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An Introduction to RoboCup February 24, 2004 by Kevin Lam Portions by Paul Marlow.

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Presentation on theme: "An Introduction to RoboCup February 24, 2004 by Kevin Lam Portions by Paul Marlow."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Introduction to RoboCup February 24, 2004 by Kevin Lam Portions by Paul Marlow

2 Agenda Overview of RoboCup Demonstration Game Simulator Mechanics Simulator Communications Protocol Some Existing Clients Other Developments/Tools

3 Overview of RoboCup The Robot World Cup Initiative “By the year 2050, develop a team of fully autonomous humanoid robots that can win against the human world soccer champion team.” A standard problem for AI research

4 Overview of RoboCup Started in 1992 as the Robot J- League (Japan) First games and conferences in 1997 Workshops, conferences and yearly competitions

5 RoboCup Leagues four-legged small size middle size simulation

6 World Championships RoboCup 2004 - Lisbon RoboCup 2003 - Padua RoboCup 2002 - Fukuoka/Busan RoboCup 2001 - Seattle RoboCup 2000 - Melbourne RoboCup 1999 - Stockholm RoboCup 1998 - Paris RoboCup 1997 - Nagoya

7 RoboCup Simulator simulation Server Monitor clients Player clients (i.e. agents!) Coach clients

8 Demonstration

9 Simulator Mechanics

10 Clients and Server Client Server One server Up to 11 clients per team (plus coach) Clients/server communicate via UDP/IP

11 Can be written in any language (C++, Java, Smalltalk,...) Can be run on same machine or a network Clients may talk only to the server... not to each other! Client Server

12 Client Server Soccer Monitor Coach Monitor(s) used to visualize the action and/or interrupt the game Coaches (optional) to give guidance to teams

13 RoboCup Clients Autonomous agents The “brains” of the players Sensory information received from server, decision made, action command sent back to server One agent represents one player One agent designates itself as the goalie

14 RoboCup Clients Player Agent time play mode my body landmarks other players speech coach instructions dash turn turn head kick catch speak decision-making strategy Sensory InputOutputs

15 RoboCup Server Keeps time (typically 6000 simulator cycles, 10 cycles per second) Receives client messages, updates “world model”, sends back new status information “Automated Referee” tracks current play mode

16 Play Modes kick off game on goals out of field offsides half time and game over

17 Starting a Game Download and install applications (running the configure and make scripts for the Unix / Linux systems) Run the Server (default host is localhost and default port is 6000) Run the Monitor, connecting to the host and port of the Server Connect the players to the Server host and port Start the kick-off!

18 Communications Protocol

19 Connection Protocols From client to server: – (init TeamName [(version VerNum)] [(goalie)]) – (reconnect TeamName Unum) – (bye) From server to client: – (init Side Unum PlayMode) as a response for both client init and reconnect messages Side = l | r; Unum = 1 ~ 11

20 An Example send 6000 : (init MyTeam) recv 1067 : (init l 1 before_kick_off) recv 1067 : (see 0 ((goal r) 66.7 33) ((flag r t) 2 55.73)((flag p r t) 42.5 23) ((flag p r c) 53.5 43)) recv 1067 : (see 0 ((goal r) 66.7 33) ((flag r t) 55.7 3) ((flag p r t) 42.5 23) ((flag p r c) 53.5 43)) send 1067 : (move 0 0)

21 Client Commands Client CommandOnce per Cycle (catch Direction)Yes (change_view Width Quality)No (dash Power)Yes (kick Power Direction)Yes (move X Y)Yes (say Message)No (sense_body)No (score)No (turn Moment)Yes (turn_neck Angle)Yes

22 Client Sensor Protocol Three main message types: Hear See Sense_Body Noise models for each

23 Hear Messages Can hear one message per team per cycle (hear Time Sender “Message”) – Sender = online_coach_left/right, referee, self, Direction – Direction = -180 – 180 degrees

24 Hear Example (hear 18 self FCPortugal ETV 18 world_status r 2 0.98 -10.95 16.64 1 0.95 0.00 0.00 1 0.95 0.00 0.00 3 0 OtGL- - fGXtZ 3F.- /sdhAl 1p.- 0 40.0 0.0 0 2 )

25 See Messages (see Time ObjInfo) – ObjInfo: (ObjName Distance Direction DistChange DirChange BodyFacingDir HeadFacingDir) or (ObjName Distance Direction DistChange DirChange) or (ObjName Distance Direction) or (ObjName Direction)

26 See Messages ObjName: – (p [TeamName [UniformNum [goalie]]]) or – (b) or – (g [l|r]) or – (f c); (f [l|c|r] [t|b]); (f p [l|r] [t|c|b]); (f g [l|r] [t|b]); (f [l|r|t|b] 0); (f [t|b] [l|r] [10|20|30|40|50]); (f [l|r] [t|b] [10|20|30]); – (l [l|r|t|b]) – (B); (F); (G); (P)

27 Flags and Lines

28 See Example (see 18 ((f r t) 44.7 -22) ((f g r b) 47.9 30) ((f g r t) 42.5 13) ((f p r c) 30.3 34 -0 0) ((f p r t) 25.3 -7 0 0) ((f t r 40) 36.2 -37) ((f t r 50) 44.7 -29) ((f r 0) 49.4 20) ((f r t 10) 47 8) ((f r t 20) 46.5 -3) ((f r t 30) 48.4 -15) ((f r b 10) 53.5 30) ((f r b 20) 59.1 38) ((f r t) 44.7 -22) ((f g r b) 47.9 30) ((g r) 44.7 22) ((f g r t) 42.5 13) ((f p r c) 30.3 34) ((f p r t) 25.3 -7 0 0) ((f t r 40) 36.2 -37) ((f t r 50) 44.7 -29) ((f r 0) 49.4 20) ((f r t 10) 47 8) ((f r t 20) 46.5 -3) ((f r t 30) 48.4 -15) ((f r b 10) 53.5 30) ((f r b 20) 59.1 38) ((p "FCPortugal") 36.6 28) ((l r) 41.7 -89))

29 Sense_Body Messages (sense_body Time (view_mode {high | low} {narrow | normal | wide}) (stamina StaminaEffort) (speed AmountOfSpeed DirectionOfSpeed) (head_angle HeadAngle) (kick KickCount) (dash DashCount) (turn TurnCount) (say SayCount) (turn_neck TurnNeckCount) (catch CatchCount) (move MoveCount) (change_view ChangeViewCount))

30 Sense_Body Example (sense_body 19 (view_mode high normal) (stamina 4000 1) (speed 0 0) (head_angle 0) (kick 0) (dash 0) (turn 0) (say 98) (turn_neck 0))

31 Coaches Privileged clients used to provide assistance Receives noise-free view of the whole field Can only send occasional messages to players (info, advice, freeform, etc.) Used for opponent modelling, game analysis, giving strategic tips to teammates

32 RoboCup Clients

33 Some RoboCup Clients UvA Trilearn (Amsterdam) (2003 champion) CMUnited (Carnegie Mellon) Everest (China) FC Portugal 2003 (Portugal) HELIOS (Japan) Magma Furtwangen (Germany)

34 Typical Approaches Hard-coded behaviour Scripted behaviour (e.g. planning) Neural Networks Opponent Modelling Layered Learning Behaviour Networks

35 Example: UvA Trilearn Coordination Graphs for passing, anticipating passes Layered skills hierarchy (pass, intercept) Formations Behaviour modelling of opponents

36 Example: FC Portugal Strategic, ball possession, ball recovery behaviours “Situation Based Strategic Positioning” Given game situation, calculated best position and go there

37 Example: Krislet Only one strategy: run to the ball and try to kick it! Surprisingly effective Written in Java, easy to extend

38 Example: Stripslet STRIPS style linear planning Written by Aloke Wiki Based off of Krislet A Stripslet implementation is made up of four main concepts: Actors, Sensors, Actions, and a GoalList

39 Actors These are designed to implement a specific action, such as run-to-ball or score-goal Contains two main elements, an execute method – providing the functionality, and a name – which is used as a key into a hash table. To add a new Actor Add a new class to the, implementing the Actor Interface Add the new Actor to the ActorTable hash in

40 Sensors These consist of objects which include a sense method, as well as a name for a hash table key. Each is designed to determine the boolean outcome of a specific predicate, such as can-see-goal. To add a new Sensor: Add a new class to, implementing the Sensor Interface Add the new Sensor to the SensorTable hash in

41 Actions Actions consist of four members: name, precoditionList, addList, deleteList. name corresponds directly to that of the Actor name property (e.g. “score-goal”) precoditionList is a list of predicates which must be true before execution of the action (e.g. “have-ball can-see- goal”) addList is a list of predicates that will be true upon execution of the action (e.g. “ball-in-net”) deleteList is a list of predicates that will be false upon execution of the action (e.g. “have-ball”)

42 Actions To add an Action: StripsBrain maintains a list of actions, so any new actions must be added to this list Note that multiple predicates in a list are separated by spaces actionList.add(new Action("score-goal", // name "have-ball can-see-goal", // pre "ball-in-net", // add "have-ball")); // delete

43 GoalList Contains a list of goals for which the agents try to achieve Currently the default list consists of only one predicate: “ball-in-net” Interesting possibilities include Adding multiple goals Re-evaluating the goal list each cycle depending on the environment

44 Developing Clients Soccer Server Manual Start with Krislet and Stripslet Older server versions required (v 5.xx)

45 Other Projects Soccer Server 3D 3D Soccer Monitor (Robologvis) Tools to convert logs into Flash animations Log analyzers (eg. Team Assistant, Paul Marlow’s Classifier)

46 My Project “Scene” Learning and Recognition Could an agent learn from observing another? Could a team observe another and as a result start playing “similar to” what it saw? As little human intervention as possible!

47 Project Goals Scene Generation Extract data from game logs Create scenes - “snapshots” Scene Learning (Reasoning) Associate key scenes, patterns of scenes, with action taken

48 Project Goals Scene Recognition Build a RoboCup client Searches from a stored library of key scenes and actions Evaluate performance (resemblances?)

49 Scene Descriptions Extreme Left LeftCenterRight Extreme Right Immediate Ball Near Team Mate Distant GoalOpponent An idea by Prof. Esfandiari Size of “slices” impacts complexity, accuracy

50 References Most of the information about RoboCup itself was taken using from the RoboCup Soccer Server manual. For the latest manuals and code, visit the RoboCup project website at: –

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