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 Dr. Edgar L. Coffey, III  Computational and Applied Electromagnetics  North Chesapeake Division  410-272-8862  The Philosophy and.

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Presentation on theme: " Dr. Edgar L. Coffey, III  Computational and Applied Electromagnetics  North Chesapeake Division  410-272-8862  The Philosophy and."— Presentation transcript:

1  Dr. Edgar L. Coffey, III  Computational and Applied Electromagnetics  North Chesapeake Division  410-272-8862  The Philosophy and Physics of the CEM Framework Build EM models, construct modeling scenarios, run codes, and visualize results.

2 Expanding the Realm of Possibility 2 Factors Driving the Philosophy Paradigm shifts in the workplace Computational software  Top-level toolkits, approximate methods Seasoned analysts  Entry-level analysts Code developers  Code users Independent workforce  Collaborative workforce Parochial focus  Inter-department, inter-agency, international focus Technology shifts in the workplace Computational ability has outpaced our “understanding” Easier to generate gigabytes of data, harder to make sense of it Most analyses now require multiple methods, multiple codes, varying levels of detail, inclusion of measured data, multiple participants Collaboration is no longer optional; collaborative tools are needed Data re-use, higher levels of abstraction are required Pace of change is faster than ever Management issues in the workplace Necessary to manage projects, models, data, and engineers Verification, validation and accreditation require “audit trails” Decision-makers need to see results differently from engineers

3 Expanding the Realm of Possibility 3 The “Old” Way of Doing Things A “code-centric” view of CEM Not conducive to collaboration

4 Expanding the Realm of Possibility 4 Stakeholders in a CEM Analysis Project Manager Maintains overall control of analysis, receives reports on progress and results, retrieves top-level data for decision making and conclusions Configuration Control Verification/validation, accreditation, maintains control over codes, models, and data CAD Modeler Import geometry data, “strip” data to retain EM features, establishes system-level parameters EM Modeler Generates valid, rule-based EM models from CAD data. Builds models of other EM components. Adds EM-specific parameters to models EM Analyst Creates “scenes” from geometrical and EM components. Defines observables, parameter values. Manipulates EM results to obtain engineering quantities Code Developer Conceives, creates, and writes the tools used by the other participants.

5 Expanding the Realm of Possibility 5 All Participants View Problem Differently Database Expertise Collaboration Tools CAD Modeler EM Modeler EM Analyst Code Developer Project Manager T&E Expertise End User Toolkit Developer

6 Expanding the Realm of Possibility 6 The Computational EM Framework The New Way of Doing Things Data Repository -Models & Scenarios -Parameters & Observables Scenario Design Model Building Post Processing & Visualization Modeling Rules and Guidelines EM to Engr Translation CEM Code Suite Users Developers Expert Advice Customer Requirements

7 Expanding the Realm of Possibility 7 Framework Design Philosophy Design tools around roles of the participants. Let the users program the Framework. Let the users extend the Framework’s capability. Integrate the tools via a data repository. (The “elephant” is the data in all its shapes, sizes, and forms.) Achieve transparency in running computational tools and other codes. Provide multiple ways for users to view results. Satisfy needs of all users, including supervisors, management, and higher level decision makers. Provide intra-organizational and inter-organizational infrastructure for analysis. Provide a “place” for a user community.

8 Expanding the Realm of Possibility 8 Quick Tour of the Framework Model Builder – AutoGridder Master model, family of models concept Parameterize geometry at high level Application Builder – Scene generator Consistent interface across all tools Parameterize scenario values Component View – Post processing Data manipulation at all levels of detail Extract “meaning” from the data SmartView – Graphical Editing and Visualization Multi-level, multi-view visualizer Modeling error analyzer Help Assistant Place to find information on all the tools Includes tutorials and how-to’s

9 Expanding the Realm of Possibility 9 Taken from an existing BRL-CAD input file Model Builder – BRL-CAD Example

10 Expanding the Realm of Possibility 10 Master Model Generates Specific Models Master Model - CSGCoarse Mesh – Physical Optics Fine Mesh – Method of Moments Finite Difference Mesh – Interior Analysis

11 Expanding the Realm of Possibility 11 Model Top-Level Parameterization

12 Expanding the Realm of Possibility 12 Application Builder – Create Scenario

13 Expanding the Realm of Possibility 13 App Builder Creates Multiple Scenes Radiation Pattern EM Coupling Near-Field Rad HazardCommunications Range Plot

14 Expanding the Realm of Possibility 14 Export and Launch the Code

15 Expanding the Realm of Possibility 15 Raw CEM Code Output is Non-Intuitive

16 Expanding the Realm of Possibility 16 Component View – Post-processing Data

17 Expanding the Realm of Possibility 17 Typical EM Applications and Observables

18 Expanding the Realm of Possibility 18 SmartView: A 3D Graphical Editor/Visualizer

19 Expanding the Realm of Possibility 19 SmartView: Displaying Surface Currents

20 Expanding the Realm of Possibility 20 SmartView: Analyzing Modeling Errors

21 Expanding the Realm of Possibility 21 SmartView: Selecting Patches for Editing

22 Expanding the Realm of Possibility 22 More Examples – ACAD File Format

23 Expanding the Realm of Possibility 23 SmartView Imports From BYU and STL

24 Expanding the Realm of Possibility 24 SmartView Import from X3D/VRML

25 Expanding the Realm of Possibility 25 SmartView Export to GEMACS

26 Expanding the Realm of Possibility 26 Antenna Pattern Centered on Vehicle

27 Expanding the Realm of Possibility 27 Quickly Execute Component View Again

28 Expanding the Realm of Possibility 28 Help Assistant Contains all Documentation (extensible by user to other codes and other topics)

29 Expanding the Realm of Possibility 29 Putting It All Together (1) (End-to-end use of the CEM Framework) Build EM model Tweak model Check for errors Validate model AutoGridder BRL-to-SV Other Converters Geometry Data Source Validated EM Geometry Model SmartView Direct Input

30 Expanding the Realm of Possibility 30 Putting It All Together (2) Combine models into “scenes.” Add sources, ground plane. Request EM results. Generate CEM code inputs. Execute CEM code(s). Save the EM results. Application Builder User Scenario - Sources - Observables Geometry Models EM Results CEM Codes

31 Expanding the Realm of Possibility 31 Putting It All Together (3) User-Requested Engineering Results Geometry Models EM Results Engineering Results Component View – Data Post-Processing

32 Expanding the Realm of Possibility 32 Putting It All Together (4) Engineering Results Geometry Model SmartView Presentation Results

33 Expanding the Realm of Possibility 33 With the CEM Framework, you will be able to … Perform all aspects of a CEM analysis Build and mesh models Construct EM scenarios and run CEM codes Process data to obtain engineering output Visualize that data in a variety of ways Save and re-use models, scenarios, maps, and data Share/exchange data with other Framework users Extend/expand the Framework to your needs Work with engineering quantities, not just raw EM Become 5x to 10x more productive

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