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CALS & TAP Chico Strategies Laura Sederberg & James Tyler Technology & Learning Program | Library February 2014 | CSU Chancellor’s Office February 2014.

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1 CALS & TAP Chico Strategies Laura Sederberg & James Tyler Technology & Learning Program | Library February 2014 | CSU Chancellor’s Office February 2014 | CSU Chancellor’s Office

2 CALS/TAP History at CSU, Chico  October 5, 2011 – CELT presentation on OER with Brett Christie. Brett introduced audience to the CSU ALS project.  March 9, 2012 – “Alternatives to Expensive Textbooks” presentation to CSU, Chico campus by Laura Sederberg, Linda Riggins, and Marc Langston in Studio A. Video posted online.  June 2012 – OER co-presentation with Laura to Academy e-Learning Cohort 4 on Chico’s ALS program, newly named CALS; and Creative Commons.

3 ALS History at CSU, Chico  Fall 2012 – James targeted disciplines that had existing high quality open textbooks – OpenStax, Flatworld.  Late September, 2012 – Draft proposal for Textbook Alternatives Program (TAP) grant project. Developed a website, announcement, application, MOU, logos for CALS and TAP, and a flyer.  October 17, 2012 – Chico’s TAP project announced at CELT Conference, and 200 flyers for TAP handed out at CELT luncheon to faculty and administrators.

4 CALS LibGuide: CALS LibGuide:

5 CALS website: CALS website:

6 TAP website: TAP website:

7 Flyer

8 Application Write a short essay to address the following.  Current textbook used for this course and its cost to students.  Describe your plan to replace your current textbook with a lower-cost alternative for the fall, 2013 semester.  The total savings estimated per student.  How the use of alternate learning resources will meet the guidelines for fair use of copyright protected materials and accessibility.

9 Memorandum of Understanding Agreements Attend group meetings to review alternatives to textbook choices and meet others in this project for forming a Faculty Learning Community (FLC) (in spring, 2013). Become familiar with the CSU ALS website, and Chico’s CALS website. Consult with an Instructional Technology Consultant (ITC) about integration with Bb Learn in spring, 2013. Consult with a Librarian about Open Educational Resources and Library materials. Use an “Affordable Learning Solution” that meets the criteria in the Application to meet eligibility requirements.

10 Memorandum of Understanding Agreements Agree to find a solution that uses free or lower cost alternative learning resources. Agree to meet periodically in the spring semester with the FLC to share success/challenges. Agree to write up a report evaluating the project. Agree to present your experience and findings at a CELT Presentation or the annual CELT Conference. Agree to meet copyright and fair use policy guidelines. Choose a grant award of an iPad or a $600 stipend.

11 Starting TAP at Chico State  Copyright was big part of TAP, 5 out of 8 faculty asked for help with copyright issues.  Librarians and ITCs met with TAP faculty, and faculty LIKED meeting with their peers.  We all met together, almost monthly.  Develop instruments before project! Backward design, know what you want to assess before beginning. What questions do you want to answer?  Still working on getting all questions answered now!

12 Lessons Learned  Next time we want leadership involvement from Provost Office.  We want letters for their faculty files, and certificate of completion, recognition towards RTP.  Ask faculty for written project summaries.  Do a “show and tell” so faculty can demonstrate to their peers.

13 Let’s look at a few projects  Steve Stewart, SOCI 301  David Kagan, PHYS 202A  Eric Ayars, PHYS 341

14 Used Books How: Students use a textbook 2 – 3 editions back Savings: Spring Semester, 2013 130 Students X $85 textbook = $11, 050 SOCS 301 – Spatial Concepts, Steve Stewart Save $$ for your Students Instructor Effort “Hasselrating” 1 – 10 scale Periodicals How: Link to Journal Articles available online from the Meriam Library; Place links in BbLearn Savings: 130 students X $20 = $2,600 eg. The Economist Videos How: Streaming video that the library or dept. has copies of. Savings: 40 students X $8.00 = $320/semester. ( eg. Netflix fee) Book in Common How: Use Online e-Book Available via Meriam Library Savings: 130 students X $15 = $1,950 Hassel’O’Meter EasyHard Difficult Doing it yourselfWith your Librarian’s help Doing it yourselfGrad Assistant does it for You Total Student Savings 130 Students – Spring, 2013 $15,600! Savings per Student - $120 Ongoing Savings Per Semester for 40 Students Used Textbooks 40 X $85.00 = $3,400.00 Periodicals 40 X $20.00 = $800.00 Videos 40 X $8.00 = $320.00 Book in Common e-Book 40 X $15.00 = $600.00 Total (Savings per Student = $128) = $5120.00

15 Steve Stewart: SOCI 301  Savings, if you can estimate, to students overall. - 130 students have saved approximately $15 each from Unquenchable as an online book. = Savings $1950. - 130 students will save approximately $85 each from using a textbook 2-3 versions back. = Savings $11,050. - 130 students able to access articles from The Economist via Bb Learn. Copyright clearance savings approximately $20 each. = Savings $2600. - Total Savings = $15,600 every semester.  How you are complying with copyright law if using copyright protected materials? - The online copy of Unquenchable is cleared via the university library license. - The students buy the used textbook so there are no copyright issues. - Periodicals like The Economist can be legally accessed via Bb Learn.  Name of co-helper(s), Librarians and/or ITCs - Lots of thanks to James Tyler for assisting with locating and providing links for The Economist and other articles.

16 David Kagan: General Physics 202A  Visit Kagan's course website, and in the "Class Schedule" under "Pre-Lecture" you will see links to the required Khan Academy or YouTube videos, as well as "Pre-Read" links for the Young and OpenStax College Physics textbooks. Under the "Pre-Watch Hippo" are free physics videos produced by the University of California Regents in 2003 and are now available in Hippocampus.  (Hippocampus is part of the Monterey Institute for Technology and Education's NROC project National Repository of Online Courses.)

17 Kagan’s course

18 Eric Ayars: Physics 341  Initial proposal idea for replacing current textbook or lowering textbook cost.  There is a need for a computational physics textbook specific to the Python language. None currently exist, to the best of my knowledge, so it is my intent to write my own and provide it at low cost to the students.  Savings? Unknown, exactly. Previous textbooks for the course cost in the neighborhood of $90, and depending on the distribution method/form of the final product it's unlikely that the new book will cost anything close to this price. Wild guess: $75/student savings.  Dr. Ayars generously has provided a link to his textbook, but advises that, "this does not yet incorporate all the red ink my students provided last fall!"

19 Thank you from CSU, Chico Laura Sederberg, Manager, Technology & Learning Program James Tyler, Online Learning Librarian

20 Pre-TAP from AeL 4

21 ARTS 122 from AeL Cohort 3  Launching the Imagination, Fourth Edition, author Mary Sewart goes for $105 on Amazon, plus shipping and tax, etc.  Our students access the chapters, one or two at a time on the ARTS 122 joint website.  Free as long as you only post a chapter or two at a time, plus, the text gives instructors LOTS of electronic support materials, PowerPoint slides, and interactive activities. Students may purchase the paper text or the electronic text if they like. You can rent the eBook for about $25 for the duration of the course. - Professor Teresa Cotner

22 RELS 332 from AeL Cohort 3  "World Religions and Global Issues" saved about $35 per student going from $60 to $25 in book costs.  RELS 110 "Asian Religions" saved $45 going from two books each down to one book. All the religious source material was found online, so the "reader in religions" was not needed. - Daniel Veidlinger, Ph.D.

23 CMSD 156 from AeL Cohort 3  The American Sign Language Dictionary is no longer being used since students are accessing free online materials. The list price of this book is $24.95. - Suzanne Miller, Dept. Chair

24 GEOG 103 from AeL Cohort 3  Shellito, Introduction to Geospatial Technologies – The eBook was $35.00. A paper copy from MacMillan is $113.95. With CourseSmart – entire book is $48.99.  I intend to do a Midterm Formative Evaluation in a week or so and will ask about their experience with the online book. Some have already said they have a hard time with it or that they are disappointed that they only have a license for 6 months and won’t have access any longer or that they wish they had the entire book as the chapters we have done refer to other exercises in chapters we are not going to do. - Professor LaDona Knigge

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