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Profile of DAISY Users around the World Hiroshi kawamura DAISY Consortium Mayu Hamada Assistive Technology Development Organization.

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Presentation on theme: "Profile of DAISY Users around the World Hiroshi kawamura DAISY Consortium Mayu Hamada Assistive Technology Development Organization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Profile of DAISY Users around the World Hiroshi kawamura DAISY Consortium Mayu Hamada Assistive Technology Development Organization China DAISY Workshop 2008 25-26 May 2008, Beijing

2 DAISY Users are those who are.. Blind or low vision Deaf or hard of hearing Difficulty to handle printed books With cognitive disabilities (include Dyslexia, ADHD, Autism etc) With intellectual disabilities with psychiatric disabilities In temporary situation (include traveler) With age concerned reading difficulties Illiterate Using languages which doesn’t have written scripts (include indigenous population) *Please note that use cases depends on each person and situations. It is really diverse and this presentation is just from my own experiences. There are more different use cases around the world.

3 Blind or low vision Easy to navigate by headings, sentences, pages etc.. speed up and slow down of audio with no audio distortion stop and start with single button bookmarking text searching optimizing visual presentation including font size, line height and color contrast most books are contained on a single medium (CD, flash card, etc.) last point read is retained for multiple books Reading with refreshable braille Chinese demo

4 Deaf or hard of hearing Sentence highlighted as audio goes Able to repeat same sentence again and again People who has sign language as a first language may use for easy reading Have potential to synchronize sign language motion picture in future (deaf and hard of hearing group send requirements for including motion picture in next spec to DAISY Consortium’s requirements gathering)

5 Difficulty to handle printed books Play / Pause by single click Don’t need to hold a book Read book with any assistive technology which you can use with PC (Joystick, voice recognition etc..) Scanning (manipulating by single button)

6 Autism spectrum Listening to the same sentence again and again with exactly the same sound Customizing visual presentation to make it fit to the preferences (color, font size etc..) Some people who can’t touch paper because of the sensory issues Can record preferred voices and sounds (e.g. mother's voice, friend's voice, teacher's voice etc..) Can include familiar items, such as photos with familiar faces and places Can customize the existing books Some people with autism spectrum are very good at DAISY book creation especially in the mark-up part PS demo

7 Dyslexia Change line height, font, font size Change color of text, highlight, background Can listen to correct pronunciation (e.g. ruby for Chinese characters in Japan. Foreign languages) With highlight, easily see the breaking position of the word or sentences (especially for the languages written without spaces between words ) Can edit layouts (change vertically or horizontally lined text, margin etc) Can concentrate to the information itself rather than using energy to the phonological processing Navigation by sentence (you will often go back and listen to the same sentence again to make sure)

8 ADHD With highlighting, avoid skipping words and lines or missing reading position Can correct misreading Adjusting audio speed Getting attention

9 Intellectual disability Can edit text for easy reading Can use preferred input and output such as touch panel, game controller and more

10 psychiatric disabilities some people have following tendencies Difficulty to keep concentration Feeling isolated and lonely Getting addicted easily Misunderstanding or being confused easily Create or modify DAISY books Recording familier voices Adding pictures with familier faces or places Using their own words Right to the point

11 Age concerned reading difficulties Aged population may have multiple disabilities will make use of DAISY in many ways (including Parkinson's disease) Children before learning how to read can enjoy books

12 Illiterate Can access information Can learn how to read and write

13 who requires structured access to oral legacy in languages without a written script Use case Ainu tribe in Japan don’t have written script. There are few people who can use original Ainu language and they are aged Japanese phonetic character set is not enough There is a ongoing project on networking of indigenous knowledge. Ainu tribe in Japan and Morgan tribe in Thailand is going to start exchange with making use of DAISY Demo

14 Tsunami preparedness manual of persons with psycho-social disabilities in Urakawa Bethel’s house In Urakawa town Japan, around 150 persons with psycho-social disabilities are living in community They started to create their own manuals in DAISY format –best meet the members needs –Feel safe and secure after knowing how to evacuate

15 HIV/AIDS manual in India After a research on the awareness level among persons with disability on HIV/AIDS. 1000 copies of the book were distributed to various organizations for persons with disability

16 HIV/AIDS Manual Production Workshop in south Africa “…the myth of “virgin cleansing” includes a commonly held myth that raping a disabled woman can cure a man of AIDS. This is most definitely false. “ “United Against the Stigma of HIV and Disability”, Disabled People South Africa Resource Manual for Disability and HIV/AIDS Training, [2006], p People with diverse disability groups (Blind, Deaf, Dyslexia, Mental health, Quadriplegic, Autism, &c.) attended the DAISY Seminar in Johannesburg

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