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Ф КГМУ 4/3-04/03 ИП №6 от 14 июня 2007 г.   Karaganda state medical university.

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Presentation on theme: "Ф КГМУ 4/3-04/03 ИП №6 от 14 июня 2007 г.   Karaganda state medical university."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ф КГМУ 4/3-04/ ИП №6 от 14 июня 2007 г.   Karaganda state medical university Department: History of Kazakhstan and social-political disciplines LECTURE Topic: “Philosophy as a phenomenon of culture” Discipline: Philosophy Specialty: 5B “General Medicine” Course: 2 Duration: 1 hour Lecturer: Temirbekova M.Y. Karaganda 2014 Karaganda 2014 y.

2 Discussed and confirmed at the meeting of the Department Protocol № 1 of «2» September 2014 y. Head of the Department: Temirgaliev K.A.  

3 Structure of lecture: Topic: Philosophy as a phenomenon of culture. Purpose: Introduce with philosophy define subject, function, and typology of philosophy, show a connection of philosophy with culture, explain term of myth and its role in becoming of philosophy, and define the basic philosophic question. Brief contents: Definition. Philosophical questions. Methods of Philosophy. History of Philosophy. Branches of Philosophy. Functions of Philosophy. Visual material: presentation.

4 Philosophy It is the science of the logical foundation of all knowledge It is the first logical science It is the highest generalization which scientific research suggest It consist of great unifying truth, the science of sciences

5 What is ‘Philosophy’? Philia = “love”, sophia = “wisdom” (Pythagoras)
Love of wisdom Knowledge + Action = Wisdom "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing" (Socrates) Definition 3 expresses philosophy as we are going to understand it in this class. Philosophy in this sense is (like definition 1, but unlike definition 2) an activity: it is something you do. In particular, doing philosophy is using our rationality in trying to figure out the answers to difficult questions (related to any subject matter).

6 Philosophical questions
Who created Universe? What is the nature of reality? Is the world really as it appears to be What makes an action right or wrong? Is the universe interested in good or evil? The process of reflecting and criticizing basic belief

7 Methods of Philosophy Induction (the transition from single observations to general propositions). Deduction (the progression of knowledge form premises to their consequences). Philosophic hesitation (the truth should be tested, given by Augustine, Deckard). Dialectic negation (system of thesis to antithesis to synthesis, given by Hegel). Intellectual intuition (the act or faculty of knowing or sensing without the use of rational processes; immediate cognition. ).

8 Contemporary- 1900 – Present time
History of Philosophy Contemporary – Present time Modern ~ 1900 Medieval ~ 1600 Ancient - B.C. 600 ~ C.E.

9 Ancient Philosophy B.C. 600 ~ C.E.
Cosmocentric Beginning of everything Thales, Pythagoras, Democritus Socrates, Plato, Aristotle

10 Medieval Philosophy – 600 ~ 1600
Theocentric: the study of the existence, nature, and essence of God; Ethical: existence of evil and the immortality of the soul St. Justin Martyr, Hippolytus, Tertullian

11 Modern Philosophy – 1600 ~ 1900 Anthropocentric: the study of man
(in relation to himself, others, nature, and God) Rene Descartes, Blaise Pascal, Baruch Spinoza, Immanuel Kant

12 Contemporary – 1900 ~ present time
Explosive: it has no center Auguste Comte, Henri Bergson, Jean-Paul Sartre

13 Branches of Philosophy
There are traditionally 5 main branches Logic Metaphysics Epistemology Ethics Aesthetics

14 A philosophical study on the correct processes of thinking
What is Logic? A philosophical study on the correct processes of thinking It offers answers to questions such as: “Is that reasoning sound?” “Is that statement true?” “Is that conclusion valid ?”

15 What is Metaphysics? A study of the most general aspects of reality, such as substance, identity, the nature of the mind, and free will It deals with questions about the non-physical world, such as :- “Do angels exist? “What do we mean by real?”

16 What is Epistemology? Epistemology (from Greek “episteme” – knowledge +“logos”) or theory of knowledge is the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and scope (limitations) of knowledge How knowledge is relates to truth, belief, and justification The means of production of knowledge Skepticism about different knowledge claims James Frederick Ferrier ( ) Wiki

17 What is Ethics? A philosophical study on the morality (goodness or badness) of human actions (conduct) It deals with questions about right and wrong, e.g. “Is morality subjective?” “What makes actions “right” and “wrong”?”

18 It offers answers to questions like: “Is that good music?”
What is Aesthetics? This branch deals with beauty in Music and Art It offers answers to questions like: “Is that good music?” “Is that painting better than this one ?”

19 Functions of Philosophy
1. Philosophy analyzes the foundations and presuppositions underlying other disciplines. 2. Philosophy attempts to develop a comprehensive conception or apprehension of the world. 3. Philosophy studies and critically evaluates our most deeply held beliefs and attitudes. 4. Philosophy investigates the principles and rules of language, and attempts to clarify the meaning of vague words and concepts.

20 References: David K. Naugle. Philosophy: A Student's Guide. NY, 2012. AQA Philosophy AS: Student's Book. Houston, Texas, 2008. Doing Philosophy: A Practical Guide for Students, London, 2008. Философия медицины. Учебник для медицинских вузов под редакцией Шевченко Ю.Л. М.:ГЭОТАР – МЕД, 2004. Антология мировой философии. В4-хт.М.:Мысль, Барулин В.С.Социальная философия. М., 2000. Бердяев Н. О рабстве и свободе человека. М., 1995. Control questions (feedback): What does philosophy mean? What is the motherland of philosophy? What the fundamental question do you know? What does myth mean? What was the first myth, religion or culture?

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