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1 Let’s Meet! October 13, 2011.  All four people have to run.  The baton has to be held and passed by all participants.  You can have world class speed.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Let’s Meet! October 13, 2011.  All four people have to run.  The baton has to be held and passed by all participants.  You can have world class speed."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Let’s Meet! October 13, 2011

2  All four people have to run.  The baton has to be held and passed by all participants.  You can have world class speed. However, if opportunities are missed for passing the baton successfully then the team is not successful in the end.  What is required is a collaborative, systemic approach! 2

3  Define the non-negotiable, systemic requirements for successful DDI implementation in a building  Compare these critical elements of DDI to the elements that currently exist in your building  Identify possible next steps for implementing and/ or refining DDI in your building

4  Jot down a few words and/ or phrases that come to mind when you hear DDI.  Think about what might be the purpose of DDI. 4 Handout pg.2

5 Instruction that is planned according to assessment data analysis in an on-going cycle of identifying a learning need, developing an instructional plan to address that need, assessing to determine if the plan is working and/ or if another need is present, developing another instructional plan, etc. 5 What key components are inherent in this definition? Handout pg.3

6 Instruction that is planned according to assessment data analysis in an on-going cycle of identifying a learning need, developing an instructional plan to address that need, assessing to determine if the plan is working and/ or if another need is present, developing another instructional plan, etc. 6 What key components are inherent in this definition?

7  The teacher develops a writing task that asks students to write an argument paper.  Students write the papers.  Upon analysis of the results, 20% of students have thesis statements, 65% of students are using supporting evidence from the text, and 95% of students are using paragraphing.  The teacher writes a new unit to intentionally teach thesis statements as well as using evidence to match the thesis statement.  The teacher works with the 5 students in a small group to teach paragraphing. 7 Handout pg.3

8  Data Driven Culture  Common Assessments  Analysis  Action  Leadership (Facilitation & Accountability) 8 What else do you see here?

9 Common Assessments Analysis Leadership (Facilitation & Accountability) Data Driven Culture 9 Action

10  What does common mean?  What does assessment mean?  What is the purpose of common assessments? 10

11 All students across the grade level take the same assessment which is aligned to the common core standards and has the same types of questions found on the state exams to demonstrate what they know and are able to do in a particular content area. These assessments can be:  10 week unit exams  Writing assignments  Quizzes  Benchmark assessments  Etc 11 Handout pg.5

12 All students across the grade level take the same assessment which is aligned to the common core standards and has the same types of questions found on the state exams to demonstrate what they know and are able to do in a particular content area. These assessments can be:  10 week unit exams  Writing assignments  Quizzes  Benchmark assessments  Etc 12

13  A math unit test that is given to all 4 th grade students that has the same type of rigorous questions on state exams and that assesses common core mathematics standards 13 A writing assignment that asks all 7 th grade students to read two pieces of text and develop an argument on the issue presented in both articles using specific evidence from both articles in their response (This assessment is aligned to Common Core Literacy Shifts 4 & 5)

14  Same type of question(s) that are found on state exams (rigor and content)  Aligned with the common core standards 14 Criteria: Handout pg.5

15  What is meant by the word “common?”  What is a common assessment?  What is the purpose of these assessments? 15

16 Common Assessments Analysis Leadership (Facilitation & Accountability) Data Driven Culture 16 Action

17 17

18  What is it?  What would you look for?  What will you do with what you find? 18

19  I dentify patterns of strengths & weaknesses  Identify standards that students are meeting & standards (or elements of standards) for which students need more targeted instruction & support  Identify whole group needs, small group needs, and individual needs 19 Handout pg.6

20  What information will you gain from your assessment?  What content and skills is your assessment measuring?  What common core standards are being measured?  How will this assessment be scored? (rubric, answer key)  How could the results be presented in chart form?  How would design a data analysis chart for your assessment?  How could you quantify the results?  What specific skills could you pull out to report?  How could you show how each student scored? 20

21  What is analysis?  What do you look for?  What do you do with the information? 21

22  Individual Teacher Analysis  Teacher- Principal Analysis Meeting  Grade Level or Team Level Analysis Meeting 22 The process of identifying patterns of strengths and weaknesses as well standards (or elements of standards) that need to be addressed in upcoming instruction (Steps for each type of analysis will be part of the next DDI session on Oct 21.)

23 Common Assessments Analysis Leadership (Facilitation & Accountability) Data Driven Culture 23 Action

24  What do you do with the information gained from the analysis?  How do you do this? 24 Handout pg.8

25  Identify specific needs (whole class, small groups, & individual)  Brainstorm strategies & instructional approaches to target specific areas  Share what has worked in the past  Create new ideas together  Develop targeted, instructional action plans to address the identified areas 25

26 Sample: Students to wrote an argument paper. Upon analysis of the results, 20% of students have thesis statements, 65% of students are using supporting evidence from the text, and 95% of students are using paragraphing 26  What do all students need? What do some students need? What do a few students need?  Discuss what you would put in an instructional action plan to address these needs found from the analysis. (See sample planning guide on pg. 18).

27  What do you do with the information you gained from the analysis?  What will administrators and teachers need in order to be successful with action? 27

28 Common Assessments Analysis Leadership (Facilitation & Accountability) Data Driven Culture 28 Action

29  What does data driven mean?  What is culture?  How are they connected? 29 Handout pg.11

30 Process improvement is valued by all 30 All members believe that all students can learn Norms and protocols are in place for data analysis and action planning with all teams On-going professional development to support: * the development of assessments * the scoring of assessments * the analysis of data * the development of action plans * the on-going refining of instructional practice needed to meet the needs of all students

31 Looks likeSounds like 31 Handout pg.13

32 Looks likeSounds like Meet every Tuesday and Thursday to review the next assessment or to review the results of the last assessment, etc. (DDI cycle) Design action plans together Use an agreed upon protocol for looking a student work Record keeping that includes student achievement, instructional strategies developed, etc. 32 “I am trying to figure out what I can do in my next unit to help John and Joe understand why it is important to cross multiply first before…” “67% of my students have mastered identifying the main idea. By the end of this next unit, I am hoping to be at 100%.” “I am wondering about…could you give me some thoughts or suggestions?”

33 What are the beliefs, values, and practices present within a Data Driven Instruction model? 33

34 Common Assessments Analysis Leadership (Facilitation & Accountability) Data Driven Culture 34 Action

35 35

36  What is the role of leadership in this data driven process?  What requires facilitation?  What requires accountability? 36 Handout pg.14

37 Develop a data driven instruction implementation calendar that includes time for:  Assessment development  Assessment administration  Assessment scoring  Assessment analysis (one-on-one & team)  Instructional action plan development  On-going PD to support each phase of the DDI cycle 37 Handout pg.15

38 The principal ensures that scheduled DDI actions occur as planned 38 The principal monitors the implementation of the instructional action plans by checking in with teachers before/ after classes &/or during mini-observations The principal determines support needed for successful implementation of the action plans Handout pg.16

39 Examples:  Scheduling dates in the spring for the next year (calendar)  Scheduling “sacred” uninterrupted time to be in classrooms talking with teachers about student progress on assessments Your turn… (What else would help?) 39 Handout pg.16

40  What is the role of leadership in this data driven process?  What requires facilitation?  What requires accountability? 40

41  Where are you now?  What could be next steps?  What support is needed? 41 Common Assessments Analysis Leadership (Facilitation & Accountability) Data Driven Culture Action Handout pg.17

42 Take a few minutes to respond to the questions on your “Ticket Out the Door.” The thinking you share will help to guide our next sessions together. Thank you! 42

43  October 21- Rigorous Data Meetings: (ISC-A)Support & Accountability  December 5 – Analysis Into Action: Using (ISC-A)Common Assessment Results  On-going follow-up support with regional cluster groups and/ or in-districts 43

44  Use the reflection tools to reflect on your district’s current system  Bring to the next session 44

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