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Liberal & Fine Arts Showcase March 20, 2008 Bruno Bornet, Ph.D. Interim Dean of Liberal & Fine Arts.

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Presentation on theme: "Liberal & Fine Arts Showcase March 20, 2008 Bruno Bornet, Ph.D. Interim Dean of Liberal & Fine Arts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Liberal & Fine Arts Showcase March 20, 2008 Bruno Bornet, Ph.D. Interim Dean of Liberal & Fine Arts

2 Who Are We? 19 regular status faculty 19 regular status faculty 10 Female/9 Male 10 Female/9 Male 48% M.A.,M.S.;52% M.F.A.; Ph.D. 48% M.A.,M.S.;52% M.F.A.; Ph.D. 72% White, 28% Hispanic 72% White, 28% Hispanic 15 full-time 15 full-time 4 half-time 4 half-time 1 lab tech 1 lab tech 4 administrative assistants 4 administrative assistants 111+ Adjunct faculty 111+ Adjunct faculty 14:86 FT:PT ratio 14:86 FT:PT ratio

3 Who Are We? Continued DDDDepartment of Communications (English & Speech): 3200+ SCH DDDDepartment of World Languages (American Sign Language, Arabic, Chinese, French, Italian, German, Japanese, Interpreting, Spanish): 3300+ SCH DDDDepartment of Mathematics: 3000+ SCH DDDDepartment of Social/Behavioral Sciences & Humanities (Anthropology, Geography, Psychology, Sociology, Human Services, Political Science; Film, History, Philosophy, Humanities): 5000+ SCH DDDDepartment of Fine Arts: Two-Dimensional Studies (Painting, Drawing, Book Arts, Printmaking, Photography): 2800+ SCH DDDDepartment of Fine Arts: Three-Dimensional Studies (Sculpture, Ceramics, Jewelry, Art History): 3000+ SCH DDDDepartment of Fine Arts: Performing Arts (Music, Dance, Drama): 1000+- SCH DDDDepartment of Fine Arts: Gallery Studies AAAArt on Campus

4 What Is Our Mission? The Division of Liberal & Fine Arts provides academic programs that prepare our students to be knowledgeable citizens of the 21st century and empower them to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world. We provide the general education component of all college degree programs, offers degree programs to its own students, and extends the boundaries of scholarship in all of the varied disciplines associated with the humanities, communications arts, mathematics, fine arts, and social sciences. In all courses and programs, we place emphasis on ethics, integrity, citizenship and awareness of global issues. Students learn to assume personal responsibility for their actions, while they develop habits of self-reliance and a passion for lifelong learning. We transform students' lives by fostering creativity, willingness to take prudent risks, leadership, and service to community and nation. Lastly, we encourage and support faculty excellence in teaching, scholarly activity, creative production, and service.

5 What Do We Offer? AAAAssociate of Arts Degrees AAAAmerican Sign Language Interpreting HHHHuman Services (Articulated with NM Highlands) GGGGeneral Studies SSSSocial/Behavioral Sciences (new Concentration) HHHHumanities (new Concentration) CCCCreative Writing (new Concentration – articulated with IAIA) CCCCulture and Gender Studies (new Concentration) SSSSpanish Language PPPPsychology (Articulated with UNM) FFFFine Arts (Articulated with UNM)

6 What We Offer - Continued AAAAssociate of Applied Arts Degrees GGGGallery Management (Articulated with IAIA) CCCCertificates SSSSign Language Interpreting SSSSubstance Abuse Prevention SSSSubstance Abuse Treatment CCCCreative Writing (new!)

7 What do We Produce? 2006-2007 Student Credit Hours (SCH)

8 New and Noteworthy (1) Department of World Languages Strong Arabic and Chinese enrollments Plan to offer classes in Navajo and Tewa The death of Ralph Sedano and AMSL/INTR program struggles The bright future of the AMSL/INTR program New Director for June 2008 AA required for all certified interpreters 2009 Spanish in Zacatecas

9 New and Noteworthy (2) Department of Social/Behavioral Sciences & Humanities AA Psychology in its second year. 7 graduates in first year! Substance Abuse and Prevention classes going strong – important service to the community New AA General interdisciplinary concentration in Culture and Gender Studies – reflecting SFCC core value of diversity Film Studies Certificate (under consideration) in collaboration with Division of Business and Technologies Media Arts department First Honors class (Spring 2007): Crossing Borders; next class scheduled for Spring 2009 – moving toward an Honors Program History of the Islamic Middle East ; Ecopsychology – two examples of revitalizing the curriculum. Travel Abroad in future: Archetypal Psychology study in Greece!

10 New and Noteworthy (3) Department of Communications Stephen Fadden moving on New Certificate in Creative Writing New AA General concentration in Creative Writing in collaboration with IAIA – (thank you Miriam Sagan, Ron Liss, and Sheila Ortego!) New course: English 111S in collaboration with Developmental Studies – purpose: assist in bridging the large gap between English 109 and English 111 The Santa Fe Literary Review – bigger and bigger and better! Thank you Miriam Sagan!

11 New and Noteworthy (4) Department of Fine Arts UNM BFA program – a first. 2D Area Studies: New Specialized Art Certificates in Painting, Drawing, Book Arts/Printmaking, and Photography (under consideration) Ongoing collaboration with Media Arts on AAA in Commercial Photography 3D Area Studies: New Specialized Art Certificates in Sculpture, Ceramics, and Jewelry (under consideration) Spotlight on Micaceous Pottery studies (50+ students) Ongoing collaboration with B&T on AAA in Crafts (Jewelry, Ceramics, and Fine Wood Working) Gallery Management: Articulation agreement with IAIA Museum Studies (thank you Clark Baughan, Siegfried Halus, and Ron Liss)! Performing Arts: Currently: no theatre, no dance studio, no sound room, no program. Dream: A performing arts center. Collaboration with IAIA coming soon.

12 College-Wide Leadership Activities AQIP Application – thank you Denise White (oh… Al Reed and Jackie Virgint thank you also) General Education Assessment – NM Assessment Task Force & Common Core Competencies. On-line and hybrid course options Faculty Evaluation Activities

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