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1 Exam next week  50 questions: 30 from lectures (60%); 10 from cases (20%); 10 from book (20%)  Bring your own scantron. Form No 882-E and a pencil.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Exam next week  50 questions: 30 from lectures (60%); 10 from cases (20%); 10 from book (20%)  Bring your own scantron. Form No 882-E and a pencil."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Exam next week  50 questions: 30 from lectures (60%); 10 from cases (20%); 10 from book (20%)  Bring your own scantron. Form No 882-E and a pencil.  Format: 40 MC questions; 10 short answer questions  Chapters 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12: One to two questions from each. For a total of10 questions.  Ch. 4. –What is the experience hierarchy (functionality, intimacy, loyalty) (pp. 134-143) –Seven steps in creating customer experience (144-150) (description of target, case scenarios, integration, desired experience, assess hierarchy, leverage, monitor and adjust  Ch. 5. What are the 7 C’s? Know definitions. –What are the dimensions of commerce? (Registration, Shopping Cart, Security, Credit Card, one-click, configuration technology, order tracking, delivery options) –Dimensions of customization (Registration, cookies, content and layout, storage, agents)  Ch. 6. CRM (p. 208) The stages of relationship (awareness, exploration, commitment, dissolution) (212-222) Why the web is unique in creating customer relationships (interactivity, individualization)

2 2 Ch. 8  Ch. 8.  Exhibit 8.2 (p. 278). Key Pricing Strategies  What are dynamic pricing strategies (various auction formats, exchanges)  Two-part pricing  Bundling (pure bundling vs. mixed bundling)  Three categories of price discrimination  Ch. 9 Database marketing, p. 344 The 2 I’s: Interactivity, Individualization Mass Offline Marketing Levers TV, Radio, Outdoor, Newspaper, Magazines, Yellow pages, Brochures, Pt-Of-Purchase displays Personal Offline Mass Online- Interstitials Internet Ad Terms (p. 355) – click-through, CPC, CPM, hit, visits, unique users Personal Online Communication Process (p. 361) What are communication objectives? (awareness, sales) Reach, frequency, p. 370 Viral marketing, p. 362. Affiliate marketing programs, p. 371

3 3  Ch. 10  Community Characteristics  Ten Criteria that define successful community, p. 393  Three Types of Shared Interests, p. 401  Types of Successful Communities, p. 418  Ch. 12 What is brand equity, p. 495-496 Strength of association, p. 497 Valence, uniqueness, p. 498 Firm and consumer benefits, p. 498 Seven (ten) Step Branding Process, p. 509-515 Key brand attributes (relevant, distinct, consistent, memorable)

4 4 Clues for short answer questions  For the short answer questions (10 questions– 2 points each):  1. For each case, make sure you can write two sentences about the revenue model for that firm. Also, make sure you can write two sentences about why or why not the revenue model is sustainable. Memorize your answers. 2. There will be a question about personalization. Make sure you understand the “personalization backlash.” How does it relate to the risks of personalization described in the Broadvision case? 3. Understand the relationship between search and price competition. Will increased search erode profitability? Have two reasons. 4. Communication tools 5. Transactional vs. relational exchange 6. Know your own group project. (B2B partners, competitors, revenue models, estimation assumptions and technique)

5 5 The Four Categories of Communications Customized Traditional Mass Marketing Public relations Sales promotion Television Radio Magazines Newspapers Billboards Public relations Sales promotion Television Radio Magazines Newspapers Billboards Personalized Permission Marketing—freebies Personalized Recommendations (rule-based, collaborative filtering) Personalized Advertisements Personalized Web Pages Personalized E-commerce (e-stores) Permission Marketing—freebies Personalized Recommendations (rule-based, collaborative filtering) Personalized Advertisements Personalized Web Pages Personalized E-commerce (e-stores) General Approaches Web sites Banner Ads Search engines and shopbots Interstitials E-Mail (junk) Viral Marketing (Hotmail, NYTimes) Portal Sponsorship/Exclusive Agreements Associate/Affiliate Programs (directing to) On-line and Off-line Partnership: Full range Provide Information to Entice Customers Leverage Customer Base – reputation and trust Web sites Banner Ads Search engines and shopbots Interstitials E-Mail (junk) Viral Marketing (Hotmail, NYTimes) Portal Sponsorship/Exclusive Agreements Associate/Affiliate Programs (directing to) On-line and Off-line Partnership: Full range Provide Information to Entice Customers Leverage Customer Base – reputation and trust Personal selling Direct Marketing

6 6 Questions from Cases  1. All cases: Know the revenue model, viability  2. All cases, go over the case questions in the lecture notes  Porter The Five Forces, The Myth of the First Mover  Leveraging Internet Technologies in B2B relationships Study table 1 (p. 236). Know all the definitions in that table and mostly the difference between relational and transactional exchange. When would reverse auctions be beneficial?  Broadvision Rule-based and collaborative filtering. Benefits of personalization. Personalization backlash and personalization challenges. How to overcome?  Amazon Models: Pure online book retailer, supply0side cross category dominance, marketplace initiative, auctions, zShops, single-store vision, technology vendor, other extensions? Read article  Ebay– What is the biggest challenge (fraud). How to combat fraud? What is meant by proactive? What are advantages and disadvantages of being proactive. Read articles.  Streamline – What was their target demographic? What were their advantages? Why did they fail? What were our conclusions about the future of online groceries? Why? What is the direct (Fresh Direct) model? What is the Peapod model? Read handouts on Peapod and Fresh Direct.  Monster What are the way Monster is trying to expand?  Red Hat What are the competitive advantages of red hat vs. competitors? What are the challenges of selling open source? –Open Source Development  Bleeding edge kernel  Code freezes  Development hierarchy

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