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GLOBAL CONCERN How Pure is your Air, Water & Food ?  We each Inhale 5000 gallons of air each day, and need a minimum of 2 liters of pure drinking water.

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Presentation on theme: "GLOBAL CONCERN How Pure is your Air, Water & Food ?  We each Inhale 5000 gallons of air each day, and need a minimum of 2 liters of pure drinking water."— Presentation transcript:

1 GLOBAL CONCERN How Pure is your Air, Water & Food ?  We each Inhale 5000 gallons of air each day, and need a minimum of 2 liters of pure drinking water Manufacturing Transportation Electricity generation and other human activities are taking its toll on our health and environment

2 SCIENTISTS DOCTORS HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROFESSIONALS All agree that Toxins and Chemicals are the Cause of all Major disease and illnesses How to avoid and more importantly how to eliminate the toxic burden we are all unavoidably exposed to is of the utmost importance

3 HEALTH EFFECTS OF HEAVY METALS, TOXINS AND CHEMICALS Liver / lung / skin cancers Kidney Failure Alzheimer's Headaches High Cholesterol Infertility Obesity Most Other Common Diseases Within 26 seconds after exposure to chemicals such as cleaning products, traces of these chemicals can be found in every organ in the body.

4 HEAVY METALS, TOXINS AND CHEMICALS AFFECT YOUR CELLS Heavy Metals Attach to Cell Receptors Stops Nutrients Reaching the Cells Results in Damaged Cells Leads to Health Challenges Here Mercury Replaces Sodium or Magnesium Heavy Metals Form a Stronger Bond to Cell Receptors Heavy Metals Replace Nutrients on Cell Receptors Hg +2


6 HEAVY METALS Mercury Lead Arsenic Uranium Copper Cadmium OTHER DANGEROUS METALS Cadmium Iron Aluminium Copper Uranium Arsenic

7 WHERE ARE THESE SILENT KILLERS? Tap Water Herbicides and Pesticides Food Additives Cleaning products Personal care products UNSEEN SUBSTANCES DAMAGE YOUR HEALTH EVERYDAY Are you exposing yourself to poisons at home or on the job?

8 WHAT ARE WE DRINKING Our most precious commodity and the source of all life is is a cocktail of hundreds of toxic chemicals and heavy metals The Environmental Working Group found 141 unregulated chemicals and an additional 119 for which the Environmental Protection Agency has set health-based limits. Most common among the chemicals found were disinfection byproducts, nitrates, chloroform, barium, arsenic and copper.

9 THE CONTAMINATION OF FOOD BY CHEMICAL HAZARDS IS A WORLDWIDE PUBLIC HEALTH CONCERN  Environmental toxins work their way into the food chain  Chlorinated pesticides  Herbicides in food linked to many diseases and cancers  Food additives and preservatives linked to obesity Today about 75% of the Western diet is made up of various processed foods, each person is now consuming an average 4-8 kg of food additives per

10 Mercury Poisoning Where Does It Come From? –Amalgum Fillings –Seafood –Coal Power Stations –Groundwater Runoff from Mining

11 Results of Mercury Poisoning Impairment of the peripheral vision Disturbances in sensations ("pins and needles" feelings, numbness) usually in the hands feet and sometimes around the mouth Lack of coordination of movements, such as writing Impairment of speech, hearing, walking; Muscle weakness Skin rashes Mood swing Memory loss Mental disturbance ACTIVATED LIQUID ZEOLITE – SAFELY REMOVES MERCURY

12 LEAD POISONING Where does it come from? –Exhaust Emissions (Even in unleaded) –Water (Tanks, Solder in Pipes) 42 NSW Country Schools had Excessive Lead levels in the water supply –Fallout from Mining and Industry –Consumer Products (Toys from China!) –Home Handyman Lead is toxic even at low concentrations. This makes it one of the most insidious of all environmental hazards and many researchers have claimed that there is no level below which exposure is harmless. The currant contamination is global polluting places as remote as Antarctica ACTIVATED LIQUID ZEOLITE- SAFELY REMOVES LEAD

13 Consequences of Lead Poisoning Damage to the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, peripheral and central nervous systems, reproductive system and blood-forming organs Tiredness, abdominal pain or constipation, headache, irritability and aggressiveness and paralysis Impairment of the central nervous system and other organ development in foetuses Reduced mental abilities and initiation of various behavioural disorders in infants and children Impairment of calcium function and balance in target organ systems of infants and children Lowered IQ and abnormal cognitive development and behaviour in pre-school as well as school children Neurological deficits associated with exposure to lead in early childhood, which may persist into late adolescence Elevation of hearing thresholds at 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz. Decreased gestation time, lower birth weight, and abnormal early cognitive development in foetal exposure.

14 Zeolite Removes Heavy Metals, Toxins and Chemicals Negative Charge on Zeolite Attracts Mercury Mercury Contained in Zeolite Cage Nutrients Now Attach to Cells Health is Restored to Cell Zeolite safely excreted through urine Sodium Now Attaches to Cell Na +2 Mercury Captured By Activated liquid Zeolite

15 NCD Removes Metals Safely Tests Show 7-12 times increase in heavy metal excretion after a few days No Effect on Body Chemistry Zeolite Cage won’t capture vitamin and minerals Result – Removes Heavy Metals and Toxins Only

16 Activated Liquid Zeolite 1 gram (100 drops) has 30 m 2 surface area Removes Heavy Metals and Other Toxins Supports a Strong Healthy Immune System Balances Your Body’s pH Levels Increases Heavy Metal Excretion up to 12 times GRAS (Generally Recognised As Safe) Status

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