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COL Helen Viscount, PhD, D(ABMM) LTC Steven Mahlen, PhD, D(ABMM)

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Presentation on theme: "COL Helen Viscount, PhD, D(ABMM) LTC Steven Mahlen, PhD, D(ABMM)"— Presentation transcript:

1 COL Helen Viscount, PhD, D(ABMM) LTC Steven Mahlen, PhD, D(ABMM)
The Beta-Lactamase Family: Classification, Detection, and Interpretive Criteria COL Helen Viscount, PhD, D(ABMM) LTC Steven Mahlen, PhD, D(ABMM)

2 Transplant patient Extremely resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae recovered
Sensitive only to colistin and gentamicin Patient put in isolation Isolate transmitted to 10 other patients Outcomes: 4/5 with bacteremia died 1 other died 2 with renal failure Only 4/11 discharged without renal failure Ampicillin: R Pip/tazo: R Ceftazidime: R Ceftriaxone: R Cefepime: R Imipenem: R Meropenem: R Aztreonam: R Amikacin: R Tobramycin: R Trimeth/sulfa: R Fluoroquinolones: R Gentamicin: S Colistin: S

3 Nursing home resident 83 years old Pneumonia Blood cultures +
Admitted to ICU Started on ceftriaxone and levofloxacin Blood cultures + K. pneumoniae Based on sensi’s: No more levo Kept on ceftriaxone Patient got worse Had to be ventilated Ampicillin: R Pip/tazo: S Cefazolin: R Ceftazidime: I Ceftriaxone: S Cefepime: S Imipenem: S Aztreonam: S Tobramycin: S Trimeth/sulfa: R Levofloxacin: I Ciprofloxacin: I Gentamicin: S

4 Objectives At the end of this workshop the attendee should be able to distinguish ESBL positive from carbapenemase- producing bacteria At the end of this workshop the attendee should be able to describe a method to screen for ESBLs At the end of this workshop the attendee should be able to interpret the results of the modified Hodge Test

5 Beta-lactam antibiotics
Penicillins Ampicillin Amoxicillin Piperacillin Cephalosporins (generations) 1st gen: cephalothin 2nd gen (cephamycins): cefoxitin, cefotetan 3rd gen: ceftazidime, cefotaxime, ceftriaxone 4th gen: cefepime

6 Beta-lactam antibiotics
Monobactam: aztreonam Carbapenems: Imipenem Meropenem Ertapenem Inhibitors Sulbactam (ampicillin/sulbactam: Unasyn) Tazobactam (piperacillin/tazobactam: Zosyn) Clavulanate (amoxicillin/clavulanate: Augmentin)

7 Mechanisms of Resistance
Altered target (Gram negative/positive) Altered permeability (Gram negative) Production of inactivating enzymes (Gram negative/positive)

8 Gram-negative cell Gram-positive cell Outer membrane Peptidoglycan
Penicillin Binding proteins (PBPs) Inner (cytoplasmic) membrane

9 Alteration of Target Resistance to -lactams via altered penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) MRSA Vancomycin resistance in enterococci Fluoroquinolone resistance

10 Altered Permeability Passive diffusion of Gram-negative cell wall
Mutate outer membrane proteins Active efflux

11 Active Efflux

12 Production of Inactivating Enzymes
Chloramphenicol acetyltransferase Aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes -Lactamases

13 -Lactamases Well over 340 different enzymes
Extended spectrum -lactamases (ESBLs) AmpC -lactamases Chromosomal Plasmid-mediated Carbapenemases

14 -Lactamases First -lactamase identified: AmpC beta-lactamase
1940, Escherichia coli 1940, penicillinase, Staphylococcus aureus First plasmid-mediated -lactamase: TEM-1 1965, Escherichia coli, Greece

15 -Lactamase Activity C N H R-CONH S COOH CH3 O -lactam Enzyme-Ser-OH

16 -Lactamase Activity H H S R-CONH C C CH3 O C N CH3 O H COOH HOH Ser

17 L    L     L         L    L  L     L  
b-lactamase production L L

18 Types of Beta-Lactamases
ESBLs AmpCs Carbapenemases

19 ESBLs

20 ESBLs Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs) are mutant enzymes with a broader range of activity than their parent molecules They: Hydrolyze 3rd and 4th gen cephalosporins and aztreonam Do not affect cephamycins (2nd gen ceph) or carbapenems Remain susceptible to beta-lactamase inhibitors

21 ESBLs The most common plasmid-mediated ß-lactamases in Enterobacteriaceae are TEM-1, TEM-2, and SHV-1 TEM: Escherichia coli Named after first patient with a urinary tract infection that was not treatable with ampicillin Her name: Temorina SHV: Klebsiella pneumoniae “Sulfhydryl variant”; amino acids in the enzyme that cross-link with other molecules “Classical” ESBLs are derived from TEM and SHV enzymes “Non-classical” ESBLs are derived from enzymes other than TEM or SHV

22 Classical ESBLs Primarily found in E. coli and Klebsiella spp.
Differ from their parent TEM or SHV enzymes by only 1-4 amino acids >100 TEM- or SHV-derived beta-lactamases have been described – most are ESBLs

23 Non-classical ESBLs Many described, but less common than classical ESBLs CTX-M Found in multiple genera of Enterobacteriaceae Preferentially hydrolyze cefotaxime U.S., Europe, South America, Japan, Canada OXA Mainly in P. aeruginosa Primarily hydrolyze ceftazidime France, Turkey

24 ESBL Epidemiology ESBLs first appeared in Europe in the mid-1980s
Worldwide, but prevalence varies widely geographically and between institutions U.S. national average for ESBLs in Enterobacteriaceae ~3%

25 ESBL Epidemiology ESBL producers especially prevalent in ICUs and long term care facilities Becoming more widespread in the community also Have been associated with outbreaks Typically arise in ICU Plasmid transfer between GNRs Organism transfer between patients Control of outbreaks Infection control practice – isolation Restriction of 3rd and 4th generation cephalosporins Antimicrobial cycling

26 Clinical Significance
Despite appearing susceptible to one or more penicillins, cephalosporins, or aztreonam in vitro, the use of these agents to treat infections due to ESBL-producers has been associated with poor clinical outcome

27 Clinical Significance
ESBL genes are often carried on plasmids that also encode resistance to multiple classes of antimicrobials Aminoglycosides, Fluoroquinolones Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole Treatment experience is largely based on classical ESBL producers Carbapenems ß-lactam/inhibitor combinations

28 Typical ESBL Susceptibility Profile
Amp: R Piperacillin: R Pip/tazo: S Cefazolin: R Cefoxitin: S Ceftazidime: S Ceftriaxone: R Cefepime: R Aztreonam: S Imipenem/meropenem: S Amp: R Piperacillin: R Pip/tazo: S Cefazolin: R Cefoxitin: S Ceftazidime: R Ceftriaxone: R Cefepime: R Aztreonam: R Imipenem/meropenem: S

29 AmpCs

30 AmpC: General Chromosomal Escherichia coli Citrobacter freundii
Enterobacter aerogenes, E. cloacae Serratia marcescens Morganella morganii Hafnia alvei Providencia rettgeri, P. stuartii Pseudomonas aeruginosa Aeromonas sp.

31 AmpC: General Are not inhibited by -lactamase inhibitors
Normally are repressed, so produced at low levels Chromosomal: inducible In all except E. coli In the presence of certain -lactam antibiotics Normally, produced at low levels Plasmid-mediated also

32 The AmpC of E. coli Chromosomal, but not inducible
Normally expressed at low levels Regulated by a growth rate-dependent attenuation mechanism Can become highly expressed with mutations Amp: S Amox/clav: S Piperacillin: S Pip/tazo: S Cefoxitin: S Ceftazidime: S Ceftriaxone: S Cefepime: S Aztreonam: S Imipenem/meropenem: S

33 AmpC Induction and Derepression
Is induction clinically relevant? True danger—mutation in induction pathway “Derepressed mutant” fold more enzyme produced than normal

34 Chromosomal AmpC profile
Normal Amp: R Amox/clav: R Piperacillin: S Pip/tazo: S Cefoxitin: R Ceftazidime: S Ceftriaxone: S Cefepime: S Aztreonam: S Imipenem/meropenem: S Derepressed profile Amp: R Amox/clav: R Piperacillin: R Pip/tazo: R Cefoxitin: R Ceftazidime: R Ceftriaxone: R Cefepime: S Aztreonam: R Imipenem/meropenem: S

35 Plasmid-Mediated AmpCs (pAmpC)
First true proof of AmpC on plasmid: 1988 MIR-1, found in Klebsiella pneumoniae 90% identical to E. cloacae ampC Some are also inducible (DHA-1) Most frequently found in K. pneumoniae Also commonly found in: K. oxytoca Salmonella sp. P. mirabilis E. coli, E. aerogenes also

36 pAmpCs: Distribution World-wide distribution
Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East, North America, South America, Central America CMY-2 is most prevalent globally Algeria, France, Germany, Greece, India, Pakistan, Taiwan, Turkey, UK, US

37 ESBLs vs AmpCs ESBLs AmpCs S R Cefoxitin, cefotetan
Inhibitors (pip/tazo, amp/sulbactam, amox/clav) S R Cefoxitin, cefotetan Ceftazidime, ceftriaxone Cefepime S/R

38 Carbapenemases

39 Carbapenemases Carbapenem resistance:
High level production of chromosomal AmpC with decreased outer membrane permeability (porins) E. cloacae, E. aerogenes C. freundii E. coli S. marcescens K. pneumoniae (porins)

40 Carbapenemases Carbapenem resistance:
Changes in affinity of PBPs for carbapenems Carbapenemases Frequently, bugs that produce a carbapenemase produce other -lactamases

41 Carbapenemases KPC (plasmid, K. pneumoniae)
“Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase” IMI-1 (plasmid, E. cloacae) Nmc-A (plasmid, E. cloacae) Sme-1 (plasmid S. marcescens) IMP-1 (plasmid, S. marcescens, P. aeruginosa) L-1 (chromosomal, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia)

42 Carbapenemases: Profile
R to carbapenems, penicillins, cephalosporins S or R to aztreonam, depending on enzyme So the key: Look for intermediate or R to imipenem or meropenem!

43 KPC Infection control emergency!!!
May test sensitive to carbapenems though! Extensive multidrug resistance (XDR) Very rapid spread Empiric therapy: colistin + tigecycline KPC 1-8

44 Further reading Yang, 2007. Ann. Pharmocother. 41:1427-1435
Jacoby, Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 22: Black et al, J. Clin. Microbiol. 43: Livermore et al, J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 48 Suppl 1: Pfaller and Segreti, Clin. Infect. Dis. 42: S


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