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Mulch Study Group By Nate Nauman :D Josh Gaskins :P Noah Dusich Dillan Jaras :P and Emma Saxton.

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Presentation on theme: "Mulch Study Group By Nate Nauman :D Josh Gaskins :P Noah Dusich Dillan Jaras :P and Emma Saxton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mulch Study Group By Nate Nauman :D Josh Gaskins :P Noah Dusich Dillan Jaras :P and Emma Saxton

2 Problems with Black Mulch:D :) :P :O =D (>.. *o*)> 8o <.. One Big problem with black mulch is that sometimes the dyes or chemicals in the wood leech the plants ( suck the life out of plants) According to several studies conducted by the SoloGabirele and Townsend, Tolaymat and Blassino, in 1999 to 2002 they were studying black mulch to see what is in it. What they found was chromatic copper arsenic. ALSO mercury.=D

3 What is mulch used for?!?!?!?!?!? + Mulch is to make all of the flowers in you garden look wonderful. Mulch can also be used to cover something up that you do not like about your garden. There are other things that you could do with mulch but there is to much to talk about.=D

4 Chemicals Harmful to Fish Black mulch is the color of the mulch in the courtyard. Black mulch must be dyed to get its' color, so a natural color, such as brown, would be a better choice of color to keep the pond safe. Mercury is a byproduct of coal, the most common dyeing material of black mulch. Mercury is a very harmful material and can poison the fish. Mulch is also full of preservitives, all of which rub off in the rain or sun, leaking into the pond and harming fish.

5 What Are Black Mulch Dyeing Ingredients? Most common mulch ingredient is coal. Water-based paints and natural vegetable dyes are also commonly used. Black mulch also includes dyes made from materials created by incomplete petroleum combustion. Also this type of dye should be avoided from plants because it can be both harmful and dangerous.

6 Risks of Black Mulch!Risks of Black Mulch! Some factories use chromae copper arsenate ( a toxic element to garden plants an other living things Also some black Mulch that contains plastic will also contain zinc, benzene, and other potentially harmful substances. Thats why some scientist think it's best to use raw mulch so you know it's been naturally made.

7 Do you know what Mulch Is? Mulch is any material used to prevent weed growth and to gain soil moisture. It's shredded wood, straw, leaves or a man made material like shredded tires. Black Mulch does not have to do with any scientific facts it's just to make your yard look nicer. However, whatever mulch you put on your lawn and garden will wear down and make up for he soil. Because of this black mulch may include ingredients that some gardeners try to avoid.

8 Questions And Answers These questions are from the slides above: Q: What type of mulch is in the courtyard? Q: What's a better choice for the pond? Black or Natural(Brown) ? Q: What type of material can poison fish? Q: What is mulch?!?!? By: Josh and Dillan =D (>*o*)> <(*o*<)

9 Answers for Questions!!! These are the answers for the questions in the previous slide: 1.Black Mulch 2.Natural Mulch 3.Mercury 4.Any material to prevent weed growth and gain soil moisture.

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