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Before It Was Georgia.  Primary sources  Secondary sources  Archaeologists  Artifact  Atlatl  Nomad  Effigy  Chiefdom  Line of Demarcation 

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Presentation on theme: "Before It Was Georgia.  Primary sources  Secondary sources  Archaeologists  Artifact  Atlatl  Nomad  Effigy  Chiefdom  Line of Demarcation "— Presentation transcript:

1 Before It Was Georgia

2  Primary sources  Secondary sources  Archaeologists  Artifact  Atlatl  Nomad  Effigy  Chiefdom  Line of Demarcation  La Florida  Guale  Mocama  Charter  Mercantilism  Pilgrims


4 PRIMARY SOURCESSECONDARY SOURCES  First Hand Accounts of an event.  This includes interviews, newspapers, photographs, diaries and journals  These are considered more accurate.  Second hand accounts of events.  This includes textbooks, school teachers, and most internet sites.  These are usually not as accurate.

5  In order to understand our past, archaeologists look at primary sources such as artifacts. These include pottery shards and projectile points.  They study pre- history (time before writing)  Video Video


7  PALEO Period  10,000 BC – 8,000 BC  Paleo means “very old”  People were nomads and moved around in small family groups to hunt large animals (Bison, mastodon, giant sloth). Foraged for berries and vegetables.  Used the large spear with a a clovis point as well as the Atlatl.  Life expectancy was very low.

8  ARCHAIC  8,000 BC - 1,000 BC  Used the atlatl to hunt smaller animals.  Started to use pottery to preserve food (deer, bear, small game, vegetables, and various fish.  Burial of the dead using tools, body ornaments.  Semi permanent shelters.

9  WOODLAND  1,000 BC – 1,000AD  Used the bow and arrow to hunt deer and small game  Developed agriculture  Lived in sturdy houses  Created effigies (Rock Eagle) and burial mounds, ceremonial objects

10  MISSISSIPPIAN  1,000 AD – 1600 AD  Used Bow and arrow to hunt deer and small game. Also ate corn, beans and other veggies they planted  Lived near water and used advanced farming techniques  Used advanced religious ceremonies, burial mounds (Etowah Mounds!) with food and ceremonial objects  Lived in Chiefdoms  Video Video





15  Why explore?  Europeans were looking for a shorter and safer trade route to East Asia  They wanted Asian goods such as silk, tea, and spices

16  The Portuguese:  Bartholomew Dias – explored the coast of Africa and made it around the Cape of Good Hope.  Vasco de Gama – sailed around the coast of Africa and made it to Asia.

17  SPANISH  Christopher Columbus – thought he could find a trade route to the East and accidentally discovered America.

18  ENGLAND  John Cabot – explored the coast of North America including Canada and the location of the original 13 colonies.

19  FRANCE  Robert de la Salle – explored the Mississippi River and helped established Louisiana.


21  Mercantilism – the belief that countries should export more than they import.  Countries wanted to take over as many of the world’s resources as possible

22  Line of Demarcation –  Spain and Portugal signed the Treaty of Tordesillas which divided the world in two halves, giving Spain control of the New World.

23  SPAIN  Juan Ponce de Leon – first European in the main land of the United States. Called the entire South Eastern United States “La Florida.”  Hernando de Soto – explored Georgia looking for gold.  Video Video  Lucas Vazquez de Ayllon- established the first settlement in Georgia. It failed.  Divided Georgia into Guale (North) and Mocama (South).

24  ENGLAND  First settlement was Roanoke. It disappeared.  Established Jamestown. Eventually became Virginia.  Had the Pilgrims.  Established the 13 colonies (including Georgia)

25  FRANCE  Tried to settle around Georgia unsuccessfully.  Established the Louisiana Territory.

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