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DUKE University Home of the Blue Devils 4 th Grade, Room 19 Mr. Lee.

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Presentation on theme: "DUKE University Home of the Blue Devils 4 th Grade, Room 19 Mr. Lee."— Presentation transcript:

1 DUKE University Home of the Blue Devils 4 th Grade, Room 19 Mr. Lee

2 Welcome to Back to School Night Parents, welcome to Back to School Night. Tonight is the night to get a better understanding of what Eagle Canyon Elementary School offers. Please note that this is an informational meeting only on practices, policies and procedures. If you have any question that apply directly to your child, please contact the teacher for a private meeting. Thank you in advance for your attendance and support.

3 Teacher Background/Experience My name is John Lee and I am new to Eagle Canyon and CVUSD. Though new to campus, I have worked in the educational profession for many years. Work Experience: Ralph W. Emerson Elementary School in Rosemead, California. Grades 4 thru 6 for 5 years. Emery Park School in Alhambra, California. Grade 7 for 3 years. Oxford Preparatory Academy in Chino, California. 6 th grade for 3 years and Independent Study for 1 year. Education: Bachelor’s Art in Political Science and International Relations from UCLA with a minor in Business Administration. Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction Completed the GATE Certification Program at UC Riverside.

4 Educational Philosophy At Eagle Canyon Elementary School, we believe that ALL students are: Engaged Active Goal-Oriented Learners Eagerly Soaring to College! This belief is aspirational and lays the groundwork for your children to focus their efforts to bright and successful futures.

5 School-Wide Rules The core foundation of the School Wide rules focus on three main points. RESPECT RESPONSIBILITY SAFETY The rules that are used on campus and within the classroom are aligned and reinforce these three overarching themes. Students along with their teachers are working on the first 24 days of school which review and reinforce the rules of the school.

6 No Excuses University Eagle Canyon Elementary School is adopting a series of beliefs and practices that are grounded in the “No Excuses University” educational system. There are 6 main components that comprise the “No Excuses University” model. Culture of Universal Achievement Collaboration Standards Alignment Assessment Plan Data Analysis Intervention

7 John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success Besides campus wide rules and expectations, ALL of the staff will be focusing on John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success. This philosophy has helped one man earn 10 NCAA championships and relies on building of core fundamental skills to work towards success. Please note that this program and its philosophy have many applications to learning and success.

8 Common Core Concerns CVUSD is adhering to the state mandated Common Core Standards and Curriculum. Though Common Core is a shift from what was established previously, it is still based in student learning and accountability. Common Core integrates writing, technology alongside the standards. Here, students will be asked to work on NCCS but they will also be asked to justify, explain, demonstrate their reasoning and explain how they correctly solved. CVUSD is rolling out Envision Math which is Common core aligned and the district is encouraging Common core integrations within the Language Arts and other subjects.

9 Strategic Grouping & Planning Students in grades 4 thru 6 will be assessed and strategically grouped for Mathematics. Grade level teachers will work with their respective groups and the Intervention Specialists to best serve the student populations. Teachers will be using Envision Math to deliver grade- level Common Core Standards to the students. Grade levels will work collaboratively to pace accordingly and ensure consistent coverage of content area standards.

10 Focus of Study for 2014-2015 Your Duke Blue Devil will be focused on learning a wide range of Common Core Standards that deal with Mathematics, Language Arts, Social Science, Science, Educational Technology, Visual and Performing Arts and Physical Education. We will extend out key standards with enrichment projects, VAPA integrations, reenactments/performances and field trips. Your child will be exploring many new standards, be supportive and encouraging. Learning is FUN!

11 GRADING At Duke University we will be adhering to a straight range of percentiles to determine your student’s overall grades. Please refer to the following percentages to better understand the grading criteria. 90 to 100A- to A+ 80 to 89B- to B+ 70 to 70C- to C+ 60 to 69D- to D+ 59 or BelowFAIL Percentages are based off of ALL points earned divided by the number of assignments. If you have any concerns regarding this policy, please make an appointment with your child’s teacher.

12 Classroom Management Students will work in collaborative teams and earn points for rewards and incentives. Points will be earned for exemplary class behavior, citizenship and academic achievement. Teams will work together for the month and then form new teams the following month. Teachers within the 4 th grade cluster will be using similar classroom management systems where students will move pins/magnets up or down an expectations and behavior chart. Movement up the chart will garner incentives, awards and rewards. Movement DOWN the chart will earn the student corrective measures, meetings with parents or administration.

13 HOMEWORK Homework will be assigned nightly and will be practice and reinforcement of skills learned earlier in the school day. Homework will generally come from Math, Language Arts, and History. Spelling homework will have its own set schedule and will be described in detail to your student when we release the first list of words. Homework can also include working on writing assignments, research on the computer, long term projects, JiJi or Accelerated Reader. Missing Homework: If your child is missing homework, it is strongly suggested that they complete it and get partial credit.

14 Supporting Eagle Canyon Eagle Canyon is a GREAT school. Our goal is to help EACH and EVERY Golden Eagle SOAR to the highest of heights. How can we work TOGETHER to help make this a reality? Support Eagle Canyon!!! Some ways that you can support our AMAZING scholar: JOIN THE PTA. Your membership and donation to the PTA allow for many INTEGRAL programs and activities to happen. VOLUNTEER: When you have FREE time from your very busy lives, drop by the school and VOLUNTEER. Check wit h the Front Office and Teacher for additional information. DONATE: A school needs many different goods and supplies to keep itself up and running. DONATIONS are always welcome. DONATIONS of copy paper, art supplies and so much more are always welcome and appreciated.

15 Questions….

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