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Electric Dipole Moment Goals and “New Physics” William J. Marciano 12/7/09 d p with 10 -29 e-cm sensitivity! Why is it important?

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Presentation on theme: "Electric Dipole Moment Goals and “New Physics” William J. Marciano 12/7/09 d p with 10 -29 e-cm sensitivity! Why is it important?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Electric Dipole Moment Goals and “New Physics” William J. Marciano 12/7/09 d p with 10 -29 e-cm sensitivity! Why is it important?

2 d p not “just” complementary to d n Outstanding Discovery Potential!  Baryogenesis! (why do we exist?) Potential sensitivity an order of magnitude better than d n ! Probes New Physics(NP) at (1TeV/  NP ) 2 tan  NP  10 -7 ! or for  NP ~O(1)   NP ~3000TeV! (well beyond LHC) Paves the way for a new generation of storage ring experiments d p  d D, d( 3 He), d(radioactive nuclei), d 

3 Baryogenesis 1928 The Dirac Equation QM+Special Rel.+Spin+EM Gauge Invariance i(   - ieA µ (x))    (x) = m e  (x) First Order Mag. Moment:  =g e Qe/2m e s g e =2! Great Success-Cornerstone of Modern Physics Later realized  AntiMatter  positron! Why is the Universe Matter-Antimatter Asymmetric? (1964-CP Violation Discovered-Not Strong Enough) “New Physics” Source of CP Violation Needed!

4 Baryogenesis & New Physics CP Violation Examples of New Physics Models with potentially large CP Violation: Supersymmetry, Multi-Higgs, L-R Models, 4th Generation, Extra Dimensions… Generic Manifestation - Electric Dipole Moments What is the “New Physics”? Look for EDMs! No Standard Model Background (too small)

5 1947 Small Anomalous Atomic Fine Structure Effects We could add extra terms to the Dirac Equation e/4m e a e F  (x)    (x) + i/2d e   F  (x)    (x) Anomalous Mag. Mom. Electric Dipole Mom. g e =2(1+a e ) (Violates P&T(CP) Electron g e =2.002 Not Observed Proton g p =5.59 |d e |<2x10 -27 e-cm But It Must Exist! 1948 Schwinger Calculates: a e =  /2  ≈0.00116 Agreed with measurement of Kusch & Foley! Great Success of QED -Quantum Field Theory

6 General Formalism (Spin1/2 Form Factors) =  u f (p’)   u f (p)   =F 1 (q 2 )   +iF 2 (q 2 )   q -F 3 (q 2 )     q … F 1 (0)=Q f e electric charge F 2 (0)=a f Q f e/2m f anom. mag. mom. F 3 (0)=d f Q f el. dipole mom.

7 Effective Dim. 5 Dipole Operators H dipole =-1/2[F 2  f(x)   f(x)+iF 3  f(x)     f(x)]F  (x) F 2 &F 3 Real, Finite & Calculable in Ren. QFT Complex Formalism: F D =F 2 +iF 3 H dipole =-1/2[F D  f L   f R +F D *  f R   f L ]F  F D =|F D |e i  (Relative to m f ) |F D |=(F 2 2 +F 3 2 ) 1/2, tan  =F 3 /F 2 tan  = Relative Degree of CP Violation egs. |tan  e | SM  10 -24 |tan  n | SM  10 -20

8 Anomalous Magnetic Dipole Moments fermion a f exp |d f (e/2m f ) exp | e 0.00115965218073(28) <1x10 -16  0.00116592089(63) <3x10 -6 p 1.792158142(28) <3x10 -12 (new d Hg ) n -1.9130427(5) <1x10 -13 “New Physics” expected to scale as (m f /  ) 2 (m  /m e ) 2  43000 Muon only a f sensitive to high  ~2TeV! All d f sensitive to “New Physics” if tan  NP not too small Nucleon edms Isovector or isoscalar? Mixed? Both d n and d p need to be measured!

9 “New Physics” Effects SUSY 1 loop a  Corrections (Most Likely Scenario)

10 SUSY Loops are like EW, but depend on: 2 spin 1/2  - (charginos) 4 spin 1/2  0 (neutralinos) including dark matter! spin 0 sneutrinos and sleptons with mixing Enhancement tan  =  2  /  1  ~3-40! Potentially large CP Violating Phases

11  a  =a  exp -a  SM =255(63)(49)x10 -11 (3.2  !) New Physics? Nearly 2xStandard Model EW! Most Natural Explanation: SUSY Loops Generic 1 loop SUSY Conribution: a  SUSY = (sgn  )130x10 -11 (100GeV/m susy ) 2 tan  tan  3-40, m susy  100-500GeV Natural Explanation Other Explanations: Hadronic?      +isospin data (  a  =~157(63)(52)x10 -11 (2  )) Other New Physics ≤ 2TeV eg Extra Dimensions

12 If SUSY is responsible for g  -2 Happy Days Implications: sgn  0 (dark matter searches easier) SUSY at LHC very likely edms,  e , … Good Bets All chiral changing amplitudes L  R Enhanced by tan  ~ 3-40 factor But, why haven’t we seen edms if susy is correct?

13 Electric Dipole Moments: d e,d n,d p, d , d Hg (new) Many d n searches, starting with pioneering exp. Purcell & Ramsey Recent improvement in Atomic edn exps. Griffith, Swallows, Loftus, Romalis, Heckel & Fortson PRL102, 101601 (2009) Some Implications of  d Hg  <3.1x10 -29 e-cm d p (e-cm)<7.9x10 -25 Best d n (e-cm)<5.8x10 -26 ( Direct d n <2.9x10 -26 Best) d e (e-cm)<3x10 -27 (Tl: d e <1.6x10 -27 Best) Further factor 3-5 Improvement Expected!

14 Future Expectations d n  10 -27 -10 -28 e-cm Spallation Neutron Sources d p  10 -28 -10 -29 e-cm Storage Ring Proposal (BNL) d D  10 -29 e-cm Storage Ring Proposal d e  10 -30 e-cm or better d   10 -24 e-cm Storage Ring Proposal If SUSY is responsible for  a  deviation, then a susy loop induced observable edm may be right around the corner! Source of CP Violation in Baryogenesis?

15 If the same “New Physics” (  NP =100-1000GeV) responsible for  a  is also giving edms, we expect (scaling with m f ): |d  NP | ~ 3x10 -22 tan   NP e-cm |d e NP | ~ 2x10 -24 tan  e NP e-cm |d n NP | ~ 10 -22 tan  n NP e-cm |d p NP | ~ 10 -22 tan  p NP e-cm Future Experiments will have sensitivity:   NP ~10 -2 -10 -3  e NP ~  n NP ~10 -6  p NP ~10 -7 !

16 d p & d n Relationship Constituent Quark Model: d n =4/3d d -1/3d u d p =4/3d u -1/3d d Roughly 1/4<|d p /d n |<4 Similar Magnitudes Isovector (d p -d n )/2 or Isoscalar (d p +d n )/2? Need both d n & d p  d d & d u (Relationship?)  QCD leading effect isovector (  PT) d n =-d p ~3.6x10 -16  QCD e-cm

17 Currently: d n  QCD <10 -10 ! Future: 10 -12 d p at 10 -29 e-cm explores  QCD <10 -13 If a non-zero d n is discovered, the first thing we want to do is know d p Opposite sign? Isovector,  QCD Interpretation Same Sign?  QCD Unlikely More Likely: strangeness, gluonic, susy… Both d n & d p needed!

18 Physics Reach of d p ~10 -29 e-cm d p  0.01(m p /  NP ) 2 tan  NP e/2m p  10 -22 (1TeV/  NP ) 2 tan  NP e-cm If  NP is of O(1),  NP ~3000TeV Probed! If  NP ~O(1TeV),  NP ~10 -7 Probed! Unique Capabilities!

19 Conclusion 1. Measurements of d n & d p with similar sensitivity essential to unfold underlying physics. Explain Baryogenesis 2. d p has potential to do (10x) better than d n 3. d p at 10 -29 e-cm must do exp. if possible. Explores physics up to scales O(3000TeV) for  NP ~O(1) i.e. beyond LHC or  NP  10 -7 at LHC discovery scales! 4. Sets stage for d D =d n +d p +d(2 body), d( 3 He)…

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