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Cooperative Initiatives in Bioinformatics for the East Asia Region By Jong KOBIC (Korean Bioinformation Center) KRIBB KOREA

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Presentation on theme: "Cooperative Initiatives in Bioinformatics for the East Asia Region By Jong KOBIC (Korean Bioinformation Center) KRIBB KOREA"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cooperative Initiatives in Bioinformatics for the East Asia Region By Jong KOBIC (Korean Bioinformation Center) KRIBB KOREA

2 How to make us cooperate?

3 Cooperation does not work! Small world, But with much gaps. Scientists do not cooperate well.

4 Corporation does work. People pursuing own interests with contacts and commitments produce results more efficiently Corporation style cooperation is based on selfish pursuit of interest. Everyone is living in some kind capitalistic society anyway.

5 Problems of Corporation Too Centralized Benefit/Profit for small number of people/groups Politics

6 Distributed Corporation Model There is no single director/representative/boss in the network The DBs are distributed Every participant is equally respected Get as much as you put Politically loose, technically tight –Tight and automated IT infra –P2P, synchronized webs, FTPs

7 Practicals EABN Resource Site Bioinformatics P2P network Openfree bioinformation network with advertisement income Virtual Bio Center(s) in Asia.

8 EABN business Assets and funds –Bioinformation data, information, & knowledge Products –Processed, value added, useful data, information, & knowledge. Sales –Automated machines Customers –Anyone who uses the Internet –Companies –Governments

9 Establishing Bioinformation Centers Each nation designates one official bioinformation center –Reports it to the APBIONET and Virtual Bioinformation Center Support this center by already established entities

10 Virtual Bioinformation Center A top level Bioinformation Center is established Every participating government acknowledges the virtual bioinformation center ASEAN is a model It is also a center of APBIONET No one nation dominance No one national center dominance

11 Why? Asia has small number of bioinformation experts Funding is small in most countries Big global scale bioinformatics project experience is necessary Infrastructure can be shared in bioinformatics across the borders

12 Bioinformation data, information, & knowledge East Asia Bioinformation Network Resource collection project –Initially, a standardized format for bioinformation is distributed and member country fills in –National Bioinformation Centers share the bioinformation –Area of information: genetic, biodiversity, and bioresource, –Additional: education, people

13 Products Organized biological data, information, and knowledge from participating national centers The information is openfree. Distributed network of information servers provide information on the net Easily editable data pages P2P protocol is used to synchronize data

14 License of the information Openfree BioLicense BioLicense means all the information is absolutely free

15 Key projects Openfree Asian Genome depository project Openfree Asian Variome depository project Asian Biodiversity information depository project (ABDIN + ABDID) Asian Biomaterials information depository project Asian Infectious Disease Database

16 Visual Bioinformation Center

17 Genome $1000 genome 4 min. to sequence a human genome Very large scale depository is necessary

18 Variome Asian human SNP resource Shared P2P style depository

19 Biodiversity Depository Asia has high density of biodiversity information Formation of information network

20 Certificates Virtual center provides training and certificates In association with CJK training course

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