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Persuasive Strategies and the High School Kansas Writing Assessment February 2008 Matt Copeland, KSDE Writing Consultant 785-296-5060

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1 Persuasive Strategies and the High School Kansas Writing Assessment February 2008 Matt Copeland, KSDE Writing Consultant 785-296-5060

2 The Kansas Writing Assessment Required biennially, but can be given on “off years” as a local option At the high school level, it can be given to students in grades 9, 10, or 11 under Opportunity to Learn (OTL) Requires four approximately 45-minute sessions Scored both locally and at the state level using a 6- TRAIT analytic rubric NOT a part of AYP but IS a part of QPA

3 Writing and QPA For the 2006-2007 school year, writing performance was added to the QPA process as a requirement for all schools. Writing scores for 2007 were for informational purposes to help schools guide writing instruction for 2009 when writing scores will “count” toward accreditation.

4 QPA Writing Targets QPA writing goals have been established to tie student writing achievement to school accreditation. 5th Grade67% of students meeting or exceeding standard 8th Grade73% of students meeting or exceeding standard High School76% of students meeting or exceeding standard * Unlike the AYP targets, these numbers are static and will remain constant over time.

5 Student Performance Levels Determined by a student’s composite score: Cut Scores Exemplary4.40 Exceeds Standard3.75 Meets Standard3.00 Approaches Standard2.30 Academic Warning< 2.30

6 Composite Score Formula Ideas and Content scoreX 3= ____ Organization scoreX 3= ____ Voice scoreX 2= ____ Word Choice scoreX 2= ____ Sentence Fluency scoreX 1= ____ Conventions scoreX 1= ____ Sum / 12

7 Changes to the Writing Assessment for 2008 – 2009 “We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten.” – Bill Gates

8 In June 2007 a group of about 30 writing teachers from across the state began meeting to discuss changes to the Kansas Writing Assessment.

9 Changes for 2008-2009 Kansas Writing Assessment all new student prompt format new subject matter for students to write about updated scoring rubrics with descriptors for the “2” and “4” ratings a return to both local and state scoring a suggested procedure for local scoring

10 Assigned Writing Forms Fifth graders will write to prompts that ask for writing of a factual, personal narrative nature. Eighth graders will write to prompts that ask for expository essays that explain an idea or concept. High school students will write to prompts that ask for persuasive essays (as opposed to persuasive letters).

11 Changes to Rubrics for the Kansas Writing Assessment Changes to format: descriptors organized under four criteria within each trait landscape orientation “checkbox” bullets Changes to content: descriptors added for the ‘2’ and ‘4’ levels Labels for the point levels of the rubric were changed to better reflected the stages of the writing process Drafts of ‘new’ scoring rubrics are available on the KSDE Writing Homepage.

12 Updated Rubrics D R A F T

13 Any Feedback on the ‘New’ Rubrics?

14 Suggested Scoring Procedures Includes: General suggested procedures for local scoring Suggested procedures for scoring each essay Drafts of the Proposed Suggested Scoring Procedures are available for public comment on the KSDE Website:

15 Suggested procedures for scoring each essay: Determine which set of descriptors best describe the essay for each of four criteria within a given trait Then, scorers should use the four criteria levels they identified to inform the rating of the overall trait Suggested Scoring Procedures

16 Suggested Procedure for Scoring an Essay

17 Any Feedback on the Suggested Procedure for Scoring Individual Essays?

18 New Prompts at the HS Level Writing “prompts” versus writing “topics” Wanted to avoid requiring the classic “essay of opposing ideas” form that requires antipodal thinking and writing—the words “debate” or “argument” do not appear Strong desire to provide students flexibility in selecting content and crafting an argument—as much student choice as a large- scale, standardized assessment could allow Wanted to provide some examples of the type of content a student might choose to include Wanted to provide some “helpful hints” as to the characteristics of strong persuasive writing

19 Anatomy of the New Prompts Writing Situation The first sentence provides the background for the writing assignment and the general topic. The remaining sentences help writers consider different aspects of the topic, realize that they know enough about the topic to write, and focus their individual responses. Directions for Writing The first sentence identifies the nature/form of the writing (an essay) and also identifies an audience. The remaining sentences remind students to help their audience understand their ideas by giving many details and examples to support their ideas and, at the high school level, also direct students to address opposing viewpoints.

20 Sample High School Prompt (this is not a “real” prompt, merely an instructional example) Topic 3A Healthier Alternative to Fast Food Writing Situation Many people discuss whether fast food restaurants should be required to serve healthier foods. For example, many people believe this requirement would help people eat better and live longer, healthier lives. However, others think individuals should decide for themselves what food to eat. Imagine that a group of lawmakers was gathering to consider these opinions and the various other opinions on this issue. Directions for Writing Write an essay in which you persuade that group of lawmakers to accept your position on requiring fast food restaurants to serve healthier foods. Help your audience to understand the logic of your viewpoint by providing convincing reasons and specific examples to support your position and by addressing possible objections to your point of view.

21 Any Feedback on the New Student Prompts?

22 What’s the Big Deal about Writing? Approximately 70% of students in grades 4-12 are low- achieving writers. (Persky et al., 2003) Thirty-five percent of high school graduates in college and 38% of high school graduates in the workforce feel their writing does not meet expectations for quality. (Achieve, Inc., 2005) More than half of employers say writing skills impact promotion decisions. (National Commission on Writing, 2005) Writing remediation costs American businesses as much as $3.1 billion annually. (National Commission on Writing, 2004)

23 Among the Recommendations for Improving Student Writing 1. 1.School districts should insist that writing be taught in all subjects and at all grade levels. 2. 2. Every teacher should be required to successfully complete a course in writing theory and practice as a condition for teacher licensing. 3. 3.Schools should aim to double the amount of time most students spend writing. (National Commission on Writing, 2003)

24 What can we do to improve student writing in our district, our state, and our country? How can we better prepare high school students for the Kansas Writing Assessment? How can we strengthen our students’ writing skills for their chosen academic and career paths? The Rest of Our Time Today

25 Persuasive Strategies for Writing

26 Who’s Ready for a Little Aristotelian Logic and Rhetoric?

27 Four Persuasive Strategies from Aristotelian Rhetoric 1. 1. Logos 2. 2. Pathos 3. 3. Ethos 4. 4. Kairos

28 Logos Example: A Snickers bar has 280 calories and 30 grams of sugar. That’s not very healthy. Using logic, facts, numbers, and/or dates to support your argument. Four Persuasive Strategies from Aristotelian Rhetoric

29 Pathos Example: Your donation might just get this puppy off the street and into a good home. Appealing to your audience’s emotions. Four Persuasive Strategies from Aristotelian Rhetoric

30 Ethos Example: Believe me! I’ve been there before. I’m just like you. Making yourself seem trustworthy and believable. Four Persuasive Strategies from Aristotelian Rhetoric

31 Kairos Example: This is a one-time offer. You can’t get this price after today. Building a sense of urgency to convince your audience that this issue is so important they must act now. Four Persuasive Strategies from Aristotelian Rhetoric

32 But where do we find the information to make those arguments? Prior knowledge Research (both formal and informal)

33 Formal Research Example: A recent study found that students who watch TV during the week don’t do as well in school. Use scientific, published research to make the argument more convincing.

34 Informal Research Use information gained from experience, interviews, anecdotes, etc. to make the argument more convincing. Example: Many friends and acquaintances of mine spend more hours per week watching TV than they do sleeping.

35 Ten Other Persuasive Strategies and Considerations 1. 1. Repetition 2. 2. Reasons Why 3. 3. Consistency 4. 4. Social Proof 5. 5. Make Comparisons 6. 6. Agitate and Solve 7. 7. Prognosticate 8. 8. Go Tribal 9. 9. Address Objections 10. 10. Storytelling

36 Additional Persuasive Writing Strategies Repetition A person can’t agree with you if they don’t truly get what you’re saying. Of course, there’s good repetition and bad. To stay on the good side, make your point in several different ways, such as directly, using an example, in a story, via a quotation from a famous person, and once more in your summary.

37 Additional Persuasive Writing Strategies Reasons Why Honor the power of the word because. Psychological studies have shown that people are more likely to comply with a request if you simply give them a reason why… even if that reason makes no sense. We don’t like to be told things or asked to take action without a reasonable explanation.

38 Additional Persuasive Writing Strategies Consistency Consistency is associated with integrity and rational behavior; inconsistency is associated with instability and flightiness. Get the reader to agree with something up front with which most people would have a hard time disagreeing. Then, rigorously make your case and relate your ultimate point back to the opening scenario that’s already been accepted.

39 Additional Persuasive Writing Strategies Social Proof Guidance from others as to what to do and what to accept is one of the most powerful psychological forces in our lives. Obvious examples of social proof can be found in testimonials and outside referrals, and it’s the driving force behind social media. But you can also casually integrate elements of social proof in your writing, ranging from skillful alignment with outside authorities to blatant name dropping.

40 Additional Persuasive Writing Strategies Make Comparisons Metaphors, similes, and analogies are the persuasive writer’s best friends. When you can relate your argument to something that the reader already accepts as true, you’re well on your way to convincing someone to see things your way. But comparisons work in other ways too. Sometimes you can be more persuasive by comparing apples to oranges (to use a tired but effective metaphor). Don’t compare the price of a college degree from one university to another—compare it to the price of never getting a degree at all.

41 Additional Persuasive Writing Strategies Agitate and Solve First, outline the problem for your audience. Then, agitate the reader’s pain before offering your solution as the answer that will make it all better. The agitation phase is not about being sadistic; it’s about empathy. You want the reader to know unequivocally that you understand his or her problem because you’ve dealt with it and/or are experienced at eliminating it. The credibility of your solution goes way up if you demonstrate that you truly feel the prospect’s pain.

42 Additional Persuasive Writing Strategies Prognosticate Provide readers with a glimpse into the future. Presenting an extrapolation of current events into likely future outcomes can be very convincing. However, this entire strategy is a gamble built on credibility. If you have no idea what you’re talking about, you’ll end up looking foolish. But if you can back up your claims with your credentials or your obvious grasp of the subject matter, this is an extremely persuasive technique.

43 Additional Persuasive Writing Strategies Go Tribal Despite our attempts to be sophisticated, evolved beings, we humans are exclusionary by nature. Give someone a chance to be a part of a group that they want to be in—whether that be wealthy, or hip, or green, or even contrarian—and they’ll hop on board whatever train you’re driving. Find out what group your audience generally wants to be in, and craft your argument so that your solution offers them an invitation to join while seemingly excluding others.

44 Additional Persuasive Writing Strategies Address Objections If you present your case and someone is left thinking “yeah, but…”, you’ve lost. Addressing all the potential objections of your readers will be nearly impossible, but if you really know your subject the arguments against you should be fairly obvious. If you think there are no reasonable objections to your position, you’re in for a shock!

45 Additional Persuasive Writing Strategies Storytelling Storytelling works so well because it lies at the very heart of persuasion. Stories allow people to put themselves in the shoes of others and live imagined lives. You might say that we never convince anyone of anything—we simply help others independently decide that we’re right.

46 Activity One Identifying Persuasive Strategies: Identify one example of each of the 14 persuasive strategies from Barack Obama’s Presidential campaign announcement on February 10, 2007.

47 Activity Two Applying Persuasive Strategies: Brainstorm possible content for each of the persuasive strategies based on one of the instructional example prompts.

48 The Top-12 ‘Most Persuasive’ Strategies 1. 1. Share facts (15.5%) 2. 2. Offer a solution (15.2%) 3. 3. Involve the audience (14.9%) 4. 4. Share a story (7.5%) 5. 5. Build trust (7.2%) 6. 6. Create excitement (5.9%) 7. 7. Change a perception (5.8%) 8. 8. Offer inspiration (5.2%) 9. 9. Share a new idea (4.4%) 10. 10. Appeal to emotions (4.3%) 11. 11. Use humor (4.1%) 12. 12. Get competitive (3.1%) A research study asked business people to identify the most effective persuasive strategy: Gordon (2005)

49 Communication from KSDE about Writing KSDE Writing Homepage—Standards, Assessment, and Resources KSDE Writing ListServ (email me to be added to this list) Contact me directly Phone (785) 296-5060 Email

50 Bibliography Achieve, Inc. (2005). Rising to the challenge: Are high school graduates prepared for college and work? Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved January 16, 2008, from Gordon, J. (2005). Presentations that change minds. Columbus, OH: McGraw-Hill. National Commission on Writing (2003). The neglected ‘R’: The need for a writing revolution. Retrieved January 16, 2008, from National Commission on Writing. (2004). Writing: A ticket to work… or a ticket out: A survey of business leaders. Retrieved January 16, 2008, from National Commission on Writing. (2005). Writing: A powerful message from state government. Retrieved January 16, 2008, from Persky, H.R., Daane, M.C., & Jin, Y. (2003). The nation’s report card: Writing 2002. (NCES 2003—529). U.S. Department of Education. Institute of Education Sciences. National Center for Education Statistics. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.

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