112012 None Given108123126 Fauquier ARA353227 Loudoun ARG242517 Shenandoah Valley ARC4614 Potomac Valley Radio Club7813 Alexandria Radio Club5613 Sterling Park ARC151112 Roanoke Valley ARC11910 Central Virginia Contest Club101110 Chesapeake ARS Inc., W4CAR1068 Western Tidewater Radio Assoc7127 RARA Contest Group357 Vienna Wireless Society397 Ole Virginia Hams546 Frankford Radio Club436 Middle Peninsula ARC25 Florida Contest Group35 Club201020112012 Tennessee Contest Group544 Albemarle Amateur Radio Club344 QCWA Chapter 119973 Arlington Radio Public Service Club653 Arlington ARC453 New River Valley ARC23 Williamsburg Area ARC253 Yankee Clipper Contest Club23 Mad River Radio Club252 South East Contest Club22 Society of Midwest Contesters22 Culpeper ARA42 North Shenandoah DX Assoc22 Franklin County ARC951 Richmond Amateur Telecommunications Society5 Appalachian Contesters2 Patrick Henry ARA4
51 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 High Club – VA QSOs Only CVCC FARA LARG 1,279,016 211,090 176,660
52 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 Plaque Recipients by Club Club2006200720082009201020112012 Alabama Contest Club 1 Alamance ARC1 11121 Alexandria Contest Club 1 1 Arlington ARC 1 CVCC3343421 Fauquier ARA4534779 Franklin County ARC111121 Loudoun ARG1 1 122 Mad River Radio Club 1111 Mount Vernon ARC 11 None Stated / Other3335499 Not Awarded 2 Ontario Contest Club22 PVRC231 Rappackers Contest Group 23 Rockbridge ARC 1 South East Contest Club1 2 Sterling Park ARC 1 Tennessee Contest Group 3 VA DX Century Club1 Western Tidewater Radio Assoc 211 Williamsburg Area ARC 1
53 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 2012 All Time High Scores CategoryCall SignScoreYear High VA Single OP High PowerN4BAA387,4662006 High VA Single OP Low PowerKW4VA389,6582011 High Single OP Novice/Technician/RookieKJ4ZFE60,8422011 High Outside VA Single OPN4PN97,4762008 High Outside VA QRP (Phone/Mixed)WB8YYY22,1922011 High VA QRP (Phone/Mixed)WA4PGM87,4402003 High Single OP VHFN4RP/M40,3992012 High VA Club - Combined ScoreFARA2,243,6332011 High VA Mobile Multiple OperatorWA4PGM214,0002008 High VA Mobile Single OperatorKW4VA/M (K1RA)130,3502012 High Single OP CW High PowerW4AU194,7052011 High Single OP CW Low PowerN3UA192,5722011 High Multiple Op / Single TransmitterN4A352,2262008 High Multiple Op / Multiple TransmitterW4MYA1,178,5322010 High Single BandKC4VT127,1162010 High SO VA Counties/Independent CitiesW4VX982012 High DX Station All ModeCU2JT5,8822006 High Single Op Digital ModeWS4V28.3682009 High VA Single OP Phone Only High Power K3SK255,3482012 High VA Single OP Phone Only Low Power W4TMN117,9532009 High Expedition K4EG121,6102011 High VA Club – VA QSOs Only FARA1,279,0162012 High VA QRP CWK4ORD45,0442008 High Outside-VA QRP CWW8TM21,4822008 5 new all- time high scores set in 2012.
54 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 2012 VQP K4EG/P Expedition Steve, W1ES, in Patrick County. K4EG using dual Eagle One antennas tuned for 80/40M. K4EG began the VA QSO party in Patrick County in Meadows of Dan at 3000’ ASL. Doug, KF4VTT, on SSB in Carroll County with the foot switch in hand. Garner, KK4CLY, operating SSB in Henry County. KF4VTT operating SSB at Danville Community College
55 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 2012 VQP WA4BUE Rich, WA4BU3, working on Beverage antenna. Rich, WA4BUE, at the rig in Dinwiddle County.
56 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 2012 VQP Steve, KS1G, Bicycle Mobile
57 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 K1RA as KW4VA /M
58 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 Certificates
59 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1
Accomack Albemarle Alleghany Amelia Amherst Appomattox Arlington Augusta Bath Bedford Bland Botetourt Brunswick Buchanan Buckingham Campbell Caroline Henry Highland Isle of Wight James City King & Queen King George King William Lancaster Lee Loudoun Louisa Lunenburg Madison Powhatan Prince Edward Prince George Prince William Pulaski Rappahannock Richmond Roanoke Rockbridge Rockingham Russell Scott Shenandoah Alexandria Fairfax Manassas Richmond Bedford Falls Church Manassas Park Roanoke Bristol Franklin Martinsville Salem Buena Vista Fredericksburg Newport News Staunton Charlottesville Counties Independent Cities Mathews Mecklenburg Middlesex Montgomery Nelson New Kent Northampton Northumberland Nottoway Orange Page Patrick Pittsylvania Smyth Southampton Spotsylvania Stafford Surry Sussex Tazewell Warren Washington Westmoreland Wise Wythe York Floyd Fluvanna Franklin Frederick Giles Glouchester Goochland Grayson Greene Greensville Halifax Hanover Henrico Poquoson Williamsburg Danville Lexington Portsmouth Winchester Emporia Lynchburg Radford Carroll Charles City Charlotte Chesterfield Clarke Craig Culpeper Cumberland Dickenson Dinwiddie Essex Fairfax Fauquier Galax Norfolk Suffolk Chesapeake Hampton Norton VA Beach Colonial Heights Harrisonburg Petersburg Waynesboro Covington Hopewell Floral Emblem Dogwood State Bird Cardinal The Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club congratulates for promoting amateur radio activity in VA’s 95 Counties and 39 Independent Cities with your enthusiastic participation in this annual event.
61 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1
Accomack Albemarle Alleghany Amelia Amherst Appomattox Arlington Augusta Bath Bedford Bland Botetourt Brunswick Buchanan Buckingham Campbell Caroline Henry Highland Isle of Wight James City King & Queen King George King William Lancaster Lee Loudoun Louisa Lunenburg Madison Powhatan Prince Edward Prince George Prince William Pulaski Rappahannock Richmond Roanoke Rockbridge Rockingham Russell Scott Shenandoah Alexandria Bedford Bristol Buena Vista Charlottesville Chesapeake Colonial Heights Covington Danville Emporia Fairfax Falls Church Franklin Fredericksburg Galax Hampton Harrisonburg Counties Independent Cities Mathews Mecklenburg Middlesex Montgomery Nelson New Kent Northampton Northumberland Nottoway Orange Page Patrick Pittsylvania Smyth Southampton Spotsylvania Stafford Surry Sussex Tazewell Warren Washington Westmoreland Wise Wythe York Floyd Fluvanna Franklin Frederick Giles Gloucester Goochland Grayson Greene Greensville Halifax Hanover Henrico Carroll Charles City Charlotte Chesterfield Clarke Craig Culpeper Cumberland Dickenson Dinwiddie Essex Fairfax Fauquier State Fish Brook Trout (adopted in 1993) State Insect Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly (adopted in 1991) The Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club congratulates for promoting amateur radio activity in VA’s 95 Counties and 39 Independent Cities with your enthusiastic participation in this annual event. Hopewell Lexington Lynchburg Manassas Manassas Park Martinsville Newport News Norfolk Norton Petersburg Poquoson Portsmouth Radford Richmond Roanoke Salem Staunton Suffolk VA Beach Waynesboro Williamsburg Winchester
Accomack Albemarle Alleghany Amelia Amherst Appomattox Arlington Augusta Bath Bedford Bland Botetourt Brunswick Buchanan Buckingham Campbell Caroline Henry Highland Isle of Wight James City King & Queen King George King William Lancaster Lee Loudoun Louisa Lunenburg Madison Powhatan Prince Edward Prince George Prince William Pulaski Rappahannock Richmond Roanoke Rockbridge Rockingham Russell Scott Shenandoah Alexandria Bedford Bristol Buena Vista Charlottesville Chesapeake Colonial Heights Covington Danville Emporia Fairfax Falls Church Franklin Fredericksburg Galax Hampton Harrisonburg Counties Independent Cities Mathews Mecklenburg Middlesex Montgomery Nelson New Kent Northampton Northumberland Nottoway Orange Page Patrick Pittsylvania Smyth Southampton Spotsylvania Stafford Surry Sussex Tazewell Warren Washington Westmoreland Wise Wythe York Floyd Fluvanna Franklin Frederick Giles Gloucester Goochland Grayson Greene Greensville Halifax Hanover Henrico Carroll Charles City Charlotte Chesterfield Clarke Craig Culpeper Cumberland Dickenson Dinwiddie Essex Fairfax Fauquier The Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club congratulates for promoting amateur radio activity in Virginia’s 95 Counties and 39 Independent Cities with your enthusiastic participation in this annual event. Hopewell Lexington Lynchburg Manassas Manassas Park Martinsville Newport News Norfolk Norton Petersburg Poquoson Portsmouth Radford Richmond Roanoke Salem Staunton Suffolk Virginia Beach Waynesboro Williamsburg Winchester Smithfield Ham Chincoteague Pony
Accomack Albemarle Alleghany Amelia Amherst Appomattox Arlington Augusta Bath Bedford Bland Botetourt Brunswick Buchanan Buckingham Campbell Caroline Henry Highland Isle of Wight James City King & Queen King George King William Lancaster Lee Loudoun Louisa Lunenburg Madison Powhatan Prince Edward Prince George Prince William Pulaski Rappahannock Richmond Roanoke Rockbridge Rockingham Russell Scott Shenandoah Alexandria Bedford Bristol Buena Vista Charlottesville Chesapeake Colonial Heights Covington Danville Emporia Fairfax Falls Church Franklin Fredericksburg Galax Hampton Harrisonburg Counties Independent Cities Mathews Mecklenburg Middlesex Montgomery Nelson New Kent Northampton Northumberland Nottoway Orange Page Patrick Pittsylvania Smyth Southampton Spotsylvania Stafford Surry Sussex Tazewell Warren Washington Westmoreland Wise Wythe York Floyd Fluvanna Franklin Frederick Giles Gloucester Goochland Grayson Greene Greensville Halifax Hanover Henrico Carroll Charles City Charlotte Chesterfield Clarke Craig Culpeper Cumberland Dickenson Dinwiddie Essex Fairfax Fauquier The Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club congratulates for promoting amateur radio activity in Virginia’s 95 Counties and 39 Independent Cities with your enthusiastic participation in this annual event. Hopewell Lexington Lynchburg Manassas Manassas Park Martinsville Newport News Norfolk Norton Petersburg Poquoson Portsmouth Radford Richmond Roanoke Salem Staunton Suffolk Virginia Beach Waynesboro Williamsburg Winchester Hanover Tomato Virginia Peanut
65 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 Accomack Albemarle Alleghany Amelia Amherst Appomattox Arlington Augusta Bath Bedford Bland Botetourt Brunswick Buchanan Buckingham Campbell Caroline Henry Highland Isle of Wight James City King & Queen King George King William Lancaster Lee Loudoun Louisa Lunenburg Madison Powhatan Prince Edward Prince George Prince William Pulaski Rappahannock Richmond Roanoke Rockbridge Rockingham Russell Scott Shenandoah Alexandria Bedford Bristol Buena Vista Charlottesville Chesapeake Colonial Heights Covington Danville Emporia Fairfax Falls Church Franklin Fredericksburg Galax Hampton Harrisonburg Counties Independent Cities Mathews Mecklenburg Middlesex Montgomery Nelson New Kent Northampton Northumberland Nottoway Orange Page Patrick Pittsylvania Smyth Southampton Spotsylvania Stafford Surry Sussex Tazewell Warren Washington Westmoreland Wise Wythe York Floyd Fluvanna Franklin Frederick Giles Gloucester Goochland Grayson Greene Greensville Halifax Hanover Henrico Carroll Charles City Charlotte Chesterfield Clarke Craig Culpeper Cumberland Dickenson Dinwiddie Essex Fairfax Fauquier The Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club congratulates for promoting amateur radio activity in Virginia’s 95 Counties and 39 Independent Cities with your enthusiastic participation in this annual event. Hopewell Lexington Lynchburg Manassas Manassas Park Martinsville Newport News Norfolk Norton Petersburg Poquoson Portsmouth Radford Richmond Roanoke Salem Staunton Suffolk Virginia Beach Waynesboro Williamsburg Winchester State Tree Flowering Dogwood State Shell Crassostraea virginica
66 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 Accomack Albemarle Alleghany Amelia Amherst Appomattox Arlington Augusta Bath Bedford Bland Botetourt Brunswick Buchanan Buckingham Campbell Caroline Henry Highland Isle of Wight James City King & Queen King George King William Lancaster Lee Loudoun Louisa Lunenburg Madison Powhatan Prince Edward Prince George Prince William Pulaski Rappahannock Richmond Roanoke Rockbridge Rockingham Russell Scott Shenandoah Alexandria Bedford Bristol Buena Vista Charlottesville Chesapeake Colonial Heights Covington Danville Emporia Fairfax Falls Church Franklin Counties Independent Cities Mathews Mecklenburg Middlesex Montgomery Nelson New Kent Northampton Northumberland Nottoway Orange Page Patrick Pittsylvania Smyth Southampton Spotsylvania Stafford Surry Sussex Tazewell Warren Washington Westmoreland Wise Wythe York Floyd Fluvanna Franklin Frederick Giles Gloucester Goochland Grayson Greene Greensville Halifax Hanover Henrico Carroll Charles City Charlotte Chesterfield Clarke Craig Culpeper Cumberland Dickenson Dinwiddie Essex Fairfax Fauquier The Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club thanks for promoting amateur radio activity in Virginia’s 95 Counties and 39 Independent Cities through enthusiastic participation in this annual event. Fredericksburg Galax Hampton Harrisonburg Hopewell Lexington Lynchburg Manassas Manassas Park Martinsville Newport News Norfolk Norton Petersburg Poquoson Portsmouth Radford Richmond Roanoke Salem Staunton Suffolk Virginia Beach Waynesboro Williamsburg Winchester Mahlon Loomis (1826-1886) First Wireless Telegraphy QSO occurred between two stations in Loudoun County, VA in October 1866.
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69 20130105_2013_VQP_Prebrief_v1 See you on the air! 73, Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club
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