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Situation in Liepāja’s labour market and NVA cooperation with Liepāja’s municipality 29/08/2015 Head of NVA Liepāja’s office Dace Baumane.

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Presentation on theme: "Situation in Liepāja’s labour market and NVA cooperation with Liepāja’s municipality 29/08/2015 Head of NVA Liepāja’s office Dace Baumane."— Presentation transcript:

1 Situation in Liepāja’s labour market and NVA cooperation with Liepāja’s municipality 29/08/2015 Head of NVA Liepāja’s office Dace Baumane

2 About Liepāja Population of Liepāja city: ~85 000 First time listed in the historical documents: 1255 Acquired the city rights: 1625 Main industries: metal processing, textile, food, paper production, ship building Main advantages: low-tax environment, ice-free port, easy access to Western and Eastern countries Main attractions: Karosta - former military base from Tsarist and Soviet time, Holy Trinity Church organ and beautiful beach Events: classical and rock music festivals, international rally Kurzeme

3 Unemployment rate

4 Number of registered unemployed (Liepāja city and district)

5 Registered unemployed by groups (Liepāja city) Number of registered unemployed 2204  By gender - Female 1391 63% - Male 813 37%  Youngsters 15 – 24 276 12,5%  Long term unemployed 181 8,2% Data on 01.08.2008.

6 Cooperation between NVA Liepāja’s office and Liepāja’s city council EMPLOYMENT COMMISSION Members of commission are interested and informed about situation in labour market Situation in labour market is analyzed and defined direction for future activities MUNICIPAL AGENCY “NODARBINĀTĪBAS PROJEKTI” (“EMPLOYMENT PROJECTS”) Realizing of NVA services (subsidized employment, paid temporary works, pupils’ employment for summer holidays) Realizing of different projects (improving working skills for disabled people, improvement of manual training skills for persons after maternity leave) Job information centre in Karosta (in future establishment of NVA Liepāja’s affiliate job internet point) DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF LIEPĀJA CITY COUNCIL Involvement of labour force for new established companies (meetings with new investors, organizing meetings for potential employees) Information about actual job vacancies in Liepāja on Liepāja’s city webpage Regular exchange of statistical information

7 Development plans of Liepāja city Approved development strategy of Liepāja city for 2007 – 2014 Vision of city development:  Region with sustainable balanced development, international competitive and on knowledge based economy  Educational, science, cultural, sport center  Socially ensured, welfare and healthy society  Proud, active and ambitious city, where people would like to live and work

8 Development plans of Liepāja city Priorities for development:  A – Encourage of economy development Business and competitiveness increasing  B,C – Human resources development Educated and healthy people Socially ensured and safe society  D,E – City environment Good quality of living conditions High quality of environment

9 Development plans of Liepāja city EMPLOYMENT  Provision of labour force resources To do regular labour market surveys for defining labour shortages and surpluses Education accordingly labour market needs Recruit most needed specialists Constitute triangular consultative council Involve children and youngsters for work in summer holidays  Reduce of social castaway Encourage business activity of inhabitants Involve in labour market risk group inhabitants Integrate in labour market people with special needs Increase possibilities of continuing education, professional development and retraining

10 Development plans of Liepāja city EDUCATION  Provision of labour force resources Introduce actual professional education programs Ensure appropriate technical resources and infrastructure for educational programs Popularize engineering sciences  Liepāja’s management invite to choose for education professions: Engineering (metal industry, building material industry, power industry etc.) Building (supervisors, building and road building specialists) Port development (transport and logistic specialists) Tourism & Catering (hotel staff, tourism operators, catering staff)

11 Development plans of Liepāja district Outlined development priorities of Liepāja district for 2008 – 2013 Priorities:  Education (straighten out infrastructure, ensure appropriate technical resources, establish classes of natural sciences)  Infrastructure (huge road repair works planed, will be need for road workers and road techniques operators)  Building (4 big projects for development of water handling facilities)  Restoration and renovation of historical centers of cities  Seacoast and agriculture (technology and equipment modernization)

12 Thank you for attention!

13 EURES activities in NVA Liepāja’s office and Kurzeme region 29/08/2015 NVA Liepāja’s office EURES adviser Andris Segliņš

14 Latvian EURES advisers 5 EURES advisers in Liepāja, Rīga, Cēsis, Rēzekne and Daugavpils NVA offices

15 EURES activities in Kurzeme region 2004 - 2007  Participation in employers’ exhibitions “Liepājas uzņēmējs” (“Liepāja’s employer”) and “Ventspils uzņēmējs” (“Ventspils’ employer”)  Organised European Days’ events in Liepāja  Information days for jobseekers in Kurzeme region NVA offices and otherwhere about EURES services and working abroad  Information days for school teachers about working abroad  Information day for students in Liepāja about studying and working abroad  Information days for NVA staff about EURES services in NVA and working abroad  EURES seminar “Mobility in Baltics labour market” in Liepāja  Participation in Liepāja’s city working group against trafficking  Participation in EURES information working group  Participation in international Job fairs in Finland and Bulgaria  Prepared and produced informative materials about legal work abroad (“Darbs mājās – mājas Eiropā!” (Work at home – home in Europe!), Dzīvošana un darbs Norvēģijā un Lietuvā (Living and Working in Norway and Lithuania), EURES ceļvedis darba devējiem (EURES guide for employers)).

16 EURES activities in Kurzeme region  Organization of EURES seminar for Kurzeme’s region heads of NVA offices and EURES assistants, Liepāja  Organization of international Jobfair “Job and Career 2008” in Liepāja  Participation in EURES information working group, Brussels  Participation in international Jobfairs  Participation in Liepāja’s city working group against trafficking Activities in 2008  Information days for jobseekers in Kurzeme region NVA offices about EURES services and working abroad  Organization of EURES seminar for Kurzeme’s region heads of NVA offices and EURES assistants  Information days for NVA staff about EURES services in NVA and working abroad  Continue participation in EURES information working group  Continue participation in Liepāja’s city working group against trafficking Planed future activities

17 Interest about working abroad  By gender - Female 52,5% - Male 47,5%  By age group - till 25 years 28% - 25-45 years 60% - over 45 years 12%  By foreign language knowledge - English 71% - German 8% - Other language 3% - Without foreign language 18%  In 2007 NVA Liepāja’s EURES office consulted 1026 clients Clients who visited NVA Liepāja’s EURES offices and were interested to work abroad divided: * Source: NVA Liepāja’s EURES office statistics (2007)

18 Individual consultations (by form of consultation) * Source: NVA Liepāja’s EURES office statistics (2007)

19 Individual consultations about work (clients’ most popular EU/EEA countries)

20 Individual consultations about work (clients’ most interested professions) * Source: NVA Liepāja’s EURES office statistics (2007)

21 Tendencies regarding work abroad  Interest about working abroad gradually decrease  Increase interest about social security and social guaranties when work abroad  More people prefer to choose legal work abroad, less illegal  More people from Latvia who work abroad return or thing about returning back to Latvia * Source: NVA Liepāja’s EURES office statistics

22 Thank you for attention!

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