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Challenges in Hydrodynamic Analysis of VLFS M.Ohkusu Workshop on Very Large Floating Structures for the Future Trondheim 28-29 October.

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Presentation on theme: "Challenges in Hydrodynamic Analysis of VLFS M.Ohkusu Workshop on Very Large Floating Structures for the Future Trondheim 28-29 October."— Presentation transcript:

1 Challenges in Hydrodynamic Analysis of VLFS M.Ohkusu Workshop on Very Large Floating Structures for the Future Trondheim 28-29 October 2004

2 Challenges Non-uniformity Station-keeping Consequence of small failure Local phenomena Small global rigidity

3 X Y h d Fluid beneath the platform Fluid without the platform above Thin plate type:



6 x Frequency of resonance of 1D vibration: Eqs of vibration Eq. of wave number b-b Thin plate type:

7 Complex frequency of resonance for a plate(Meylan 2003)

8 Energy of plate vibration (Meylan 2003)

9 Transmission T and reflection R coefficients of a plate (Meylan 2003)

10 Reflection coefficient is zero at

11 x y b -b Frequency of resonance of 2D vibration Periodic in Y direction Thin plate type:

12 x y b -b : progressive wave impossible : trapped-mode no incident wave

13 x y b -b : progressive wave impossible : trapped-mode no incident wave

14 Complex frequency of resonance (2nd symmetric mode) (Tkhacheva 2000 )

15 Complex frequency of resonance (2nd asymmetric mode) (Tkhacheva 2000 )

16 Geometrical optics approach plate water Parabolic approximation

17 Deflection of a Plate in Oblique Waves at 65.2deg Less Than the Critical Angle (shallow water)


19 Comparison of Analytical and Numerical Solutions Analytical Numerical

20 Analytical Deflection: Numerical

21 Ray approach Full numerical ( Ohmatsu ) Oblique incidence ( Takagi )


23 Hierarchical Interaction Theory (Kashiwagi) A trouble: Fictitious bodies must not penetrate each other Float array

24 Wave Pattern around a column-supported VLFS N=32X160(d/a=2) N=16X80(d/a=1) In a wave of L/λ=32.59 coming from upper right

25 Experiment (Kashiwagi)

26 Wave elevation between floats

27 Wave exciting surge & heave forces


29 Steady Wave Drift Force ; inside(left) & outside (right)

30 x y b -b : progressive wave impossible : trapped-mode no incident wave

31 Complex frequency of resonance (2nd symmetric mode) (Tkhacheva 2000 )

32 Complex frequency of resonance (2nd asymmetric mode) (Tkhacheva 2000 )

33 Geometrical optics approach plate water Parabolic approximation

34 Deflection of a Plate in Oblique Waves at 65.2deg Less Than the Critical Angle (shallow water)


36 Comparison of Analytical and Numerical Solutions Analytical Numerical

37 Analytical Deflection: Numerical

38 Ray approach Full numerical ( Ohmatsu ) Oblique incidence ( Takagi )


40 Hierarchical Interaction Theory (Kashiwagi) A trouble: Fictitious bodies must not penetrate each other Float array

41 Wave Pattern around a column-supported VLFS N=32X160(d/a=2) N=16X80(d/a=1) In a wave of L/λ=32.59 coming from upper right

42 Experiment (Kashiwagi)

43 Wave elevation between floats

44 Wave exciting surge & heave forces


46 Steady Wave Drift Force ; inside(left) & outside (right)

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