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Starting Out Right Welcome to … CARMEL VALLEY MIDDLE SCHOOL.

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2 Starting Out Right Welcome to … CARMEL VALLEY MIDDLE SCHOOL

3 Your Counselors….. TONI ZURCHER A-G x3009 LISA CURRY H-M X3006 ANGIE MIRANDA N-Z x3008

4 We are here to help! Personal issues Problems with friends – conflict resolution Gossip and bullying Divorce, illness, loss Decision making Communication with teachers And advice on parenting for you!

5 We are here to help! Academic Improving grades Organization Study skills High School and College questions Career Exploration

6 For parents of students in private schools, etc…. Pick up the registration information letter on the back table and print forms Make an appointment with our registrar, Lee Ann Howe, x3005 ASAP You will need verification of residency, immunization records, etc. Once registered, make an appt. for math placement test

7 Important Registration forms Print and use the checklist to be certain you have all required forms Make sure you have thoroughly completed each required form If anything is missing, you will notified that your registration is not complete. If you need time to gather immunization records, turn in what you have for now. You do not need to sign the verification of residency form in our presence if you are enrolling from a feeder public school

8 Very Important Dates (see this info on reg. web page) March 31 – return packet to 6 th grade teacher with the CHECKLIST on top. May 17-27: math placement testing In June: placement letters MAILED home 5/25, 5/27 or 6/5– Algebra Honors Readiness Test August 18- Orientation

9 Two year plan 7 th Grade: English Math World History Life Science PE Elective (1 year or two semester classes) 8 th Grade: English Math U.S. History Physical Science PE Elective (1 year or two semester classes)

10 Math placements Pre-Algebra Essentials Pre-Algebra (Proficient on STAR) Pre-Algebra Honors Algebra Honors (8 th grade course which follows PAH) Some 7 th graders will qualify by passing the AHRT.

11 MATH SUPPORT CLASSES  Before school support class – fills in identified skill gaps in math or English PA Topics Support class – replaces elective – gives additional instruction to support placement and success in PA

12 Placement criteria for Pre Algebra Honors 35/45 on Math Diagnostic Test, Advanced 5 th grade Math STAR score, “B” or better in 1st sem/2 nd tri grade math. Students not meeting the criteria for PAH may still enroll. First review the course expectations. Understand that you will be making a year commitment. Math Diagnostic Test results will be mailed home in early June. You may revise your math course selection prior to June 16 th.

13 Placement criteria for Alg Hon 8 th graders who completed Pre-Algebra Honors with at least B’s both semesters 7 th graders who demonstrate mastery of Pre-Algebra Honors curriculum by placement test score, STAR, and by passing the Alg. Hon. Readiness Test. 7 th graders may NOT enroll without passing the AHR TEST given this spring.

14 English Placement English 7 – Proficient on STAR-a standard, college prep level English 7 Honors – ADV on STAR- should possess strong writing skills and be an avid reader of high- level books. Students may choose honors by reviewing course profiles/expectations on our web site. Please make a careful and thoughtful decision based on your child’s abilities and dedication to studies because you will be making a year-long commitment to the course

15 All Placements are final… …after June 16 th We do not re-evaluate math and English placements or re-test in August. We do not accept “tutoring” to advance a level in math.

16 Physical Education Options General PE Dance (8 th ) Band or Orchestra to replace PE Band/Orchestra students have the choice… Band + PE Band (replace PE) + another elective  ISPE (Application – highly competitive individual sport- apply after May 1st)

17 Electives: Time to Have Fun! Your child has space for one year long elective or two semester classes Please let your child choose We will be scheduling for the year, and we do make an effort to give your child their first or second choice, but 8 th graders have priority Write in top 6 choices (in order of preference) BE sure to select your PE as well

18 CVMS Electives Semester Electives Drama Intro General Studio Art Intro to Multi Media Video Film TV Broadcasting Year Electives Leadership (application) Journalism/Yearbook (application) Drama/Advanced Drama Art/Advanced Art Intro/Advanced Multi Media Heroes (application) AVID (application) Band or Orchestra Spanish I (college prep)

19 About World language requirements… Language is not a requirement for a high school diploma Two or more years of the same language taken consecutively are required for entrance to a 4 year university We recommend students begin a language no later than 9 th grade. If your child chooses to begin Spanish in 7 th, he will not have an opportunity to take any other electives during middle school.

20 More about Language options Students who begin Spanish in 7 th must go on to Spanish 2 in 8 th, Spanish 3 in 9 th … In 8 th grade, students may choose to begin Spanish or French (although French is a lottery) In 9 th grade, students may choose between Spanish, French, Japanese or American Sign Language.

21 BAND and Orchestra Info You must select Band or Orchestra on your plan sheet (elective selection) and complete the Band/Orchestra application (get form on line) Students must audition (unless a beginner) Auditions by appointment only – email info is included in Band/Orch information

22 Orientation August 18 Student registration form (access on- line) 8 th grade WEB leaders give the tour and answer questions Fun music and pizza! Parents, we have a special meeting just for you! Learn about community issues and safety Support your child’s social/emotional development Access to school resources online Support your child’s academic success Buy PE clothes, ASB and Yearbooks; join PTSA

23 Bell Schedule School Day: 8:25-3:05 On Mondays, all six classes meet and are approx. 50 minutes On Tuesdays and Thursdays, periods 1,3,5 meet and are approx. 1 hr. 45min On Wed. and Fridays, periods 2,4,6 meet Homeroom/SSR after lunch

24 How to help your child have an awesome year! Read the newsletter and know when report cards are issued and carried home. Set a consistent structure for homework time Expect your child to use the agenda book to record assignments Have your child show you the assignments and repack their notebook before homework time is officially “over”. Expect your child to do 1 1/2 to 2 hours of homework a night – more with Honors classes or Spanish

25 Other Things to Remember Most teachers do not accept late work Missing assignment = zero (teach your children to factor GPA) There are no lockers (except for PE) We have showers in PE, but students don’t shower (PLEASE have them bring deodorant, wipes, towel, etc.)

26 Organization and Supplies Students are issued textbooks which remain at home. A class set is available for use at school. Most students need a backpack, binders, pens, pencils, paper, dividers It helps to have a supply of markers and poster board Each teacher will provide a suggested list of supplies for their class during the first week.

27 Your Counselor is… …..Your support system! …..a Parenting resource …..someone you can share with confidentially Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have concerns!

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