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The Thinking Process… Personal Belief  Philosophy  Science Can the Process be Inverted? Not Logically, But it is Happening. Science  Philosophy  Personal.

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Presentation on theme: "The Thinking Process… Personal Belief  Philosophy  Science Can the Process be Inverted? Not Logically, But it is Happening. Science  Philosophy  Personal."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Thinking Process… Personal Belief  Philosophy  Science Can the Process be Inverted? Not Logically, But it is Happening. Science  Philosophy  Personal Belief

3 Naturalism is Today- By History, Philosophy, and Purpose- An Essential part of Science. Naturalism is Today- By History, Philosophy, and Purpose- An Essential part of Science. Steven D. Schafersman Steven D. Schafersman “Naturalism is, ironically, a controversial philosophy. Our modern civilization depends totally for its existence and future survival on the methods and fruits of science, naturalism is the philosophy that science created and that science now follows with such success…”

4 The Following Polls were taken over many years. The objective was to relate trends in Science to Personal Beliefs. The Following Polls were taken over many years. The objective was to relate trends in Science to Personal Beliefs. A. 1914… James Leuba polled 400 scientists A. 1914… James Leuba polled 400 scientists 1. Do you believe in a God with intellectual and affective communication with mankind? 1. Do you believe in a God with intellectual and affective communication with mankind? 27.7% Yes; 52.7% No; 20.9% Agnostic 27.7% Yes; 52.7% No; 20.9% Agnostic

5 2. Do you believe in personal immortality? 2. Do you believe in personal immortality? 35.2% Yes; 25.4% No; 43.7% Agnostic 35.2% Yes; 25.4% No; 43.7% Agnostic

6 B. 1933… James Leuba conducted the same poll. B. 1933… James Leuba conducted the same poll. 1. Do you believe in a God with intellectual and affective communication with mankind? 1. Do you believe in a God with intellectual and affective communication with mankind? 15% Yes; 68% No; 17% Agnostic 15% Yes; 68% No; 17% Agnostic (27.7) (52.7) (20.9) … 1914 (27.7) (52.7) (20.9) … 1914

7 2. Do you believe in personal immortality? 2. Do you believe in personal immortality? 18% Yes; 52% No; 29% Agnostic 18% Yes; 52% No; 29% Agnostic (35.2) (25.4) (43.7) … 1914 (35.2) (25.4) (43.7) … 1914

8 C. 1998… Edward Larson & Larry Witham conducted the same poll as James Leuba. C. 1998… Edward Larson & Larry Witham conducted the same poll as James Leuba. 1. Do you believe in a God with intellectual and affective communication with mankind? 1. Do you believe in a God with intellectual and affective communication with mankind? 7% Yes; 72.2% No; 20.8% Agnostic 7% Yes; 72.2% No; 20.8% Agnostic (15) (68) (17) … 1933 (15) (68) (17) … 1933 (27.7) (52.7) (20.9) … 1914 (27.7) (52.7) (20.9) … 1914

9 2. Do you believe in personal immortality? 2. Do you believe in personal immortality? 7.9% Yes; 76.7% No; 23.2% Agnostic 7.9% Yes; 76.7% No; 23.2% Agnostic (18) (52) (29) … 1933 (18) (52) (29) … 1933 (35.2) (25.4) (43.7) … 1914 (35.2) (25.4) (43.7) … 1914

10 D. 2003… Cornell Evolution Project D. 2003… Cornell Evolution Project This was a poll of 149 scientists that answered 17 questions that broke the beliefs down into more exact categories. This was a poll of 149 scientists that answered 17 questions that broke the beliefs down into more exact categories. 1. 78% described themselves as 1. 78% described themselves as Naturalists. Naturalists. 2. 2% described themselves as 2. 2% described themselves as Naturalists/Theists. Naturalists/Theists. 3. 1% described themselves as 3. 1% described themselves as Theists/Naturalists. Theists/Naturalists. 4. 1% described themselves as Theists. 4. 1% described themselves as Theists.

11 A Summary of the Polls: A Summary of the Polls: 1. Do you believe in a God with intellectual and affective communication with mankind? 1. Do you believe in a God with intellectual and affective communication with mankind? Yes No Agnostic Year Yes No Agnostic Year 27.7% 52.7% 20.9% 1914 27.7% 52.7% 20.9% 1914 15% 68% 17% 1933 15% 68% 17% 1933 7% 72.2% 20.8% 1998 7% 72.2% 20.8% 1998 1-2% 78-80% 2-3% 2003 1-2% 78-80% 2-3% 2003

12 2. Do you believe in personal immortality? 2. Do you believe in personal immortality? Yes No Agnostic Year 35.2% 25.4% 43.7% 1914 35.2% 25.4% 43.7% 1914 18% 52% 29% 1933 18% 52% 29% 1933 7.9% 76.7% 23.2% 1998 7.9% 76.7% 23.2% 1998 1-4% 78-80% 1-3% 2003 1-4% 78-80% 1-3% 2003

13 A Timeline of Science… 1800’s … Creation taught in public schools. 1859… Charles Darwin publishes Origin of Species, Evolution is launched public. 1871… Charles Darwin publishes The Descent of Man (from Apes). 1870’s… Schools begin teaching both. 1920’s… Conservative Christians oppose the teaching of Evolution.

14 1925… Scopes trial. Teacher prosecuted for teaching Evolution. 1925… Scopes trial. Teacher prosecuted for teaching Evolution. 1930’s… Evolution gaining more support. 1930’s… Evolution gaining more support. 1981… National Center for Science Education founded to advocate teaching of Evolution in public schools. 1981… National Center for Science Education founded to advocate teaching of Evolution in public schools. 1982… McLean vs. Arkansas. Law struck down that required teaching of Creation along side of Evolution. 1982… McLean vs. Arkansas. Law struck down that required teaching of Creation along side of Evolution.

15 2005… Kitzmiller vs. Dover. Intelligent Design (Creationism) prohibited in public high school biology curriculum. 2005… Kitzmiller vs. Dover. Intelligent Design (Creationism) prohibited in public high school biology curriculum. 2007… Kansas Board of Education overturns ruling allowing public school students to hear criticisms of Evolution. 2007… Kansas Board of Education overturns ruling allowing public school students to hear criticisms of Evolution. As Evolution becomes more entrenched, the belief in God diminishes… Why is that? As Evolution becomes more entrenched, the belief in God diminishes… Why is that?


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