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Published byLouisa Cameron Modified over 9 years ago
Terascale Simulation Tools and Technologies Center Jim Glimm (BNL/SB), Center Director David Brown (LLNL), Ed D’Azevedo (ORNL), Joe Flaherty (RPI), Lori Freitag (ANL), Patrick Knupp (SNL), Mark Shephard (RPI), Harold Trease (PNNL), Co-PIs
TSTT-2 The TSTT Center will bring terascale simulation technology to applications scientists n Observation: Terascale computing will enable high-fidelity calculations based on multiple coupled physical processes and multiple physical scales n Adaptive methods n Composite or hybrid solution strategies n High-Order discretization strategies n Barrier: The lack of easy-to-use interoperable meshing, discretization, and adaptive tools requires too much software expertise by application scientists The TSTT recognizes this gap and will address the technical and human barriers preventing use of adaptive, composite, hybrid methods
TSTT-3 TSTT will develop interoperable meshing and discretization technology components n Meshing and Discretization Research and Development n high-quality, hybrid mesh generation for complex domains n front tracking and other adaptive approaches n high-order discretization techniques n algorithms for terascale computing n Software interoperability is a pervading theme n initial design will account for interoperability at all levels n encapsulate research into software components n define interfaces for plug-and-play experimentation n Application deployment and testing is paramount n SciDAC collaborations in accelerator design, fusion, climate and chemically reacting flows n existing DOE application collaborations in biology, mixing fluids, and many more
TSTT-4 Existing Tools for Mesh Generation A wide variety of tools exist for the generation of … n … structured meshes n Overture - high quality predominantly structured meshes on complex CAD geometries (LLNL) n Variational and Elliptic Grid Generators (ORNL, SNL) n … unstructured meshes n MEGA (RPI) - primarily tetrahedral meshes, boundary layer mesh generation, curved elements, AMR n CUBIT (SNL) - primarily hexahedral meshes, automatic decomposition tools, common geometry module n NWGrid (PNNL) - hybrid meshes using combined Delaunay, AMR and block structured algorithms These tools all meet particular needs, but they do not interoperate to form hybrid, composite meshes MEGA Boundary Layer Mesh (RPI) Overture Diesel Engine Mesh (LLNL)
TSTT-5 Geometric Hierarchy Required to n provide a common frame of reference for all tools n facilitate multilevel solvers n facilitate transfer of information in discretizations n Level 0: Original problem specification via high level geometric description n Level 1/2: Decomposition into subdomains and mesh components that refer back to Level 0 n Level 3: Partitioning Given Geometry Specification Domain Decomposition Mesh Components Parallel Decomposition Level 3 Level 0 Level 2 Level 1 P0 P2 P3 P1P4 P6 P7 P5 P8 Pa Pb P9 Pc Pe Pf Pd
TSTT-6 Mesh Data Hierarchy n Level A: Geometric description of the domain n Accessed via tools such as CGM (SNL) or functional interfaces to solid modeling kernels (RPI) n Level B: Full geometry hybrid meshes n mesh components n communication mechanisms that link them (key new research area) n allows structured and unstructured meshes to be combined in a single computation n Level C: Mesh Components Geometry Information (Level A) Full Geometry Meshes (Level B) Mesh Components (Level C)
TSTT-7 Access to Mesh Data Hierarchy... n … as a single object (high-level common interfaces) n TSTT will develop functions that provide, e.g., n PDE discretization operators n adaptive mesh refinement n multilevel data transfer n Prototype provided by Overture framework n Enables rapid development of new mesh-based applications n … through the mesh components (low-level common interfaces) n TSTT will provide, e.g., n element-by-element access to mesh components n fortran-callable routines that return interpolation coefficients at a single point (or array of points) n Facilitates incorporation into existing applications
TSTT-8 Common Interface Specification n Initially focus on low level access to static mesh components (Level C) n Data: mesh geometry, topology, field data n Efficiency though n Access patterns appropriate for each mesh type n Caching strategies and agglomerated access n Appropriateness through working with n Application scientists n TOPS and CCA SciDAC ISICs n Application scientists program to the common interface and can than use any conforming tool without changing their code n High level interfaces n to entire grid hierarchy which allows interoperable meshing by creating a common view of geometry n mesh adaptation including error estimators and curved elements n All TSTT tools will be interface compliant
TSTT-9 Mesh Data Hierarchy Construction n Level 0 to Level 1 geometry n Leverage existing TSTT tools that provide graphical interfaces to decompose the initial geometry into subdomains n CGM (SNL), Overture (LLNL) n Level 1 mesh components n Leverage exsiting mesh generation tools n Level C to Level B hybrid meshes n Stitching algorithms n Overlapping meshes Start with a set of component meshes... … Cut holes... … Stitch together to form a hybrid mesh Overture Stitching Algorithm (LLNL) CUBIT Geometry Decomposition (SNL)
TSTT-10 Enhancing Mesh Generation Capabilities n Will leverage most existing TSTT technology “as is” n Provisions for n Creating interface compliant tools n Improving mesh generation capabilities on complex geometries for high order elements n Curvilinear elements n Geometry approximations n Interoperability of appropriate tools n e.g., ORNL elliptic and variational mesh generators with Overture n Mesh quality control for hybrid meshes Linear coarse elements verses high-order, curvilinear P elements in MEGA (RPI)
TSTT-11 Mesh Quality Control n Unstructured mesh quality research and development is provided by MESQUITE (SNL, ANL) n optimization-based smoothing n reconnection schemes n development of quality metrics for high order methods n a posteriori quality control using error estimators n PDE-solution based mesh optimization will be investigated for overlapping and hybrid meshes Improvedmesh 8x error reduction by selecting optimal mesh generation parameters
TSTT-12 Dynamic Mesh Evolution n Geometry evolves due to n Adaptive mesh refinement n Internally tracked interfaces (e.g., shocks) n Motion of the domain boundary MEGA Rayleigh-Taylor Simulation (RPI) Overture simulation of Hele-Shaw flow
TSTT-13 TSTT Research in Mesh Evolution n Requires evolution of both the hierarchy and the individual mesh components n TSTT will provide interfaces that allow n the mesh tools to access the changing geometry n the application programmer to access the changing mesh n local or global modifications n New techniques will address n Curvilinear geometries to preserve convergence rates of high order discretizations n abstraction of adaptive techniques to provide “plug and play” n adaptive techniques that use multiple criteria to extend applicability n automatic selection and application of optimal strategies
TSTT-14 Combining TSTT technologies will improve front tracking techniques FronTier interface representation n n Improve conservation properties and accuracy at the front by inserting a surface determined by front tracking into a volume mesh n n Results in a front-adaptive space-time discretization
TSTT-15 TSTT will ease the use of high order discretization methods n Observation: Complexities of using high-order methods on adaptively evolving grids has hampered their widespread use n Tedious low level dependence on grid infrastructure n A source of subtle bugs during development n Bottleneck to interoperability of applications with different discretization strategies n Difficult to implement in general way while maintaining optimal performance n Result has been a use of sub-optimal strategies or lengthy implementation periods n TSTT Goal: to eliminate these barriers by developing a Discretization Library
TSTT-16 The Discretization Library Will... n … contain numerous mathematical operators n Start with +, -, *, /, interpolation, prologation n Move to div, grad, curl, etc. n Both strong and weak (variational) forms of operators when applicable n … contain numerous discretization strategies n Finite Difference, Finite Volume, Finite Element, Discontinuous Galerkin, Spectral Element, Partition of Unity n Emphasize high-order and variable-order methods n various boundary condition operators n … be independent of the underlying mesh infrastructure n Utilizes the common low-level mesh interfaces n All TSTT mesh tools will be available n … be extensible to allow user-defined operators and boundary conditions
TSTT-17 Additional Functionalities n Support for Temporal Discretization n Method of Lines formulation (time steps and temporal methods are spatially independent) n Local Refinement Methods (time steps and methods vary in space) n Space-Time techniques (unstructured meshes are used in both space and time) n Support for Adaptive Methods n Error estimators n Richardson’s extrapolation (meshes of different resolution) n P-refinement estimators n Solution gradient and vorticity metrics n Optimal strategies for mesh enrichment (combinations of p- and h- adaptivity) n Combined with work on mesh quality improvement n Support for Interpolation n Between meshes and operators n Local conservation when mapping between meshes
TSTT-18 Performance of Discretization Library n Kernel operations imply good performance is critical n Single Processor Performance n Compile time optimization of user-defined high level abstractions via ROSE (LLNL) n Consider hierarchical memory performance and cache usage n Terascale Computing n scalability of local operations requires good partitioning strategies n Efficiency determined by the size of the partition boundary relative to the partition volume n Will leverage the experience of n LLNL’s Overture project that supports structured mesh topologies n RPI’s Trellis project for variational discretization
TSTT-19 Benefits of the Discretization Library n Lowers the time, cost, and effort to effectively deploy modern discretization tools n High-level access for new application development on TSTT Level B meshes n Mid- and low-level access for insertion into existing technology n Increases reliability of application codes by eliminating a common source of coding errors n Enhances software reuse n Permits easy experimentation with various combinations of discretization strategies and mesh technologies for a given application
TSTT-20 Issues in Terascale Computing n Observation: Many tools exist that utilize hierarchical design principles to achieve good performance at the terascale n e.g., multi-level partitioners, multigrid solvers, multiresolution visualization tools n Barrier: Their union is not optimized n often difficult to take advantage of the multiresolution representations from one solution stage to the next n TSTT Goal: To design our hierarchy and tools so that downstream tools can take advantage of the multi- resolution information n Actively consider trade-offs across the entire simulation n Allow preservation of information as desired n e.g., subdomain decompositions used in creating a hybrid mesh may be similarly useful in preconditioning of iterative solvers
TSTT-21 Parallel Mesh Generation n Primarily leverage existing TSTT tools for parallel mesh generation n Current Techniques n generate a coarse mesh on the geometry and distribute that for further refinement n distribute complete level 1 geometry information to each processor n New development focuses on the partitioning and distribution of Level 1 geometry description n Provides a start to finish scalable solution for mesh generation
TSTT-22 Load Balancing n Use existing tools for partitioning n Chaco and Metis for static partitioning n Zoltan library (SNL) for dynamic partitioning n Develop and provide interfaces from TSTT software to Zoltan to ensure seamless operation n Augment Zoltan n Research methods to accommodate hierarchical machine models and heterogeneous parallel computers n different processor speeds, memory capacities, cache structures, networking speeds n RPM (RPI) and PADRE (LLNL) serve as prototypes n Load balancing strategies for adaptive, structured, overlapping grids n MLB (LLNL) serves as a prototype
TSTT-23 SciDAC ISIC Collaborations n CCA: (PI: Armstrong) n co-develop common interfaces for mesh and field data n create CCA-compliant mesh components and provide them in the CCA component repository n explore the role of the component model in the composition of numerous discrete operators n performance critical operations n extend ROSE project to explore component models n TOPS: (PI: Keyes) n provide mesh representations for multilevel techniques n co-develop well-defined interfaces to ensure that the meshes and discretization strategies will be interoperable with solution software n Performance: (PI: Bailey) n we will use ROSE preprocessor to develop highly-tuned discretization libraries n TSTT will provide benchmarks and a testing environment for developments in the performance ISIC
TSTT-24 SciDAC Applications: Accelerator Design n Particle Forces and EM Field Calculations (Ko) n TSTT will provide… n advanced mesh generation capabilities for complex geometries n Hybrid meshes that match conformally orthogonal structured grids to unstructured mixed element grids n Mesh quality and improvement to accelerate solver convergence n TSTT Points of contact: D. Brown, P. Knupp n Particle Tracking (Luccio) n TSTT will provide… n parallel decomposition tools to cluster particles into spatially coherent load balanced domains n assistance in the development of codes for adaptive solution to Poisson’s equation with realistic BC for rapid solution of the space charge n TSTT Point of Contact: J. Glimm
TSTT-25 SciDAC Applications: Fusion Magnetohydrodynamics modeling with parM3d (Jardin) n TSTT will provide… n higher-order finite element schemes for poloidal discretization n explore the use of TSTT mesh generation techniques for automating the process of flux-aligned unstructured meshes in the poloidal directions n Incorporation of adaptivity, mixed element meshes, and dynamic load balancing tools in the long term for resonant instability studies n Also will work with TOPS ISIC in the development of mesh abstractions for multilevel solvers n TSTT Point of contact: J. Flaherty
TSTT-26 SciDAC Applications: Chemically Reactive Flows n Computational Facility for Reacting Flow Science (Najm) n TSTT will provide… n high-order spectral elements deployed in current toolkit n collaborative development of CCA-compliant interfaces for block-structured mesh adaptation using GrACE n deployment of discretization library in GrACE (fourth order schemes are desired) n TSTT Points of contact: P. Fischer and L. Freitag n Model Jet Breakup and spray formation (non-SciDAC) n TSTT will provide… n Frontier interface tracking capabilities to provide a more accurate model n TSTT Point of Contact: J. Glimm
TSTT-27 SciDAC Applications: Climate n Community Climate System Model (J. Drake) n TSTT will provide… n Collaboration with model coupling toolkit (mct) developers to define locally conservative interpolation schemes between different mesh types n work with mct developers to include dynamic load balancing techniques for the case in which component models reside on dynamically changing sets of processors n TSTT Points of contact: L. Freitag n Global Transport models n TSTT will provide adaptive capabilities for local, regional, and global transport of atmospheric species and aerosols n TSTT Point of Contact: J. Glimm
TSTT-28 Other DOE Applications n Biosimulation modeling n Cardiac electrophysiology (BNL, PNNL) n Biofluids (ANL, RPI, LLNL) n Computational cell and organ physiology (PNNL, ORNL, LLNL) n Fluid instabilities in ICF applications (BNL, SB, RPI, PNNL, LLNL) n Jet breakup and spray modeling (BNL, SB, ANL, PNNL) n Free surface flow modeling for target design of a muon collider accelerator and liquid metal cooling in a Tokamak (BNL) n Flow in porous media (SB, BNL) n Accelerator tracking design (BNL)
TSTT-29 TSTT Institutional Roles n ANL n Co-lead mesh quality and optimization, contribute to discretization library, interoperable meshing and terascale computing. Liaison with CCA, climate, reacting flows, and biology applications n BNL n Leads the application effort and is liaison for climate and accelerator design. Leads efforts to create interoperability between Frontier and TSTT mesh generators, contributes to discretization library n LLNL n Co-leads design and implementation of mesh hierarchy and component design. Contributes performance optimization tools to discretization library and is liaison to the accelerator design app n ORNL n Contributes to mesh quality optimization, enhancement and interoperability. Contributes to climate and chemically reacting flow applications
TSTT-30 TSTT Institutional Roles n SNL n Co-leads efforts on mesh quality optimization, contributes to interoperable meshing, domain decomposition and load balancing. Liaison with accelerator application. n RPI n Co-leads the development of meshing and discretization technologies for mesh hierarchy and discretization libraries. Contributes to the load balancing work and serves as liaison to the fusion application. n PNNL n Contributes to interoperable meshing and terascale computing areas, liaison for the biology applications. n SUNY SB n Leads the interoperability of FronTier with meshing technologies and development of high-order versions. Liaison in spray simulations and oil reservoir applications.
TSTT-31 Contact Information n Jim Glimm, Center Director n Brookhaven National Lab and SUNY Stony Brook n 631-62-8355 n David Brown n Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory n 925-424-3557 n Patrick Knupp n Sandia National Laboratories n 505-284-4565 n Lori Freitag n Argonne National Laboratory n 630-252-7246
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