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CMV virus in lung -- both cytoplasm and nucleus enlarged.

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Presentation on theme: "CMV virus in lung -- both cytoplasm and nucleus enlarged."— Presentation transcript:

1 CMV virus in lung -- both cytoplasm and nucleus enlarged

2 CMV -- gastric biopsy with huge cells in glands

3 Fungus -- branching hyphae with septa

4 Soap bubble lesion Cryptococcus -- mucin stain in brain, thick capsule Initially starts in lung and disseminates to brain -- Verchow-Robbin’s space

5 Broad based budding Blastomycoses

6 Room temp Blastomycoses -- mold phase

7 Entamoeba histolyca -- trophozoites -- cytoplasm much larger than nucleus -- secretes perforin and creates flask shaped ulcers

8 Leprosy

9 Staph aureus sepsis in heart

10 Spinal Fluid -- neutrophils with gram (+) diplococci

11 Neuts in synovial fluid -- Neisseria gonorrhoeae in neuts -- gram (-) coccus - produces protease which inactiveate IgA

12 Gonorrheal urethral discharge

13 Endocarditis Physical exam findings? Heart murmur, splinter hemorrhages, Osler’s node

14 Coccidioides immitis -- huge spherules Cause what disease? Valley fever

15 Coccidiodomycosis -- spherule with endospores

16 Cryptococcus -- mucin stain

17 Histoplasmosis peripheral blood smear -- esp in immunocompromised pts

18 Histoplasmosis -- fibrosing mediastinum

19 Blastomycosis - verrucous lesions with central healing Contact with what animal? Beavers

20 Broad based budding Blastomyces dermatididis Neut response forming microabscesses

21 Hookworm teeth

22 Giardia lamblia -- it looks back at you Symptoms? Cramping, bloating, smelly steatorrhea

23 Ascaris worm bolus creating intestinal obstruction

24 Roundworm

25 Toxoplamosis cyst in brain -- calcifications of CT, skin rash, poor nursing, blueberry muffin baby Part of ToRCH

26 Syphilis with silver stain

27 CMV in salivary gland

28 Herpes - multinucleated cells with nuclear inclusions

29 Herpes inclusions

30 Herpes vesicles/blisters -- contagious

31 Herpes on the eye

32 Football shaped larvae in stools? Pinworm

33 Measles -- Clinical Symptoms? Koplike spots on oral mucosa, rash on trunk then extremities

34 Primary syphilitic chancre -- non-painful

35 Secondary syphilis -- also have gumma formation

36 Chlamydia -- usually silent infection -- less discharge-- mononuclear cells with vacuoles and inclusions

37 Lymphocytes with “downy” appearance, pt with elevated white count and hepatosplenomegaly Mononucleosis

38 Chronic granulomatous disease -- deficient hydrogen peroxide production, so catalase (+) bacterial infections common (S. aureus, gram (-) enterics, Pseudomonas, most fungi) -- lymph node with epitheliod cells

39 Severe oral candiasis -- can tell by rim around lesion

40 Mucor -- immunocompromised patient

41 Cystic fibrosis -- lots of PMNs in lung

42 MAI -- mycobacterium avium intracellular complex -- no gramulomas formed b/c only in immunocompromised pts

43 Fungus ball Aspergillus


45 Candida -- budding yeasts and pseudohyphae

46 Cryptosporidium -- covers surface

47 HIV -- lymphadenopathy -- follicles huge

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