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ELA Learning Progressions
Susan Richmond
The Common Core Standards Guide the Summative Assessments
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.4.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including those that allude to significant characters found in mythology (e.g., Herculean). CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.4.5 Explain major differences between poems, drama, and prose, and refer to the structural elements of poems (e.g., verse, rhythm, meter) and drama (e.g., casts of characters, settings, descriptions, dialogue, stage directions) when writing or speaking about a text. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.4.6 Compare and contrast the point of view from which different stories are narrated, including the difference between first- and third-person narrations. Craft and Structure CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.4.7 Make connections between the text of a story or drama and a visual or oral presentation of the text, identifying where each version reflects specific descriptions and directions in the text. (RL.4.8 not applicable to literature) CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.4.9 Compare and contrast the treatment of similar themes and topics (e.g., opposition of good and evil) and patterns of events (e.g., the quest) in stories, myths, and traditional literature from different cultures. III. Integration of Knowledge and Ideas CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.4.1 Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.4.2 Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text; summarize the text. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.4.3 Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., a character’s thoughts, words, or actions). Key Ideas and Details CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.4.10 By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry, in the grades 4–5 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity Common Core State Standards
CCSS and Content Demand
The content demand (student task) of standards are progressive in nature. The content demand determines the SBAC assigned Summative Target. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.4.9 Compare and contrast the treatment of similar themes and topics (e.g., opposition of good and evil) and patterns of events (e.g., the quest) in stories, myths, and traditional literature from different cultures. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.4.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including those that allude to significant characters found in mythology (e.g., Herculean). CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.4.1 Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. Progression of Standards Resources for Higher Order Thinking
http://www. ode. state. or
Content Demands… Common Core State Standards have been grouped by similarities of content demand into Summative Assessment Targets by SBAC. SBAC Summative Assessment Targets Observe the fourth grade reading literature standards grouped into Summative Assessment Targets.
Common Core State Standards Reading Literature.
Grade 4 Common Core State Standards Reading Literature. CCSS RL In which SBAC Target do I belong?? RL.4.10 RL.4.3 RL.4.3 RL.4.9 RL.4.8 RL.4.6 CCSS RL In which SBAC Target do I belong?? RL.4.5 RL.4.2 RL.4.2 RL.4.4 RL.4.7 RL.4.1 RL.4.1 CCSS RL In which SBAC Target do I belong?? CCSS Assigned Summative Assessment Targets by content demand. RL.4.8 is not applicable to literature. RL.4.6 RL.4.6 RL.4.3 RL.4.3 RL.4.10 Range of Reading & Level of Text Complexity overarched all standards. SBAC Target 1 Key Details SBAC Target 2 Central Ideas SBAC Target 3 Word Meanings SBAC Target 4 Reasoning & Evaluation SBAC Target 5 Analysis Within & Across Texts SBAC Target 6 Text Structures & Features SBAC Target 7 Language Use DOK 1 & 2 DOK 2 DOK 1 & 2 DOK 3 & 4 DOK 3 & 4 DOK 3 & 4 DOK 2 & 3
Learning Progressions, Cognitive Demands…
Cognitive Demands of Learning Progressions follow a more specific DOK Matrix (much like a rubric). Learning Progressions, Cognitive Demands… Follow the DOK Matrix but with more specificity (literature, informational text). Scaffold to the Summative Assessment norms determined by DOK. Follow the expected cognitive developmental steps of DOK. Follow the pattern as fourth grade reading literature standards are assigned DOK developmental Learning Progressions on the Reading Literature DOK matrix.
Placement of Grade 4 Reading Literature Standards on the DOK Matrix
Click only once at the beginning of this slide and then again after the last standard moves to its place. RL.4.1 RL.4.3 RL.4.1 RL.4.2 RL.4.4 RL.4.2 RL.4.3 RL.4.4 RL.4.7 RL.4.5 RL.4.5 RL.4.7 RL.4.6 RL.4.9 RL.4.6 RL.4.7 RL.4.8
Placement of Grade 4 Informational Text Standards on the DOK Matrix
Click only once at the beginning of this slide and then again after the last standard moves to its place. RI.4.1 RI.4.1 RI.4.2 RI.4.3 RI.4.3 RI.4.4 RI.4.5 RI.4.6 RI.4.7 RI.4.5 RI.4.7 RL.4.9 RL.4.8 RL.4.9
What is the “bridge” between Summative Assessments and Instruction?
CCS Standards Content Demand (What will students do?) Cognitive Demand (What kind of thinking?) Assessment Targets Instruction DOK Pattern Learning Progressions (developmental sequence of a standard) Assessment Targets
Placement of Grade 4 Reading Literature Standards on the DOK Matrix
REVIEW RL.4.1 RL.4.3 RL.4.1 RL.4.2 RL.4.2 RL.4.3 RL.4.4 RL.4.5 RL.4.5 RL.4.7 RL.4.6 RL.4.9 RL.4.6 RL.4.7 RL.4.8 Does Not Apply
Learning Progressions bridge instructional assessment to summative assessment.
Learning Progressions are based on the difficulty of a task (Bloom’s) and the complexity of a task (Depth of Knowledge/DOK (Webb). These progressions are sequenced by both Bloom’s Taxonomy and Webb’s Depth of Knowledge. DOK Examples
Understanding the reading literature DOK pattern
allows us to align the Learning Progressions of each standard for developmentally cognitive instruction. The Cognitive Rigor DOK Matrix (Hess, Jones, Carlock, Walkup 2009) has been decoded into a learning progressions chart (Richmond 2013). Differentiation with Cognitive Knowledge
DOK Matrix Pattern DOK Path 1 Knowledge and Recall DOK Path 4 Extended Thinking DOK Path 2 Basic Concepts and Skills DOK Path 3 Strategic Thinking & Reasoning Follow a DOK Algorithm for a reading cognitive continuum or “path” for each of the four Depth of Knowledge Levels.
The DOK Matrix for Reading Follows a Pattern of Learning Progressions
Depth of Knowledge (Webb) Task Complexity DOK LEVEL 1 Recall and Reproduction DOK LEVEL 2 Basic Skills and Concepts DOK LEVEL 3 Strategic Thinking and Reasoning DOK LEVEL 4 Extended Thinking Blooms (Task Difficulty) Remember (Knowledge) -Recall, locate basic facts, definitions, details and events Understand (Comprehend) -Select appropriate words for use when intended meaning is clearly evident. -Specify, explain relationships -Summarize -Identify central ideas -Explain, generalize or connect ideas using supporting evidence (quote, text, evidence, example…). -Explain how concepts or ideas specifically relate to other content domains/concepts. Apply -Use language structure(pre/suffix) or word relationships (synonyms/antonym) to determine meaning. -Use context to identify word meanings -Obtain and interpret information using text features. -Use concepts to solve non-routine problems. -Devise an approach among many alternatives to research a novel problem. Analyze - Identify the kind of information contained in a graphic, table, visual, etc. -Compare literary elements, facts, terms and events. -Analyze format, organization and text structures. -Analyze or interpret author’s craft (e.g., literary devices, viewpoint, or potential bias) to critique a text. -Analyze multiple sources or multiple text. -Analyze complex abstract themes. Evaluate -Cite evidence and develop a logical argument for conjectures based on one text or problem. -Evaluate relevancy, accuracy and completeness of information across texts or sources Create (Synthesize) -Brainstorm ideas, concepts, problems, or perspectives related to a topic or concept. -Generate conjectures or hypotheses based on observations or prior knowledge and experience. -Develop a complex model or approach for a given situation. -Develop an alternative solution. -Synthesize information across multiple sources or texts. -Articulate a new voice, theme, knowledge or perspective. 1 4 5 2 6 12 19 7 8 3 13 20 10 21 9 11 14 22 17 23 24 15 16 18 25
DOK Reading Learning Progressions Chart
DOK Ceiling - Level 1 Recall and Reproduction Path K a Recall, locate basic facts, definitions, details, events b Read words orally in connected text with fluency & accuracy c Define terms C d Identify or describe literary elements (characters, setting, sequence, etc.) e Select appropriate words when intended meaning/definition is clearly evident f Describe/explain who, what, where, when, or how DOK Ceiling - Level 2 Basic Skills & Concepts Path AP h Specify, explain, show relationships; explain why, cause-effect i Summarize J Make basic inferences or logical predictions from data or text k Identify main ideas or accurate generalizations of texts l Locate information to support explicit-implicit central ideas m Use context to identify the meaning of words/phrases n Obtain and interpret information using text features DOK Ceiling - Level 3 Path to Strategic Thinking and Reasoning o Identify whether specific information is contained in graphic representations (e.g., map, chart, table, graph, T-chart, diagram) or text features (e.g., headings, subheadings, captions) AN p Categorize/compare literary elements, terms, facts, details, events q Identify use of literary devices r Analyze format, organization, & internal text structure (signal words, transitions, semantic cues) of different texts s Distinguish: relevant-irrelevant information; fact/opinion t Identify characteristic text features; distinguish between texts, genres C u Explain, generalize, or connect ideas using supporting evidence (quote, text evidence, example…) v Identify/ make inferences about explicit or implicit themes w Describe how word choice, point of view, or bias may affect the readers’ interpretation of a text AP x Apply a concept in a new context y Analyze information within data sets or texts z Analyze interrelationships among concepts, issues, problems A Analyze or interpret author’s craft (e.g., literary devices, viewpoint, or potential bias) to critique a text. B Use reasoning, planning, and evidence to support inferences EV Cite evidence and develop a logical argument for conjectures based on one text or problem D Describe, compare, and contrast solution methods E Verify reasonableness of results F Critique conclusions drawn DOK Ceiling - Level 4 Path to Extended Thinking SY G Generate conjectures or hypotheses based on observations or prior knowledge and experience H Synthesize information within one source or text I Develop a complex model for a given situation J Develop an alternative solution C K Explain how concepts or ideas specifically relate to other content domains or concepts. L Develop generalizations of the results obtained or strategies used and apply them to new problem situations AP M Illustrate how multiple themes (historical, geographic, social) may be interrelated AN N Analyze multiple sources of evidence, or multiple works by the same author, or across genres, time periods, themes O Analyze complex/ abstract themes. P Gather, analyze, and organize multiple information sources Q Analyze discourse styles EV R Evaluate relevancy, accuracy, & completeness of information across texts or sources. S Draw & justify conclusions T Apply understanding in a novel way, provide argument or justification for the application U Synthesize information across multiple sources or texts. V Articulate a new voice, alternate theme, new knowledge or new perspective.
Using the Learning Progressions Chart to Develop a Learning Progressions Checklist
Learning Progressions Example Checklist for Standard RL.3.1
Informal Formative Assessments Measure Learning Progressions
Standard RL.1 DOK 1,2 Standard RL.2 DOK 2 Standard RL.3 DOK 2,3 Narrative Writing W.3 – DOK 2 Link – Integrative Pacing Guide LP- link IFA Literary Progress Monitoring Learning Progressions
Informal Formative Assessments Measure Learning Progressions
Standard RL.1 DOK 1,2 LP- link IFA Literary Progress Monitoring Learning Progressions An Example of Creating and IFA from a Learning Progression One learning progression for RL.3.1. DOK Level 1 Recall and Reproduction Path K a Recall, locate basic facts, definitions, details, events Possible Informal Formative Assessments for RL.1: List two details about _____. Share two facts you learned about _____. Define the word _____.
Common Formative Assessments
measure the CCS Standards learned in their assigned Assessment Targets. Learning Progressions Standard RL.1 DOK 1,2 Standard RL.2 DOK 2 Standard RL.3 DOK 2,3 Narrative Writing W.3 – DOK 2 Link – Integrative Pacing Guide LP- link IFA Literary Progress Monitoring Learning Progressions CFA Literary Assesses Student Proficiency of Standards Learned Reading Assessment Targets Key Details (RL.1, RL.3) Central Message (RL.2) Writing Assessment Target Narrative Writing (W.3) Write or Revise Link -Proficiency Rubrics Link - CFA Assessments
Monitors Student Proficiency of Standards Learned
Common Formative Assessment Priorities to be Established… Teacher Created CFAs Include: CFA Literary Monitors Student Proficiency of Standards Learned Reading Assessment Targets Key Details (RL.1, RL.3) Central Message (RL.2) Writing Assessment Target Narrative Writing (W.3) Write or Revise Link -Proficiency Rubrics Link - CFA Assessments Selected Response Constructed Response (short and long) Performance Task (writing/revision) SBAC Assessment Target 1 Rubric per target Stimulus Grade Level Text/Exemplary Text Ask questions to DOK level Define district CFA
Achievement Level Descriptors
Grade 3 Target 1. KEY DETAILS: Use explicit details and information from the text to support answers or basic inferences Level 1 students should be able to use details and information from the text to minimally support answers or basic inferences Level 2 students should be able to use explicit details and information from the text to partially support answers or basic inferences. Level 3 students should be able to sufficiently use explicit details and information from the text to accurately support answers or basic inferences. Level 4 students should be able to accurately use explicit details and information from the text to thoroughly support answers or basic inferences. Example of a Summative Assessment Target “Achievement Level Descriptor” from SBAC: Target 1 Key Details, Grade 3 ELA - SBAC Task Specs. DOK Chart
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