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Published byDarcy Summers Modified over 9 years ago
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Distance Education, Technology, and Curriculum Tools for ensuring effective curricular review of distance education
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Overview Distance Education (DE): What is it? How is it different? Imminent changes to Title 5. When and why does a DE course require separate review? Elements of an effective curricular review - what should you be looking for? And more..
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Institutional & Pedagogical Concerns Compliance with Ed Code, Title 5, and the DE Guidelines Articulation agreements (and most important…) student learning
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Institutional & Pedagogical Concerns Standards within the institution Faculty training Ulterior concerns: –Competition in the market place –FTE generation Others?
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 What does Title 5 say now? Many people view the current regulations as ambiguous. The current DE Guidelines do not clarify ambiguities. ASCCC adopted positions and proposed Title 5 language seek to clarify.
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 ASCCC Resolution 11.02 (F06) High Instructional Standards in all Instructional Modalities Resolved, That the ASCCC work with the SO and its advisory committees to ensure that all modalities and delivery methods of instruction meet the same high standards without regard to the mix of such delivery; and Resolved, That the ASCCC work with local senates to ensure that local processes support and promote high quality, academic rigor, and integrity of California community college courses regardless of the delivery methods being utilized.
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 ASCCC Resolution 11.02 (F06) High Instructional Standards in all Instructional Modalities Resolved, That the ASCCC urge local senates, through their curriculum committees, to ensure that their local processes support and promote high quality, academic rigor, and integrity of their courses by implementing a curricular review of all courses with delivery methods that regularly replace classroom time with an alternative mode of delivery, regardless of the percentage of classroom time being replaced.
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Current (“old”) DE Guidelines The DE guidelines emphasized that for reporting purposes a course was DE if it was greater than 50% online. It was unclear what threshold of DE required separate curricular approval.
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Proposed T5 Changes Language presented here what the BoG approved earlier this week. Available online at agendas/attachments_0707/04-1a- T5_Regs_Packet.doc agendas/attachments_0707/04-1a- T5_Regs_Packet.doc
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 § 55200: Definition & Application DE means instruction in which the instructor and student are separated by distance and interact through the assistance of communication technology. All DE is subject to the general requirements of this chapter as well as the specific requirements of this article. In addition, instruction provided as DE is subject to the requirements that may be imposed by the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. § 12100 et seq.) and section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. § 794d).
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 § 55202: Course Quality Standards The same standards of course quality shall be applied to any portion of a course conducted through DE as are applied to traditional classroom courses, in regard to the course quality judgment made pursuant to the requirements of section 55002, and in regard to any local course quality determination or review process. Determinations and judgments about the quality of DE under the course quality standards shall be made with the full involvement of faculty…
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 § 55204: Instructor Contact In addition to the requirements of section 55002 and any locally established requirements applicable to all courses, district governing boards shall ensure that: (a) Any portion of a course conducted through DE includes regular effective contact between instructor and students.
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 § 55206: Separate Course Approval If any portion of the instruction in a proposed or existing course or course section is designed to be provided through DE in lieu of face- to-face interaction between instructor and student, the course shall be separately reviewed and approved according to the district's adopted course approval procedures.
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Separate Approval How this is done and what is involved is a local decision – but there are some common goals. Ensure that course is being taught to the existing course outline of record. Why is this important? Articulation is based on the course outline of record – if and when courses are not taught to the COR, all articulations are placed in jeopardy.
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Separate Approval Must provide “regular and effective contact between instructor and student,” as defined locally. Methods of Instruction and Methods of evaluation may change, but neither content nor objectives – we still teach to the existing COR.
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Separate Approval Courses should not be identified as online anywhere but in the curriculum addendum and the schedule of classes. Class size as it relates to student learning may be recommended by the Curriculum Committee. Accessibility must be addressed.
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 55217. Number of Students The number of students assigned to any one course section offered by distance education shall be determined by and be consistent with other district procedures related to faculty assignment. Procedures for determining the number of students assigned to a course section offered by distance education may include a review by the curriculum committee established pursuant to section 55002(a)(1). Nothing in this section shall be construed to impinge upon or detract from any negotiations or negotiated agreements between exclusive representatives and district governing boards. Class Size & DE
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Separate Approval What is your process? Is it effective? What’s working well? What’s missing?
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Is separate approval needed? A course is scheduled to be 100% face-to-face. The instructor announces in the course that students will also have to work to do at a distance (either asynchronously or synchronously) with an online component. The course still meets face-to-face at its regularly scheduled time.
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Is separate approval needed? A course is scheduled to be 100% face-to-face. The instructor has to miss a class or two and has no substitute so, assignments are placed online. Otherwise, the course still meets face-to-face at its regularly scheduled time.
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 DE Guidelines Districts may need to define “effective contact,“ including how often, and in what manner instructor-student interaction is achieved. It is important that we document how regular effective contact is achieved. Since regular effective contact was declared an academic and professional matter, this documentation must include demonstration of collegial consultation with the academic senate, for example through its delegation to the local curriculum committee.
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 DE Guidelines A natural place for this to occur is during the separate course approval process. Documentation should consist of the inclusion of information in applicable outlines of record on the type and frequency of interaction appropriate to each DE course/section or session. Districts need to describe the type and quantity of student-faculty interaction in their annual reports to their local governing boards and the State Chancellor’s Office.
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 DE Guidelines In making use of the existing local curriculum approval process, there must be documentation of “regular effective contact” as described in 55204. For this reason, a course/section or session should be separately reviewed the first time it is offered in a technology mediated mode, and subsequently reviewed again when the technology changes sufficiently to alter the answers to how regular effective contact is achieved.
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Local Decisions Create a curriculum addendum form that reflects local needs and addresses relevant compliance concerns. Define how “effective contact” will take place Establish a clear process for the introduction of new DE courses. Develop a means to ensure not only compliance and quality today, but ongoing compliance and quality. Others?
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Nuts & Bolts What should you look for when approving online course addenda? Can the course objectives be achieved via DE? Do the methods of instruction seem plausible when applied via DE?
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Are a variety of DE content delivery methods used that link back to the course objectives? Do the methods of evaluation make sense? Are there integrity concerns that need to be addressed? Nuts & Bolts
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Has the course author been properly trained? Have faculty who will teach the course been properly trained? Do sample assignments, if provided, show appropriate use of the Internet and available CMS tools? Nuts & Bolts
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Has consideration been given to compliance with accessibility guidelines? Is class size appropriately addressed? What policies are in place with respect to “canned” (“e-pack”) courses? Nuts & Bolts
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Curriculum Committee Opportunities ! Set up local requirements for your program that are based on your own shared governance structure and the philosophy of your online program. Make sure the instructional methodology has been well thought out and supports the appropriate delivery of course content. Formally inform faculty and administration of compliance issues and considerations regarding online teaching and learning in general.
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Institutional Commitments Proactively assisting faculty to develop high quality courses. Create a process that will ensure both compliance and quality. Train faculty as much as possible. DE can be as good as or better than face-to-face.
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 CC Training Ideas Preview live online courses Conduct committee business online Create a simple set of resources that include: –Definitions of fully online, hybrid, web mediated. –A list of functions performed by your course management system for easy reference Create a formal orientation regarding the DE Guidelines
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Life After Initial Approval How do you ensure the ongoing quality of the course? Consider how to keep information current on… –Who authors a course? –Who brings the addendum? –Who teaches the course?
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 DE Course Evaluation What policies or procedures do you have for evaluating the efficacy of your DE courses and program? Examples?
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Electronic Barriers to Access Redesigning college and department websites Marketing your online college - audience Web-enhanced instructional materials Web-based applications to support student learning (Alex, LMS, Publisher courses) Administrative needs –Streamlined enrollment processes –Online college application –data collection –Student Information Systems –Student portals –Library services e.g., catalog systems
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Attitudinal Barriers How can a blind student possibly take a (add your class here) class online? Why do we have to do this? If I don't have any disabled students in my class, do I still have to make the materials accessible? How much extra work is this going to take me? Who does this?
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Committee Website
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Accessibility and Distance Education DE offers students “ Learning anytime, anywhere. ” All DE resources must be designed to afford students with disabilities maximum opportunity to access distance education resources “ anytime, anywhere ” without the need for outside assistance (i.e. sign language interpreters, aides, etc.).
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Accessibility and Distance Education Distance education courses, resources and materials must be designed and delivered in such a way that the level of communication and course taking experience is the same for students with or without disabilities.
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Accessibility and Distance Education Distance education resources must generally be designed to provide “built- in” accommodation (i.e. closed captioning, descriptive narration) and/or interface design/content layout, which is accessible to “industry standard” assistive computer technology in common use by persons with disabilities.
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Alt Tags
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Keeping Web Accessibility in Mind
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Audio, Captioning and TranscriptTranscript
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Descriptive Audio
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Student Success Think Universal Design, where your course materials are usable by as many learning styles as possible, including those students with disabilities Plan for multiple format deliveries E-text allows for flexibility in creating alternate formats –Use of assistive technology –Braille, digital book readers, podcasts Utilize existing campus standards –Web guidelines (policy and procedures) –Technology plans –Distance Education plans
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Santa Barbara TMI Form
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Lake Tahoe CC DE addendum rm%20New.pdf rm%20New.pdf 1. In what ways will teaching this online course in an online format pose special or unique learning challenges for students with disabilities. 2.If there are likely to be challenges for students with disabilities, please consult with the Director of the Disability Resource Center and complete the attached checklist
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 LA Valley College
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 San Diego CC District
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Train Incoming Faculty DREAM Discover, Read, Explore, Apply, Measure
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 F2F and Online
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Sacramento City College
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Las Positas College
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Gavilan College
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Work towards Building awareness Training and development support Evaluation of course Ongoing review of tools used to manage and create your distance education course
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Be Proactive I am an instructor at Fresno City College. We are in the process of developing an online teachers training certificate program. One of the courses will be a 1 unit course tentatively called “Making your online course ADA compliant.” Janice thought that you might have a course that is similar, and therefore, have a course outline that we could look at. We would greatly appreciate any information that you could pass our way.
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Summary One Size Does Not Fit All Do you know the name of your campus access specialist? Instructional designer? –May live in different depts. ( DSPS/IT/LRC/FRC) –Titles may differ (A.T., Alt. Media, combination) –Find out what resources and assistance are available Review forms for language changes and funding mechanisms associated with course development Budget the cost of access into course proposal process –Online course development stipends –Professional Development stipends –Sabbatical leaves and development of instructional media Cost of captioning (in-house/outsource) Audio (transcription)
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Conclusion If the money is not factored into process – initiate the conversation If you don’t know you need it - - how can you ask for support from, Dept. chairs, and administrators re: institutional support to meet compliance
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Resources System Office - Distance Education Report Fiscal Years 1995-96 through 20005-06 – DE_Report.pdf DE_Report.pdf Mt. San Jacinto Online Educators’ Resources – Online Course Evaluations – U.S. Dept. of Education – March 2006 – ACCJC Distance Learning Manual (August 2006) This manual contains information that will assist member institutions as they plan and evaluate distance learning programs. Distance Learning Manual –Core documents -
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Handouts Webaim - Web accessibility checklist for 508 compliance – Example of Santa Barbara's disability statement to be included in course syllabus Note: Faculty members should check with their own college's DSPS department for the specific language used at their college. –“SBCC Students with disabilities who are requesting accommodations should use the following SBCC procedure: contact the DSPS office, submit documentation of your disability to the DSPS office, communicate with a DSPS specialist regarding options for services and accommodations, and reach written accommodation not only with the DSPS specialist but also with your instructor. SBCC requests you complete this process at least ten working days before your accommodation is needed, in order to allow DSPS staff and SBCC instructors time to provide your accommodation.”
2007 ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 13, 2007 Handouts SBCC TMI checklist – KLIST.PDF KLIST.PDF Santa Monica –508 Overview for Program Review – 08%20Overview%20.doc 08%20Overview%20.doc SBCC Course Evaluation – Draft Contact Kathy O’Connor 805.965.0581 ext. 2322
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