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Slide 1. © 2012 Invensys. All Rights Reserved. The names, logos, and taglines identifying the products and services of Invensys are proprietary marks.

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1. © 2012 Invensys. All Rights Reserved. The names, logos, and taglines identifying the products and services of Invensys are proprietary marks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 1

2 © 2012 Invensys. All Rights Reserved. The names, logos, and taglines identifying the products and services of Invensys are proprietary marks of Invensys or its subsidiaries. All third party trademarks and service marks are the proprietary marks of their respective owners. AV TSS 01 New Functional Features in 5.0 Session ID: AV TSS 01 Presented by: Maggie Mesonero 10/10/12

3 Slide 3 Smart Client User Interface

4 Slide 4 Smart Client User Interface Same functionality as classic application Ease of use –Larger screen real estate –Easier data entry using editable data grids

5 Slide 5 Smart Client Interface – Features Enables customization of user interface views and pages: –Different object forms for same object, e.g. different forms for project entity, device entity –Move Add-on fields to different pages/views. –Change labels that introduce fields, change position of fields –Remove toolbar buttons User can define own worksheet grid and workspace display –Allows for multiple actions on transaction worksheets

6 Slide 6 Avantis Workspace Incorporates traditional desktop with additional access options Quicker access to functions, desktops and shortcuts Displays current site and user Customizable by user –Hide/show panes –Zoom –Sort shortcuts by name or type –Manually arrange large icons

7 Slide 7 Favorites Current Desktop Available Desktops User and Session Site Current Desktop Avantis Workspace

8 Slide 8 Smart Client Cabinet Viewer

9 Slide 9 Smart Client Work Order Slide 9 List of tasks General data

10 Slide 10 Smart Client Applications Interface to Maintenance Functions –Entity –Work Request –Emergency Work Order –Work Order (Multi-task) –Statistic Reading Transaction –Equipment Activity Worksheet –Time Card Worksheet –Catalog Request Worksheet

11 Slide 11 Smart Client Applications Interface to Inventory Transactions –Count Adjustment Form –Inventory Adjustment Form –Issue Transaction Worksheet –Miscellaneous Transaction Worksheet (new transaction) –Receipt Transaction Worksheet –Reclassification Form

12 Slide 12 Customization of User Interface New framework allows customers to more easily adjust the user interface forms to meet their business needs All business logic has been de-coupled from the user interface logic User interface is stored in xml files encrypted in the database

13 Slide 13 Customization of User Interface Examples of customization : Create different form layouts, for all sites or certain sites, for example: –A project-type entity may not use as much information as an equipment- type entity does, hence this type of entity may not need all of the pages and views that the typical entity form presents Modify worksheet display –Add or remove fields or columns from Worksheet Rules –Move column positions within the grid

14 Slide 14 Customization of User Interface Standard Entity form

15 Slide 15 Simplified Project Entity form Contains only what is needed to track project information Pages removed from General Information view Views removed Toolbar buttons removed Customization of User Interface

16 Slide 16 Display of columns in a worksheet can be changed (saved by user by PC) Example - Activity Result, Completed By, Completed On columns moved over to the left as they are used most often by this user Customization of User Interface

17 Slide 17 Foundation Enhancements

18 Slide 18 General Ledger Account Setup New user interface to Chart of Accounts object allows G/L accounts to be: Added Deleted Suspended Released Imported/exported to excel

19 Slide 19 General Ledger Account Setup

20 Slide 20 Data Security Additional data restrictions available: Deletion of objects created by other users Attachments

21 Slide 21 Data Security Object Permissions:

22 Slide 22 Maintenance Enhancements

23 Slide 23 Procedures and Safety Text Option to copy procedures and safety text to work task when entity is defined as “Entity to Work On” –Controlled by business policy If entity is an assembly: –All Procedures and Safety text for child entities will be copied to work task If entity is moved from Work Order –Related Procedures and Safety text will be removed from WO Slide 23

24 Slide 24 Copy Work Task to another Work Order Ability to copy a work task from one work order to another Optional copy of –Requirements –OLE –Attachments Avantis assigns new task number Slide 24

25 Slide 25 Follow-up Work Request Ability to generate a follow-up work request from: Work order Work task Time card Existing Equipment Activity Record Slide 25

26 Slide 26 Entity Hierarchy Available as printed report Prints hierarchy from the source entity down Slide 26

27 Slide 27 Display of Planned Duration on Activity Planned duration displayed on all activities Total planned time calculated and displayed Slide 27

28 Slide 28 Work Request Estimated Duration User has option to enter estimated duration on a work request Value copied to the work order Slide 28

29 Slide 29 Resetting of PM Triggers Option whether to restart triggering cycle for PM when reopened PM Work Order is closed. Available at: –Work Order close –Work task close Business policy defines default If Work Task is closed automatically, default value used Slide 29

30 Slide 30 Statistic Trigger Defaults Site-specific defaults on the statistic trigger tab can be defined in Business Policies: Default for Statistic Triggering Rule –Actual readings –Normal average values –Normal averages and actual readings –An average of readings over x time Default for Predicting Future Dates for Statistic Triggers –Normal averages and actual readings –An average of readings over x time Slide 30

31 Slide 31 Maintenance Map New function Requires separate license (included in Release 5.0.1) Allows visualization of maintenance status of entity hierarchy Uses tree map control –Nested rectangles –Summary data –Drill-down capabilities Provides overview of health of entity hierarchy Allows maintenance user to identify problem areas at a glance Data updated according to defined schedule Slide 31

32 Slide 32 Inventory Enhancements

33 Slide 33 Synchronization of Inventory Item and PC Item New options to synchronize Inventory Item and PC Item: Number Description Controlled by business policies Business policy defines the “master” record - Inventory Item or PC Item Separate policies for number and description Slide 33

34 Slide 34 Synchronization of Inventory Item and PC Item Slide 34

35 Slide 35 Workspace Smart Client version will open

36 Slide 36 Inventory Count Adjustment

37 Slide 37 Inventory Adjustment

38 Slide 38 Inventory Reclassification

39 Slide 39 Issue Transaction Worksheet Charging information can be changed from Work Order defaults Controlled by business policy

40 Slide 40 Receipt Transaction Worksheet

41 Slide 41 Miscellaneous Transactions A miscellaneous transaction is one that does not typically originate in either Avantis Maintenance or Procurement. Can be used to charge costs associated with materials or services not purchased through Procurement or issued from inventory, e.g. –Purchases from petty cash –Credit card purchases –Internal charges Charged to entities, work orders, and/or work order tasks. Securable access by user

42 Slide 42 Security Grant authorization to Miscellaneous Transaction Worksheet This allows authority to all actions on the worksheet

43 Slide 43 Miscellaneous Transactions Displayed in Miscellaneous Transaction cabinet Available on Accounting and Maintenance Mgr. desktops

44 Slide 44 Miscellaneous Transaction Worksheet

45 Slide 45 Miscellaneous Transaction Worksheet Option to enforce that the transactions on the worksheet balance to zero before posting them New message “The transactions do not balance to zero” is delivered with a severity of Error; severity can be changed When enforcing balanced transactions and user wants to post, all un-posted transactions on the worksheet will be validated and then the amounts will be totaled If the transaction amounts do not total to zero, the message will display (if not suppressed) The posting action will continue based on the response from the message

46 Slide 46 Miscellaneous Transaction Worksheet Transactions are processed via the MTP – as they are currently Transactions are visible in other objects –Entity, Work Order and Work Task Transactions views G/L Transactions cabinet New Miscellaneous Transactions cabinet

47 Slide 47 Contractor Services Module

48 Slide 48 Contractor Services Management New module – separate license Provided with Release 5.0.1 Enables setup and management of Service Contracts Allows contractors to submit prices and expenses for the work they do Slide 48

49 Slide 49 Benefits of Contractor Services Management Supports improvement of accuracy of Contractor expenses Provides maintenance with timely access to contract expenses Provides audit trail and reporting capabilities for Contractor expenses Enables approval of all contractor activities prior to payment Manages real-time contractor costs and expenses incurred during projects, turnarounds and large shutdowns. Slide 49

50 Slide 50 Characteristics of Service Contracts Can be set up to include services, materials or both Support vendor resource pricing rules for services User can define specific contract terms for invoicing and expense submission Contract change requests can be raised against service contracts Vendor site setting can be defined for invoice template to be used for service expenses Invoices: Matched against service expenses or Created by auto-invoicing (ERS) of service expenses and conditions Slide 50

51 Slide 51 Contractor Services Management Responsibilities shared between Contracting Vendor Maintenance Department Purchasing Department Slide 51

52 Slide 52 Contractor Services Management Customer’s Role –Set up service items (catalog items with a receiving and invoicing rule of Expensed and invoiced –Create vendor bid sheets for use by the contracting vendor –Review, accept or return the contracting vendor’s expense sheet Slide 52

53 Slide 53 Contractor Services Management Contracting Vendor’s Role –Set up contractor employees –Set up contractor equipment –Supply the customer with prices for the services covered by a contract using the vendor bid sheet –Submit expense sheets for approval to the customer. Slide 53

54 Slide 54 Avantis customer creates services contract and authorizes contractor to use Avantis Contractor Services Avantis customer creates vendor bid sheet and sends to contract vendor(s) Avantis customer accepts vendor bid sheet, updates contract with vendor resource prices, creates PO and sends to contract vendor. Contract vendor defines employees and equipment Contract vendor(s) prices items and services and submits completed bid sheet Contract vendor enters expenses on expense sheet against PO, and submits to Avantis Avantis customer matches invoice memos to PO lines to pay for services invoiced by contract vendor. ERS can also be used. Approve or Approve with Info Return or Reject Avantis MTP generates service expenses, expensed- not-invoiced transactions and invoice memos Approve or Approve with Info Return or Reject Avantis Customer processes bid sheet Avantis approvals processes expense sheet Overview of Business Flow

55 Slide 55 Steps to Set Up Contractor Services Module Set-up Steps Contracting v endor carries out activity Avantis customer user carries out activity (Usually Purchasing Agent) Vendor Activity Customer Activity Slide 55

56 Slide 56 Contractor Services Set-up Steps Slide ActivityCommentsResponsibility Set up contractor as employee in Avantis One Avantis employee for each Contractor /  Single log-on System Administrator

57 Slide 57 Set-up Steps On Employee object: Contracting Vendor Number restricts Contractor from accessing contract information for other vendors Slide 57

58 Slide 58 Set-up Steps On user profile, define restrictions to identify objects the contract employee can open/edit Slide 58

59 Slide 59 Set-up Steps Slide 59

60 Slide 60 Set-up Steps Slide ActivityCommentsResponsibility Set up/modify security profiles Set up/modify desktops Provide appropriate access to Contractor module for:  Buyers  Accounts Payable  Contractors  Maintenance System Administrator

61 Slide 61 Sample Contractor Desktop Views Set-up Steps Slide 61

62 Slide 62 Set-up Steps Slide ActivityCommentsResponsibility Create PC Items for contracts Each type of expense on contract(s) needs a PCI  Per diem  Travel in  Travel out  Equipment  Mileage  Labor Buyer

63 Slide 63 Set-up Steps Slide 63 Optional Mandatory

64 Slide 64 Set-up Steps Slide ActivityCommentsResponsibility Create contractIndicate that contract allows service expenses Define frequency of expense sheet creation Do not execute contract Buyer

65 Slide 65 Set-up Steps Indicate that contract includes services Define frequency for invoices and expense submission Slide 65

66 Slide 66 Set-up Steps Slide ActivityCommentsResponsibility Create vendor bid sheet and send to vendor Identify each PCI requiring bidBuyer

67 Slide 67 Avantis user (usually Purchasing Agent) provides list of purchase catalog items for the contractor to submit prices Bid sheet is sent to the contracting vendor for completion Vendor Bid Sheet Slide 67

68 Slide 68 Contractor enters vendor resource price details on the bid sheet for the services and/or materials listed. Contractor can add new vendor resources and pricing for any additional services not listed on the bid sheet Contractor submits completed bid sheet to the Avantis user –Usually Purchasing Agent –Once submitted, bids cannot be modified Vendor Bid Sheet Slide 68

69 Slide 69 Vendor Bid View - Price and Pricing Rules – Details Vendor Bid View Slide 69

70 Slide 70 Set-up Steps Slide ActivityCommentsResponsibility Review and accept or reject vendor bid Accepting bid creates Vendor Resource(s) on contract Buyer

71 Slide 71 Customer can choose to exclude bids Keeps record of bid Prevents acceptance/addition of specific bid(s) to contract Accepting bid adds prices and updates the vendor resource Vendor Bid Sheets Slide 71

72 Slide 72 Vendor Bid Sheet Slide 72

73 Slide 73 Set-up Steps Slide ActivityCommentsResponsibility Execute contractComplete all required info Change contract status to executed Buyer

74 Slide 74 Contract Contract can now be used Slide 74

75 Slide 75 Set-up Steps Slide ActivityCommentsResponsibility Create Purchase Order Charging information:  If known, enter on line  If not known, charge to higher level entity  Vendor can indicate charging detail (specific work orders) on expense sheet Provide PO number to vendor Notify Maintenance of # Buyer

76 Slide 76 Purchase Order Charge to higher-level Department or Area Detailed charging can be defined by vendor on expense sheet Slide 76

77 Slide 77 Set-up Steps Slide ActivityCommentsResponsibility Create vendor employees Create vendor record for every employee who will charge time and/or expense on expense sheet Vendor

78 Slide 78 Contractor’s Employees Set Up Vendor defines and manages employees who will charge time/expenses to Avantis To add contract employees, user requires: Security profile with a contractor role Link to active vendor Authorization to create new contract employee objects Slide 78

79 Slide 79 Contractor’s Employee Object Slide 79

80 Slide 80 Set-up Steps Slide ActivityCommentsResponsibility Create equipment records Create records for all equipment which will be charged on expense sheet Vendor

81 Slide 81 Contractor’s Equipment Set-up Allows vendor to define and manage materials which can be included on the expense form To add contract equipment, user requires: Security profile with a contractor role Link to active vendor Authorization to create new contract equipment objects Slide 81

82 Slide 82 Contractor’s Equipment Object Slide 82

83 Slide 83 Set-up Steps Slide ActivityCommentsResponsibility Create and submit expense sheet Enter all time and expenses on expense sheet and submit against PO # according to agreed schedule Vendor

84 Slide 84 Expense Sheet Vendor can include equipment, employee time, expenses, etc. on expense sheet Vendor can specify work order to be charged on each line of expense sheet to ensure accurate cost collection Notes: PO must be “Sent to Vendor” before expense sheet can be created Once expense sheet has been submitted by vendor to Avantis user, it cannot be modified if it has been approved If expense sheet is not approved, it can be returned to vendor and modified Slide 84

85 Slide 85 Contractor must enter PO number Expenses listed are determined by the service catalog items on open PO lines Expense Sheet Entry Slide 85

86 Slide 86 Expense Sheet – Expenses View Expense details Slide 86

87 Slide 87 Set-up Steps Slide 87 ActivityCommentsResponsibility Review/Approve expense sheet Review expense sheet:  Approve for payment  Reject o new expense sheet must be submitted by vendor  Return to vendor for modification Maintenance Purchasing

88 Slide 88 Expense Sheet Expense sheet can be approved manually by the customer’s Purchasing Agent or Maintenance representative, or automatically using Avantis Approval routing Vendor cannot approve an expense sheet Attachments can be used for receipts Slide 88

89 Slide 89 Expense Sheet If approved: Expense sheet is accessible as read-only All lines are submitted to Avantis.PRO for processing for payment If returned: Expense sheet can be modified by vendor and resubmitted for approval If rejected Expense sheet is accessible as read-only No transactions will be generated for invoicing

90 Slide 90 Expense Sheet Actions Manual option to approve, reject or return expense sheet Slide 90

91 Slide 91 Set-up Steps Manual option to approve, reject or return expense sheet Slide 91 Activity CommentsResponsibility Create invoices for approved expense sheet(s) Pay vendor Pay invoice by matching or Use ERS Accounts Payable

92 Slide 92 Contractor can reverse a submitted expense sheet –Only if no expenses have been invoiced –Reversing an invoice will reverse all related expenses Contractor expenses are tracked by entity, work order/task and PO line and are available in the respective Transactions and Costs views Costs available to Maintenance as they are incurred; before contracting vendor has submitted an invoice Managing Expense Sheets Slide 92

93 Slide 93 Contractor Services Management - Summary Allows a Contracting Vendor to: –Maintain a list of equipment and employees who will submit expenses –Securely submit prices and pricing rules for their services Avantis user cannot modify the contracting vendor’s proposed Prices Prices can be sent for approval Vendor sees expense sheets for purchase orders issued to them only Vendor sees pricing information relating to their services and prices only Slide 93

94 Slide 94 Contractor Services Management - Summary Allows Avantis user to: –Create and manage a “Services” contract –Track contractor expenditures by Entity, WO, Work Task Order/Task, PO Line Report on expenses for tracking, estimating and negotiating purposes Reconcile contracting vendor invoices to Avantis invoices Report on expenses for tracking, estimating and negotiating purposes

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