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Science TAKS Review I want plants to grow faster Independent Variable – –the thing I change Water plants different amounts Control / constant – Do not.

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Presentation on theme: "Science TAKS Review I want plants to grow faster Independent Variable – –the thing I change Water plants different amounts Control / constant – Do not."— Presentation transcript:


2 Science TAKS Review

3 I want plants to grow faster Independent Variable – –the thing I change Water plants different amounts Control / constant – Do not change- all plants in same location, get same amount of dirt and sunlight. Etc… Dependent Variable – Did the plants grow any faster with change in water

4 2 types of cells Prokaryote – no nucleus Kingdoms: Eubacteria and Archaebacteria Eukaryote - have nucleus Kingdoms: Plant, Animal, Protista & Fungi

5 Cell Structures and Functions Cell Membrane - barrier Nucleus – DNA Cytoplasm- “blood” of cell Ribosome- protein maker Mitochondria- energy maker Chloroplast- make sugar and O 2

6 Cellular Processes Homeostasis – balance or same –Water –temperature –blood pressure

7 Permeability Diffusion - movement from high concentration to low concentration

8 Osmosis – movement of water

9 Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Nitrogen bases (Thymine, Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine) determines the inherited traits. A  T G  C

10 DNA Replication One strand of DNA reproduces to make two strands so the cell can reproduce.

11 Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) 11th Transcription A  U G  C

12 Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) 11th Translation Amino acids are linked together to make a protein. 3 bases needed for 1 codon

13 Six Kingdoms of Life Archaebacteria – Extreme bacteria Eubacteria – Bacteria Protista – Amoebas, paramecium Fungi – Mushrooms, molds, yeast Plantae – Trees Animalia – Mammals—uhhhh people

14 Single cell vs. Multi-cell Bacteria Protista – little guys you look at under microscope Fungi – mushroom Plant Animal

15 Heterotroph vs. Autotroph -eat something -make own food Animalia Fungi Plantae BOTH Bacteria Protista

16 Body Systems Circulatory – heart / blood - Oxygen / food Digestive – breaks down food Nervous – electrical signals Endocrine – hormones Reproductive – sex Integumentary – Skin Skeletal – Bones - Structure Respiratory – Lungs - Oxygen in, CO 2 out Muscular - Movement Excretory – Eliminates wastes - Urine Immune – Kills viruses

17 Viruses and Bacteria Viruses are not alive, Bacteria are alive

18 Viruses (not alive) Viruses – cause disease –ANTIBIOTICS DO NOT CURE THEM  –ONLY IMMUNE SYSTEM AIDS, the common cold, small pox, influenza, and warts

19 Bacteria (alive) Harmful  - get antibiotics –Strep Throat –Staph Infections Helpful –decomposers – septic tanks, rotting meat – mutualism : intestines – cheese, yogurt

20 Evolution Mutations Reproductions Natural Selection- environment decides who lives… only tall trees- giraffes happy

21 Who would survive?

22 Symbiosis Symbiosis – relationship between two organisms Mutualism – both species benefit

23 Predation – one species (predator) benefits, other (prey) is eaten

24 Parasitism – one species benefits, the other is harmed

25 Competition – two species want same thing

26 Commensalism – one species benefits, one is not affected Remora fish eat shark’s scraps; shark is not affected

27 Food chain & food web – who eats what Arrows show flow of energy flow of energy

28 Trophic levels Producer - green plant - photosynthesis Consumer – Must eat Decomposer breaks down dead and waste

29 Types of matter Elements Fe H O Au Compounds FeCl 3 H 2 O CO 2

30 Density D = M V More dense liquids sink! Water density = 1g/ml

31 Viscosity Resistance to flow more viscous– the slower the flow

32 Buoyancy

33 Chemical Change Change of temperature Production of light Production of a gas New thing formed

34 Physical change Change in size and shape Making a solution Change in state

35 Conservation of Mass 6CO 2 + 6H 2 0 --> C 6 H 12 O 6 +6O 2 Matter is never created or destroyed

36 Solutions Solute- salt Solvent – water Soluble- salt can be dissolved

37 Force - a push or a pull on an object F = ma Force is measured in NEWTONS (N)

38 Work - force causes an object to move W=Fd Work -JOULES (J)

39 Power – How fast you get work done P=W/t Power - WATTS (W)

40 Kinetic Energy - motion Potential Energy - energy stored Click on the slide!

41 Energy Conduction - heat transfer from one object to another by direct contact …solids

42 Convection - heat carried from one place to another in a liquid or gas as molecules move in currents caused by density differences…liquids & gases

43 Radiation - the transfer of heat energy through empty space (heat from sun)….infrared

44 Soooooo……..Heat moves by-

45 Waves Transverse wave - moves up and down as the energy travels right to left. Perpendicular example: light, ocean Longitudinal wave – moves back and forth as the energy travels right to left. Parallel Example: sound


47 Refraction

48 Electricity- 10th Series Circuit - a circuit in which the current has only one path Parallel Circuit - a circuit in which the current can take more than one path

49 READ!!!

50 Remember Use your Equation Sheet Use your Calculator Use your Periodic Table YOU need at least 41 correct to pass….. DO YOU HAVE THAT?

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