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Your Presenter Today Is: Aashish Simha. This project will be a glove that can control home appliances such as lights, TV, stereo, and other electronics.

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Presentation on theme: "Your Presenter Today Is: Aashish Simha. This project will be a glove that can control home appliances such as lights, TV, stereo, and other electronics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Presenter Today Is: Aashish Simha

2 This project will be a glove that can control home appliances such as lights, TV, stereo, and other electronics. The OmniGlove will utilize hand movements and gestures for intuitive home automation. This makes it especially useful for those who are visually impaired, along with the average user.

3  Our PCB is quiet small, only 2.25” on each side. In order to fit all the parts, some compromises are necessary: Small trace size (8 mils) excluding power traces which will be larger (16 mils where possible). Bypass capacitors and other small components will mounted to the underside of the board.  Also due to the small size, shielded inductors will be used where called for in order to reduce EMI from their close proximity to other parts.

4  All bypass capacitors will be kept very close to the micro, mounted to the underside of the PCB.  The micro’s internal oscilator will be used to simplify our design, but the MP3 Decoder will have a 25Mhz crystal that needs to be integrated into the PCB.  Power traces will be as thick as possible, ideally 16 mils, as mentioned earlier.

5  We need an analog power and ground for both our MP3 Decoder and microcontroller. To “create” these, the 3.3V power supply rail will be split, and the analog branch filtered using a ferrite bead and a.1uF cap. To keep the analog GND separate from the digital ground, there will be two GND planes, which are connected only at one point via a trace.  The bulk capacitor is 220uF, coupled with a.1uF cap to act as a bypass cap. These will be placed as close to the 3.3V regulator as possible.


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