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Monday & Wednesday 7:55-9:10 North Seattle Community College IB 1409 CCE 135 Foundations of Early Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday & Wednesday 7:55-9:10 North Seattle Community College IB 1409 CCE 135 Foundations of Early Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday & Wednesday 7:55-9:10 North Seattle Community College IB 1409 CCE 135 Foundations of Early Learning

2 CCE 135: Foundations of Early Learning Candice Hoyt, Faculty (206) 715-1878 (until 9 pm) Office hours by appointment Syllabus: Online – Angel:

3 Monday 1/4/09 Course Design Teams SQ Chapter Topics Conscious Care

4 Course Design Materials Format Student Handbook Syllabus /choyt/CCE135 /choyt/CCE135 Sign sheet In-Class  Discussions  Presentations Angel  Discussions  Post documents

5 Angel Logon Instructions Calendar UserID = your full 9 digit Student ID #. Password = your full 9 digit Student ID #. Update your email address.  "Preferences/Personal Information”  "User Profile Editor“  "Contact Settings“  Hover to see entire assignment.  Due date shows as the discussion end due date, not the initial post due date.  Assignments are visible on calendar but may not be accessible until assignment date. / / CCE 135 Foundations of Early Learning (Hoyt - hybrid) W10 CCE 135 Foundations of Early Learning (Hoyt - hybrid) W10

6 Lessons Report CCE 135: Foundations of Early Learning  Discussion Questions (DQ)  REQUIRED  Team Discussions  Discussion Forum & Wiki for each assignment  Individual Assignments  Post your assignment then comment on 2 others.  Team Assignments  Post team assignment then comment on each one. Be sure to hit “Run” when you choose a new Category from the drop- down menu. Grades  Within 7 days of due date. Milestones  “Mark complete” required for most assignments.  No grade until marked. Angel CCE 135 Foundations of Early Learning (Hoyt - hybrid) W10 CCE 135 Foundations of Early Learning (Hoyt - hybrid) W10

7 Resources Instant Messenger Contact e-Learning Support Center for help with Angel Phone - 206-527-3738 Email - Other resources may be added. Does not count for DQ or A replies. Peers or I may be online and able to answer questions, clarify, etc. Save the conversation for others to view later. Have to invite people into the chat “room.” Angel CCE 135 Foundations of Early Learning (Hoyt - hybrid) W10 CCE 135 Foundations of Early Learning (Hoyt - hybrid) W10

8 Sequence Papers Critique of the child’s world compared to research  See “Example ‘Real World’ Topics” in your syllabus, e.g.:  Toilet “training”  Exer-saucers  TV/DVDs (Baby Einstein, Teletubbies, Sesame Street, etc)  Computer games/Video games (Leap Frog, PC games, online games, etc)  Co-sleeping  “Time out”  Sign Language  Reading to infants  Or choose your own (with approval)

9 Sequence Papers SQ 1 & 2 and Final Project:  Team:  Research and presentation  Materials for parents/teachers  Post online and present in class  Individual:  Paper SQ 1 & 2:  Critique compared to what you learned from the textbook Final Project:  Critique compared to 3 references (1 can be the textbook)

10 Sequence Papers SQ 1 topic selection (decide by Monday 1/11)  Team A: Chapter 5  Team B: Chapter 6  Team C: Chapter 7  Team D: Chapter 8 SQ 2 topic selection (decide by Monday 2/1)  Team A: Chapter 9  Team B: Chapter 10  Team C: Chapter 11  Team D: Chapter 12 & 13

11 Conscious Care Write a paper on:  Your commitment to taking care of yourself.  What you will do next to ensure this commitment. Post at least one goal and one step toward that goal, by Mon 1/11. Post complete paper in the Drop Box (private) by Mon 1/11. Respond to each other’s posts by Wed 1/20.

12 Conscious Care CONSCIOUS on purpose active thoughtful healthy premeditated awareness CARE nurturing attending loving supporting considerate friendly concerned encouraging Conscious care requires us to understand our own needs and how to care for ourselves and advocate for ourselves before we can understand the needs of others, care for others, or advocate for others. alertness observing focused

13 Stress How do you handle stressors? Stress  Read  Sleep  Exercise  Eat  Shop  Make a plan  Fresh Air  Asking for help  Time alone  Gardening  Laughter  TV / movies  Call a friend  Dancing  Sex Fatigue  Regular sleep  Prioritize what you’re doing  Eat well  Exercise  Breathe  Push through  Caffeine!  Sugar  Chocolate  Vitamins  Sunlight  Permission to SIT for a minute  BE tired

14 Anger  Breathe  Talk about it  Refocus  Walk it off  Reframe it  Shout – yell!  Running  Redirecting to positive energy  Don’t bring it home  Don’t bring it to work  Let it go Irritation  Talk about it – doesn’t always work  Pinpoint what’s bothering you & try to find a solution  Remove yourself from the situation  Avoid people you like – because you don’t want to take it out on them  Walk away  Time out  Deep breath  Asking for help  Asking for a substitute

15 Needs Are you “aware” of yourself? What do you need? What are your needs in your personal life?  Personal time  Quiet  Sleep  Space  Order  Alcohol – weekend martinis  Work-out time  Money  Good book  Life coach  Friends  Family  Support  Encouragement  Help doing things when I am overwhelmed  Permission to throw a temper tantrum  Forgiveness  Love  Sex  Appreciation

16 What are your needs in your work?  Time  Order  Space  Support  Viable income  Freedom to try new things  Energy  Validation  Creativity  Acknowledgement  Patience of others  My patience  Learning to be in the moment  Flexibility  Willingness to take risks  To be listened to and heard  Respected  Asked for opinion  Continued learning opportunities  Feedback

17 Advocate: one who speaks for/represents another What comes to mind when you hear the word “Advocate”? Someone who speaks for you Asking what you need On your side Protecting your rights Trust Lawyer Parent President Lobbyist Child – children speak for one another Guardian Leader Boss Mentor Celeste Spouse Friend Family

18 Advocate: one who speaks for/represents another What comes to mind when you hear the word “Advocate”? supporter voice mediator initiative-taker family involvement representative promote cultural

19 Advocate one who speaks for/represents another Who do you advocate for? Children Teachers Friends Parents Family The environment Spouse My program Neighborhood Work Co-workers Who advocates for you in your personal life? Who advocates for you at work?

20 Advocate one who speaks for/represents another We are mentors for children, modeling, living by example. How do you advocate for yourself? Eating right Speaking up Focusing on the important things Protect your time Respecting yourself Check your time sheets Exercise Ask for time off – and take it!!! Take opportunities to do unexpected things (not always following a plan) – idea related to “teachable moments” Vote Positive self-talk  Know who your friends are  Know who your friends are not  Choose your friends  Be truthful  Being genuine / authentic  Honest with yourself about your limits and not a super hero  Be confident in yourself  Establish boundaries  Try new things  Feel free to abandon things that don’t work, even if you’ve always done them.  Take chances

21 Wrap Up Wednesday 1/6 Monday 1/11 Due…  Read Chapter 1  Post DQ 01: Chapter 1 In Class…  Conscious Care  Learning Stories  Chapter 1 Due…  Read Ch 2; Readings 1 & 2  Post DQ 2: Ch 2, R 1 & 2  Post Conscious Care  Post SQ 01 topic choices In class…  Chapter 2; Readings 1 & 2  Learning Stories (A 02)  SQ 01 topic choices

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