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Waves and Sound. Sound is a mechanical wave produced by vibrating bodies. When the air vibrations reach the ear, they cause the eardrum to vibrate; this.

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Presentation on theme: "Waves and Sound. Sound is a mechanical wave produced by vibrating bodies. When the air vibrations reach the ear, they cause the eardrum to vibrate; this."— Presentation transcript:

1 Waves and Sound

2 Sound is a mechanical wave produced by vibrating bodies. When the air vibrations reach the ear, they cause the eardrum to vibrate; this produces nerve impulses that are interpreted by the brain. All matter transmits sound to some extend, but a material medium is needed between the source and the receiver to propagate sound. Properties of Sound

3 Types of waves Longitudinal waves: The vibration of the particles of the medium is along the direction of the wave’s motion. Transverse waves: The vibration of the particles of the medium is perpendicular to the direction of the wave’s motion.

4 Properties of Sound Two important characteristics of sound are intensity, which is determined by the magnitude of compression and rarefaction in the propagating medium, and frequency, which is determined by how often the compressions and rarefactions take place. Frequency is measured in cycles per second, which is designated by the unit hertz (Hz) after the scientist Heinrich Hertz. 1 Hz = 1 cycle per second The distance between two least- density points is called the wavelength. The speed of sound v is given by

5 Energy transported by sound The pressure variations due to the propagating of a sinusoidal sound wave is of the form where is the maximum pressure change, and f is the frequency of the sound. The amount of energy transmitted by a sinusoidal sound wave per unit time through each unit area perpendicular to the direction of sound propagation is called the intensity I and is given by Here is the density of the medium, and v is the speed of the sound propagation.

6 Fundamental and Harmonics In most cases, the sound wave patterns produced by instruments and voices are highly complex. The lowest frequency in the wave form is called the fundamental, and the higher frequencies are called harmonics. It is the harmonic content of the sound that differentiates one sound from another.

7 Fourier decomposition However, complex wave shapes can be analyzed into simple sinusoidal waves of different frequencies by Fourier Analysis.

8 Mathematical representation of a traveling wave + : the wave moves to the right - : the wave moves to the left

9 Reflection and refraction Law of reflection: the angle of reflection equals the angle of incidence. When a wave traveling one medium crosses a boundary into a medium where its speed is different, the transmitted wave may move in a different direction than the incident wave. The phenomenon is known as refraction. Law of refraction: When sound traveling in air is incident perpendicular to a water surface, only about 0.1% of the sound energy enters the water; 99.9% is reflected.

10 Diffraction Waves have a tendency to spread as they propagate through a medium. As a result, when a wave encounters an obstacle, it spreads into the region behind the obstacle. This phenomenon is called diffraction. The longer the wavelength, the greater is the spreading of the wave. Significant diffraction into the region behind the obstacle occurs only if the size of the obstacle is smaller than the wavelength.

11 Interference When waves travel simultaneously in the same medium, the total disturbance in the medium is at each point the vectorial sum of the individual disturbances produced by each wave. This phenomenon is called interference.

12 Interference Constructive interference: Waves are in phase. Destructive interference: Waves are out of phase. Standing wave: Two waves of the same frequency and magnitude traveling in opposite directions. The resultant wave pattern is stationary in space.

13 Beats – interference in time

14 Characteristics of sound The speed of sound is different in different materials. In air at 0 ° C and 1 atm, sound travels at a speed of 331 m/s. (Table 16.1) In liquids and solids, which are much less compressible, the speed is larger. The speed of sound in air increases in temperature: GasesGases Materialv (m/s) Hydrogen (0°C) 1286 Helium (0°C) 972 Air (20°C)343 Air (0°C)331 Liquids at 25°C Materialv (m/s) Glycerol1904 Sea water1533 Water1493 Mercury1450 Solids Materialv (m/s) Diamond12000 Iron5130 Aluminum5100 Copper3560 Gold3240 Rubber1600 Gas

15 Characteristics of sound The speed of sound is different in different materials. In air at 0 ° C and 1 atm, sound travels at a speed of 331 m/s. (Table 16.1) In liquids and solids, which are much less compressible, the speed is larger. The speed of sound in air increases in temperature: GasesGases

16 Hearing and the ear The ear is much more sensitive to pressure variations than any other part of the body. 2.5 cm Air inside Liquid inside

17 Hearing and the ear The ear is much more sensitive to pressure variations than any other part of the body.

18 Uncoil the cochlea 3.5 cm

19 Frequency and Pitch The human ear is capable of detecting sound at frequencies between about 20 and 20,000 Hz, and most sensitive to frequencies between 200 and 4,000 Hz. The sensation of pitch increases with frequency. The frequency of middle C is 256 Hz. There is, however, no simple mathematical relationship between and frequency. Test your ear

20 Intensity and Loudness Logarithmic intensity (in dB) = where I is sound intensity in ; is the intensity of a chosen reference level, normally chosen to be Threshold of hearing: Threshold of pain:

21 Bats and Echoes The Vespertilionidae family of bats emit short chirps as they fly. The chirps last about 3 msec with a time interval between chirps of about 70 msec. Each chirp starts at a frequency of about 100,000 Hz and falls to about 30,000 Hz at the end. As the bat comes closer to the object, both the duration of and the spacing between chirps decrease, allowing the bat to localize the object more accurately. Experiments have shown that with echo location bats can avoid wire obstacles with diameters down to about 0.1 mm, but they fail to avoid finer wires.

22 Ultrasonic waves With special electronically driven crystals, it is possible to produce mechanical waves at very high frequencies, up to millions of cycles per second. These waves are called ultrasonic waves. Because of their short wavelength, ultrasonic waves can be focused onto small areas and can be imaged much as visible light. Ultrasound is now routinely used to destroy kidney and gall stones.

23 Stone size less than 2 mm

24 Doppler effect The frequency of sound detected by an observer depends on the relative motion between the source and the observer. This phenomenon is called the Doppler effect. If the observer is stationary and the source is in motion, the frequency f’ detected by the observer is given by Where f is the frequency in the absence of motion, v is the speed of sound, and is the speed of the source. The minus sign in the denominator is to be used when the source is approaching the observer, and the plus sign when the source is receding.

25 Shock waves When a source of sound moves at subsonic speeds (less than the speed of sound), the pitch of the sound is altered as we have seen (the Doppler effect). But if a source of sound moves faster than the speed of sound, a more dramatic effect known as a shock wave occurs.

26 一人搭超音速火車,途中向其站在地面的 女友喊說 : 「我愛妳」。請問他女友聽到的 是「我愛妳」 ,還是「妳愛我」?

27 -- END --

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