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Jeff Elhai Center for the Study of Biological Complexity Virginia Commonwealth University 804-828-0794.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeff Elhai Center for the Study of Biological Complexity Virginia Commonwealth University 804-828-0794."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeff Elhai Center for the Study of Biological Complexity Virginia Commonwealth University ElhaiJ@VCU.Edu 804-828-0794

3 Bicycle 101

4 The basic principle, as simply as possible

5 Bicycle 101 1866 – Pierre Lallement invents the Velocipede A historical perspective

6 Bicycle 101 Angular momentum L = m v r Key facts

7 Bicycle 101 Importance of acting like a cyclist

8 Bicycle 101 The seven steps of the bicycle method 1.Determine the direction you wish to go 2.Determine whether there is a paved surface 3.Point the bicycle in the proper direction 4.Pedal furiously 5.Determine how far you have moved 6.Determine what change in direction is required 7.Call a cab Easily learned steps of the method

9 Bicycle 101

10 ???

11 Bicycle 101


13 Science 101



16 The Lives of the Scientist


18 Science 101 Our role

19 Science 101 Our role

20 Science 101 Our role

21 Science 101 Our role Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts. - Richard Feynman A process,... not a body of facts

22 Science 101 Our role Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts. - Richard Feynman A process,... not a body of facts Once you learn it… it's yours for life






28 Importance of visualization in science


30 Visualizing Energy



33 High Energy State Low Energy State

34 High Energy State Visualizing Energy (cheap refrigerator magnet) Low Energy State

35 High Energy State Visualizing Energy (cheap refrigerator magnet) Low Energy State

36 Visualizing Energy High Energy State Low Energy State

37 Visualizing Energy High Energy State Low Energy State

38 High Energy State Visualizing Energy Low Energy State

39 High Energy State Visualizing Energy Low Energy State

40 Visualizing Energy

41 High Energy State Low Energy State

42 Visualizing Energy High Energy State Low Energy State What are the components? …for other forms of energy?

43 Visualizing Chemical Energy Life: The play of water Water: The play of oxygen H H O H2OH2O Eight electrons

44 Visualizing Chemical Energy Life: The play of water Water: The play of oxygen H H O H2OH2O - + + Low Energy State Eight electrons

45 Visualizing Chemical Energy H H O H2OH2O - + + Low Energy State O2O2 H2H2 H2H2 High Energy State

46 Visualizing Chemical Energy H H O H2OH2O - + + Low Energy State O2O2 H2H2 H2H2 High Energy State

47 Visualizing Chemical Energy H H O H2OH2O - + + Low Energy State O2O2 High Energy State

48 Visualizing Chemical Energy H H O H2OH2O - + + Low Energy State O2O2 High Energy State H2H2 H2H2

49 Visualizing Photosynthesis

50 Low Energy State How can light be put to work?*

51 Visualizing Photosynthesis How can light be put to work?*

52 Visualizing Photosynthesis

53 Visualizing Photosynthesis Sympathetic vibration - resonance

54 Visualizing Photosynthesis Sympathetic vibration - resonance 0 0 0


56 Visualizing Photosynthesis Sympathetic vibration - resonance Distance from you Force on swing Push at same frequency Transfer of energy through resonance...if frequencies match Time

57 Visualizing Photosynthesis Sympathetic vibration - resonance Distance from you Force on swing Push at same frequency Push at twice frequency Push at half frequency

58 Visualizing Photosynthesis Sympathetic vibration - resonance Press silently Bang then let go Transfer of energy through resonance...if frequencies match

59 Visualizing Photosynthesis Sympathetic vibration - resonance

60 Visualizing Photosynthesis Sympathetic vibration - resonance Infrared (low frequency, low energy) (high frequency, high energy) Ultraviolet Transfer of energy through resonance...if frequencies match

61 Visualizing Photosynthesis Sympathetic vibration - resonance Transfer of energy through resonance...if frequencies match Which color light will be absorbed (put to use)? Chlorophyll

62 Visualizing Photosynthesis Sympathetic vibration - resonance Transfer of energy through resonance...if frequencies match Which color light will be absorbed (put to use)? Carotenoids

63 Low Energy State Visualizing Photosynthesis

64 High Energy State Low Energy State

65 Visualizing Photosynthesis High Energy State Low Energy State

66 Visualizing Photosynthesis High Energy State Low Energy State CO2CO2 Glucose Fate of glucose?

67 Visualizing Photosynthesis High Energy State Low Energy State Fate of chlorophyll? H H O H2OH2O - + + Not as Low Energy State

68 Visualizing Photosynthesis High Energy State Low Energy State Fate of chlorophyll? H H O H2OH2O - + + Not as Low Energy State O2O2

69 Visualizing Photosynthesis High Energy State Low Energy State How to test this? H H O H2OH2O - + + Not as Low Energy State O2O2 Glucose

70 Visualizing Photosynthesis

71 Visualizing Human Photosynthesis

72 Visualizing Science in the Classroom

73 Jeff Elhai Center for the Study of Biological Complexity Virginia Commonwealth University ElhaiJ@VCU.Edu 804-828-0794

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