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1 © Jean Slatter Mind of the Body Mod 4 Wk 18 Vid 1

2 Insert diagram “Set the Intention” and also second cornerstone © Jean Slatter Four Cornerstones of Creation

3 The Imbalance is in: Knowing How to Create Four Cornerstones of Creation Clear the Path Subconscious Mind © Jean Slatter

4 The Imbalance is in: Knowing How to Create Four Cornerstones of Creation Clear the Path Conscious Mind Will Power Optimizing

5 The primary blockage that can occur in the Mind of the Body has to do with a resistance to another energy field. This shows up as an allergy, sensitivity or intolerance. © Jean Slatter Mind of the Body

6 An allergic reaction can manifest in literally ANY symptom you can name. From joint pain, fibromyalgia, mood disorders, metabolic issues, headaches … … to blockages in your ability to move forward in life, or an inability to create, or an allergy to success or happiness or money! © Jean Slatter Mind of the Body

7 by Devi S. Nambudripad A Revolutionary Treatment for Allergies & Allergy Related Conditions available through under Store - Amazon recommendations © Jean Slatter

8 Find out what is impeding the body from healing itself. Remove it. Then give the body what it actually needs. © Jean Slatter Mind of the Body

9 An Allergy is: “An exaggerated attempt upon the part of the body to protect you against something IT thinks is going to harm you.” © Jean Slatter Mind of the Body

10 The body has a mind of its own, and when it perceives a threat, it will mount an exaggerated attempt to protect you from whatever it thinks is going to harm you. An allergy itself has nothing to do with the substance itself, but everything to do with what your body thinks about it. There is nothing you cannot be allergic to. © Jean Slatter Mind of the Body

11 Limbic part of the brain: The primary function of the “Primitive Brain” is survival. © Jean Slatter

12 Mind of the Body An allergy is created under a stress. That stress information gets programmed into the limbic part of the brain. (elevator anxiety - a protection mechanism against a difficult memory) © Jean Slatter

13 The theory of acupuncture has been around for 2000 - 5000 years. It is based on the idea that we are truly energy beings and that as long as energy is allowed to flow unimpeded there can be no disease. © Jean Slatter Mind of the Body

14 There is a lot of mystery surrounding acupuncture for the person schooled in Western medicine. Yet, the theory has stood the test of time. Our own medical system is in its infancy in comparison. © Jean Slatter Mind of the Body

15 Remember there are pathways of energy that feed your body called meridians. These pathways of energy have little to do with your cardiovascular system or your nervous system. They are separate pathways that feed vital life-source energy or chi to every organ and system in your body. © Jean Slatter Mind of the Body

16 The meridians can be thought of as the ‘drip lines’ feeding the organs in your body. What happens when one of the garden’s drip lines are blocked? © Jean Slatter

17 Quite often a disease or symptom often has an allergy or resistance at its root. In Chinese medicine, all “dis-ease” is viewed as an imbalance of energy. Energy should move like a river: stagnation occurs when the flow is too slow, and if it’s moving too rapidly, we can’t absorb what we need. We want a balanced flow of energy. © Jean Slatter Mind of the Body

18 Here’s the cool thing … Through our dowsing, we can find something we have an allergy to and correct it. We can often catch it and correct it before it physically manifests. © Jean Slatter Mind of the Body

19 How an allergy manifests depends on the meridian that is blocked. Most allergies are manifest in the large intestine meridian. It governs the skin (rashes), is paired with the lungs (breathing problems), and goes into the sinuses (watery eyes and runny nose). © Jean Slatter Mind of the Body

20 An allergy can manifest in any of the 12 meridians! Then, you are going to get symptoms that don’t appear to be allergies, but in fact, are. © Jean Slatter Mind of the Body

21 by William K. Philpott & Dwight Kalita This text contains a complete overview of the concept of brain allergies. available through under Store - Amazon recommendations © Jean Slatter

22 The basic 3 steps to uncouple the association that the mind of the body has made: 1.Identify the allergen - write it on a piece of paper. 2.Stimulate the meridians to open in the presence of the allergen. 3. Reprograms the body and uncrosses the wires. © Jean Slatter Mind of the Body

23 All “dis-ease” is due to an imbalance in the flow of chi life force energy in your body. © Jean Slatter Mind of the Body

24 When we establish contact and communicate with the mind of the body, we have the truly miraculous ability to clear resistances and open to greater flow. © Jean Slatter Mind of the Body

25 Allergies are always created under a stress. You can become allergic to the substance that created the stress OR you can become allergic to what happened to be there in the moment. © Jean Slatter Mind of the Body Mod 4 Wk 18 Vid 2

26 Most allergies are inherited. You want to pass this very valuable information about perceived threat on to your children in order to protect them. © Jean Slatter Mind of the Body

27 The allergy has nothing to do with the allergen being harmful, but rather, about what the body has perceived as a harm. If you can change the way the body thinks then you can change the reaction. You can eliminate an allergy like you never had it because you can change the way the body thinks. © Jean Slatter Mind of the Body

28 The basic 3 steps to uncouple the association that the mind of the body has made: 1.Identify the allergen - write it on a piece of paper. 2.Stimulate the meridians to open in the presence of the allergen. 3. Reprograms the body and uncrosses the wires. © Jean Slatter Mind of the Body

29 Most addictions are allergies! © Jean Slatter Mind of the Body

30 The body deals with allergens by overcompensating to deal with it. In fact, your brain produces endorphins, and you get a “high” from the very thing you’re allergic to. © Jean Slatter Mind of the Body

31 You can also be allergic to nutrients. The very nutrient you seem to need, your body will reject if you’re allergic to it. © Jean Slatter Mind of the Body

32 It’s also common to have an allergy or resistance with no discernible symptoms at all. There are two things that the body does to protect itself from a threat. It will either mount an exaggerated response with outward symptoms or it will “store” the allergy by putting a veil around it, pretending it’s not there. © Jean Slatter Mind of the Body

33 Strong “negative” emotions often function this way. The mind of the body will actually “stuff” or “hide” an emotion that we don’t want to feel as a way to protect us from it. © Jean Slatter Mind of the Body

34 Until we identify and clear the allergy or resistance to the emotion, we won’t be able to heal it. Whatever we resist, persists. You can actually work with the mind of the body to uncover the hidden emotions that may be sabotaging your movement forward. © Jean Slatter Mind of the Body

35 If the very thing that can help you causes things to get worse, dowse to see if there’s actually an allergic reaction going on. © Jean Slatter Mind of the Body

36 Use the percentage chart to see what the benefit/detriment of a supplement is. © Jean Slatter

37 Mind of the Body If you get just as much benefit as you get detriment, you can bet your body wants it and is going to reject it at the same time. © Jean Slatter

38 Don’t take a supplement you are allergic to until you clear it! © Jean Slatter Mind of the Body

39 You can use EFT to clear allergies. (Emotional Freedom Technique) A great video to watch is from Dr. Mercola’s team and can be found on YouTube: With the tapping method, you stimulate open the flow of the meridians in the presence of the allergen. © Jean Slatter Clearing an Allergy Mod 4 Wk 18 Vid 3

40 Clearing an Allergy You can also clear allergies with a laser. The Allergy Kit: visit to find it! © Jean Slatter

41 With traditional allergy clearing, you have to avoid the allergen for 25 hours. This is because you have 12 meridians and each meridian is active for 2 hours every day, thus 24 hours. © Jean Slatter Clearing an Allergy

42 By using a laser in an allergy clearing, you can avoid the whole 25 hour wait period. © Jean Slatter

43 Everything is intent; everything is energy. So, if you can identify the substance, but you don’t have the allergen at hand in a vial, you can write the thought (allergen) down on a piece of paper. © Jean Slatter Clearing an Allergy

44 This is happening in the mind of the body. As soon as the body perceives the threat, even if it is just with the thought of it, the body starts to energetically react. © Jean Slatter Clearing an Allergy

45 The Imbalance is in: Knowing How to Create Four Cornerstones of Creation Clear the Path Mind of the Body Sensitivity Clearing © Jean Slatter

46 In order to find out what that allergy is for you or your client, start playing 21 questions! “Can I get a clue?” © Jean Slatter Clearing an Allergy

47 Start with the broadest possibilities: “Is it something external?” “Is it something internal?” “Is it something I inhale?” “Is it something that is topical?” “Is it something that I ingest?” etc... © Jean Slatter Clearing an Allergy

48 NAET (Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques) You do, however, need 25 hours to avoid the substance. © Jean Slatter

49 We are powerful Creators! It is primarily by intention that allergies can be cleared. © Jean Slatter Clearing an Allergy

50 It is fascinating to delve into the original stress that caused the allergy. Sometimes you can go back and find the original stress event and sometimes you can’t. Sometimes it matters and sometimes it doesn’t. © Jean Slatter Clearing an Allergy

51 Intention is everything! If your intention is strong, this can override any doubt that your client may have. © Jean Slatter Clearing an Allergy

52 To prepare the body for a clearing, first place your left hand on your belly. Use your right hand to rub (1 st ) below the collar bones, (2 nd ) above and below the lips, and (3 rd ) on the tailbone. © Jean Slatter Clearing an Allergy

53 By rubbing above and below the lips, it gets the yin and the yang energy flowing. By rubbing the tailbone, it gets you grounded and in your body. Healing can only occur when you’re in your body. © Jean Slatter Clearing an Allergy

54 Identify the exact vibration causing the trouble. Play 21 questions to find out what they’re reacting to. (see slides 8 and 9) Then have them write all of this on a piece of paper and “hold that thought.” © Jean Slatter Clearing an Allergy

55 Pick up your pendulum “I command that this body be prepared for an allergy clearing. I ask that this clearing be accurate, true and for the highest and greatest good of all concerned, that it be a blessing and a strengthening. I ask to be a clear conduit for unconditional love energy to work through me (for my client) as health is restored and healing takes place. I ask that the clearing result in a release from all symptoms created by the resistance or allergy and that all energy flow freely.” (it’s a program, so the pendulum will spin clockwise until completed) © Jean Slatter Clearing an Allergy

56 Then dowse the following questions: “On a scale of 1-100% how open are the permission centres?” If the permission centers are not open, ask for them to be open. “On a scale of 1-100% what is the impact level?” (it should not be over 70%) © Jean Slatter Clearing an Allergy

57 If the impact level is too high, the person will go through a detox period. (you’re looking for approx. 50-70%) “On a scale of 1-100% what is the subconscious willingness level?” Check to make sure the subconscious is willing to do an allergy clearing. © Jean Slatter Clearing an Allergy

58 “Is there anything else that needs to be checked at this time?” While spinning the pendulum, say the following out loud: “I command that resistance be cleared, through all meridian systems, chakras and energy fields of the body at this time. I command that the results are complete and permanent.” © Jean Slatter Clearing an Allergy

59 Say the following to close: “I command that this new information be locked into the body’s new energy field for the highest and greatest good of all concerned.” © Jean Slatter Clearing an Allergy

60 © Jean Slatter Mod 4 Wk 18 Vid 4 Clearing an Allergy A process for people who are out of balance (dyslexia): To prepare the body for a clearing, first place your left hand on your belly. Use your right hand to rub (1 st ) below the collar bones, (2 nd ) above and below the lips, and (3 rd ) on the tailbone.

61 Pick up your pendulum “I command that this body be prepared for a resistance (or allergy) clearing. I ask that this clearing be accurate, true and for the highest and greatest good of all concerned, that it be a blessing and a strengthening. I ask to be a clear conduit for unconditional love energy to work through me (for my client) as health is restored and healing takes place. I ask that the clearing result in a release from all symptoms created by the resistance (or allergy) and that all energy flow freely.” (it’s a program, so the pendulum will spin clockwise until completed) © Jean Slatter Clearing an Allergy

62 Then dowse the following questions: “On a scale of 1-100% how open are the permission centres?” If the permission centers are not open, ask for them to be open. “On a scale of 1-100% what is the impact level?” (it should not be over 70%) © Jean Slatter Clearing an Allergy

63 If the impact level is too high, the person will go through a detox period. (you’re looking for approx. 50-70%) “On a scale of 1-100% what is the subconscious willingness level?” Check to make sure the subconscious is willing to do an allergy clearing. © Jean Slatter Clearing an Allergy

64 “Is there anything else that needs to be checked at this time?” While spinning the pendulum, say the following out loud: “I command that resistance be cleared, through all meridian systems, chakras and energy fields of the body at this time. I command that the results are complete and permanent.” (allow the pendulum to process - spinning clockwise - take a deep breath) © Jean Slatter Clearing an Allergy

65 The Imbalance is in: Knowing How to Create Four Cornerstones of Creation Clear the Path Mind of the Body Sensitivity Clearing © Jean Slatter Mod 4 Wk 18 Vid 5

66 A sensitivity can create a blockage in the meridian system just like an allergy can. They occur in the mind of the body. The symptoms are very similar to a physical allergy but are technically different. © Jean Slatter Clearing Sensitivities

67 A sensitivity occurs when there is an amplification of one or more frequencies which results in an exaggerated response from the mind of the body. Literally the frequency of the vibration is over-amplified and out of balance. © Jean Slatter Clearing Sensitivities

68 This can occur simply by overdoing a particular frequency such as eating strawberries for five days straight or by another similar frequency combining together to cause an amplification. © Jean Slatter Clearing Sensitivities

69 It can also combine with different frequencies. For example, let’s say the frequency of a certain emotion is similar to the frequency of strawberries and when the two are combined for a long enough period of time they exaggerate each other’s amplitude. © Jean Slatter Clearing Sensitivities

70 A sensitivity applies whenever we say we are sensitive to something. For example, we can say a person is sensitive to criticism, and it literally means that frequency is over-amplified in that person’s energy field, either because the occurrence is too frequent, or there is one or more similar frequencies also present. (example: Chinese water torture) © Jean Slatter Clearing Sensitivities

71 To prepare the body for a clearing, first place your left hand on your belly. Use your right hand to rub (1 st ) below the collar bones, (2 nd ) above and below the lips, and (3 rd ) on the tailbone. © Jean Slatter Clearing Sensitivities

72 By rubbing above and below the lips, it gets the yin and the yang energy flowing. By rubbing the tailbone, it gets you grounded and in your body. Healing can only occur when you’re in your body. © Jean Slatter Clearing Sensitivities

73 1. Identify the exact vibration / frequency causing trouble. 2. Ask if this vibration is out of balance alone or combined with one or more other frequencies and identify if the answer is yes. 3. Ask which frequency is to be modified in intensity. © Jean Slatter Clearing Sensitivities

74 Pick up your pendulum “I command that this body be prepared for a sensitivity clearing. I ask that this clearing be accurate, true and for the highest and greatest good of all concerned, that it be a blessing and a strengthening. I ask to be a clear conduit for unconditional love energy to work through me (for my client) as health is restored and healing takes place. I ask that the clearing result in a release from all symptoms created by the sensitivity and that all energy flow freely.” (it’s a program, so the pendulum will spin clockwise until completed) © Jean Slatter Clearing Sensitivities

75 Then dowse the following questions: “On a scale of 1-100% how open are the permission centres?” If the permission centers are not open, ask for them to be open. “On a scale of 1-100% what is the impact level?” (it should not be over 70%) © Jean Slatter Clearing Sensitivities

76 If the impact level is too high, the person will go through a detox period. (you’re looking for approx. 50-70%) “On a scale of 1-100% what is the subconscious willingness level?” Check to make sure the subconscious is willing to do an allergy clearing. © Jean Slatter Clearing Sensitivities

77 “Is there anything else that needs to be checked at this time?” While spinning the pendulum, say the following out loud: “I command that the frequency of (say exact vibration) be modified in intensity (say if appropriate - in combination with other identified frequency) to restore balance to the vibration and through all meridian systems, chakras and energy fields of the body at this time.” © Jean Slatter Clearing Sensitivities

78 Say the following to close: “I command that this new information be locked into the body’s new energy field for the highest and greatest good of all concerned.” (have them take a deep breath - when the pendulum stops, you’re done) (rest of video is practicing - excellent material) © Jean Slatter Clearing Sensitivities

79 The Imbalance is in: Knowing How to Create Four Cornerstones of Creation Clear the Path Mind of the Body Intolerance Clearing © Jean Slatter Mod 4 Wk 18 Vid 6

80 The description of a food intolerance, medically speaking, is when the person does not have the enzymes necessary to digest a certain food. For example, some who is lactose intolerant does not have enough of the enzyme lactase in order to break it down. We are going to expand the scope of an intolerance to the energetic level as we did with the definition of an allergy and sensitivity. © Jean Slatter Clearing an Intolerance

81 A clue to what an intolerance is, can once again be found in the word. An intolerance means that we can not tolerate something. The question is why? © Jean Slatter Clearing an Intolerance

82 Unlike an allergy, an intolerance is not an immune response, although it can have a secondary immune response as a result of the undigested food particles circulating in the blood stream where they don’t belong. And unlike a sensitivity, it is not an amplifying of one or more frequencies. So, what is it? © Jean Slatter Clearing an Intolerance

83 The prevailing thought is that you do not have an enzyme, but this does not give credit to the body’s ability to manufacture and synthesize substances according to its needs. Instead of being deficient of an enzyme, an intolerance is actually a disabling of an enzyme frequency by another frequency. © Jean Slatter Clearing an Intolerance

84 Elements combine to form new elements. Let’s use the example of oxygen. In it’s pure form, we can breath oxygen, but combined with hydrogen, it becomes water which we can no longer breath. © Jean Slatter Clearing an Intolerance

85 This is all well and good for we need both oxygen and water. But in the case of an intolerance, the frequencies have combined and disabled the function of an enzyme. The enzyme is present, but no longer recognizable by the body. © Jean Slatter Clearing an Intolerance

86 This happens not just with food and enzymes, but also with intolerant viewpoints since everything is a vibration. In order to heal / clear an intolerance, we must find out which two frequencies have combined. For the most part, it will be an enzyme plus an intolerant belief. © Jean Slatter Clearing an Intolerance

87 To prepare the body for a clearing, first place your left hand on your belly. Use your right hand to rub (1 st ) below the collar bones, (2 nd ) above and below the lips, and (3 rd ) on the tailbone. © Jean Slatter Clearing an Intolerance

88 1.Identify the exact vibration disabled. You do not need the technical name and may simply say, the enzyme necessary to digest wheat or some other food. 2.Identify the intolerant belief that has disabled the enzyme. 3.You can either focus strongly on the vibration or write all of this on a piece of paper and “hold that thought.” © Jean Slatter Clearing an Intolerance

89 Pick up your pendulum “I command that this body be prepared for an intolerance clearing. I ask that this clearing be accurate, true and for the highest and greatest good of all concerned, that it be a blessing and a strengthening. I ask to be a clear conduit for unconditional love energy to work through me (for my client) as health is restored and healing takes place. I ask that the clearing result in a release from all symptoms created by the intolerance and that all energy flow freely.” (it’s a program, so the pendulum will spin clockwise until completed) © Jean Slatter Clearing an Intolerance

90 Then dowse the following questions: “On a scale of 1-100% how open are the permission centres?” If the permission centers are not open, ask for them to be open. “On a scale of 1-100% what is the impact level?” (it should not be over 70%) © Jean Slatter Clearing an Intolerance

91 If the impact level is too high, the person will go through a detox period. (you’re looking for approx. 50-70%) “On a scale of 1-100% what is the subconscious willingness level?” Check to make sure the subconscious is willing to do an allergy clearing. © Jean Slatter Clearing an Intolerance

92 “Is there anything else that needs to be checked at this time?” While spinning the pendulum, say the following out loud: “I command that the intolerance to both the enzyme and the belief be cleared through all meridian systems, chakras and energy fields of the body at this time. I command that the results are complete and permanent.” © Jean Slatter Clearing an Intolerance

93 Say the following to close: “I command that this new information be locked into the body’s new energy field for the highest and greatest good of all concerned.” (have them take a deep breath - when the pendulum stops, you’re done) © Jean Slatter Clearing an Intolerance

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