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F-35 Lightning II In the early 1990’s the Department of Defense launched a tri service combat aircraft recapitalization program called the Joint Strike.

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Presentation on theme: "F-35 Lightning II In the early 1990’s the Department of Defense launched a tri service combat aircraft recapitalization program called the Joint Strike."— Presentation transcript:

1 F-35 Lightning II In the early 1990’s the Department of Defense launched a tri service combat aircraft recapitalization program called the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF), now designated the F-35.. The intent of the program was to leverage recent major National investments in technology, introduce true service interoperability and achieve economies of Commonality and Scale as legacy combat aircraft fleets were replaced. The ongoing National Security strategy to require coalition based operations had also surfaced significant capability gaps between US and allied air forces equipment. Component Commanders were impacted by these shortfalls and a decision was made to allow participation by selected allied Nations in the development and procurement of the JSF. The United Kingdom enjoyed a unique role in the start up of JSF as they had been part of a cooperative development program with the US Marine Corps called Advanced Short Takeoff and Vertical Landing, a program originally envisioned to replace the aging AV-8 Harrier fleet. The requirement for ASTOVL was one of the several earlier replacement programs included in the Operational Requirement for JSF. Seven additional countries were allowed to participate as Partners in the JSF Program.  These countries joined the program following contract award in October of These relationships were codified in formal bi-lateral Government to Government agreements for the initial stage Additional strategic considerations: In addition to developing the ability to form future allied coalitions, there is a second strategically important aspect of the JSF F-35 program as an extension of US Foreign Policy in strategically important geographic regions. These are dominated by the Far East (Japan< Singapore and the Republic of Korea) and the Middle East (Israel). While these countries are not “Partners” and do not tend to participate in US Coalitions, they represent an extension of US Foreign policy in their regions. These countries will be allowed to participate in the project through the traditional Foreign Military Sales (FMS) processes.

2 F-35 International Partnership
The Netherlands 14 Nov 2006 Canada 11 Dec 2006 Australia 12 Dec 2006 United Kingdom 12 Dec 2006 Italy 7 Feb 2007 Denmark 27 Feb 2007 Netherlands Deputy Secretary for Defence Cees van der Knaap and U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense Gordon England signed the Production, Sustainment and Follow-On Development Memorandum of Understanding (PSFD MOU), which extends cooperation in the program beyond the current System Development and Demonstration (SDD) phase. “Because of the extremely hard work of a very dedicated team over a couple of years, the Netherlands and the United States were able to take this very historic step toward building a powerful international coalition,”  said Brig. Gen. C.R. Davis, F-35 Lightning II program executive officer. Canada- Ward Elcock – Deputy Minister of National defense Australia - Brendan Nelson – Defense Minister UK- Lord Drayson             Turkey 26 Jan 2007 Norway 31 Jan 2007

3 F-35 Global Supply Team Norway Canada The Netherlands United Kingdom
Howmet Ben Marine Dutch Aerospace PHM Group Kitron Aeronamics ASCO DY4 Mindready Fokker - Elmo Applica Cyclone DAP Fokker - SP FTG Dishon ATS Kleizen Techni Metronor Honeywell Eng Sys Fokker - Defense Hexagon Megellan-Bristol Sun Electronic DRS Technologies Brookz Corena Herou Devtek Phillips Aerospace Axxiflex Flextronics Kongsberg Avcorp EPM Technology CMC Electronics Eurocast Fokker - Aerostructure DNV Thales Cyrogenics Thales Nederlands Magellan-Chicopee United Kingdom Denmark BAE SYSTEMS Systematic Software Engineering Smiths Aerospace Goodrich Terma GPV Microfiltrex Hamble Structures Maersk Logistics IFAD Corena GKN Helmut Integrated Sys. HiQ Wise Danish Aerotech Martin Baker Bruel & Kjaer Beaufort Samputensilli Italy Australia Aermacchi Cusinetti Alenia Broens Mecear Levett York Datamat Turkey Micro LTD Aerostaff Cablex Galileo Marconi Sirio Panel Kalekalip Varley Metaltech Piaggio Ferra Engr. Aerea Umbra Milsoft Ayesas Adecel Lovitt Moog - SBC BAE Australia UoP Havelsan TAI Aselsan Oto Meleraia GKN Marand Logic GPC Marconi Selenia ALP Aviation Hawker de Havilland Magnaghi Mikes Goodrich Services Segundo Mona Vestel Gate Elektronik Production Parts

4 JSF – Many Programs in One
P&W F135 GE/RR F136 Domestic / International Suppliers Interoperability Global Sustainment CTOL CV STOVL 3 Services 8 International Partners LM Aero NGC BAES Team JSF 2 Security Cooperation Participants Training 3 Flight Test Facilities Autonomic Logistics JSF is many programs in one. We are developing a family of three variants at the same time. This allows lower development cost due to commonality than if we had to develop three separate aircraft. A savings of roughly $30Billion dollars ( Assuming $15B for each variant if done separately – and this is very conservative) We are also developing two engines which will be totally interchangeable and transparent to the pilot, something we have never accomplished before. We are developing three versions for three US customers and 8 international customers. We have international involvement in an unprecedented scale for a military fighter. We also have two partners, one British along with three engine companies. In addition to the complexity of developing the airframe , we are also developing a whole new way of training and maintaining JSF. We will integrated pilot and maintenance training for all services and international customers. We will have an autonomic logistics system including performance based contracting for O&M which is unique. And we will be flight testing at three separate places, Ft Worth, Pax River NAS and Edwards AFB. We will also be the flight test leaders for the first time For also the first time in history, we will have international suppliers supplying large parts of a US military fighter from day one. We have domestic suppliers in most of the continental US and international suppliers from all of the partner nations. Another first it that the international partners are participating from a “Best Value” rather than “ offset s” . This forces the international partners to be competitive and should help them in future efforts We are going to sustain the JSF globally through the new “Global Sustainment” approach. And lastly the JSF will be the first interoperable aircraft used by the US and its Allies. With at least 8 countries flying the same aircraft and all three US services flying aircraft with the identical avionics, we will have unprecedented interoperability Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

5 Sustainment Complexity Challenge
Aircraft USAF 1763 DoN 680 Partners (8) 682 Total 3125 Operational Locations Sites: 52 Bases, 26 Ships Squadrons: 117 BAE LM NGC Prime Contractors OEMs FET Pratt & Whitney BAE Northrop Grumman Lockheed Martin Depots/FRCs F-16 Locations F/A-18 Locations AV-8B Locations Partners Fade in the OEMs to AV-8B locations #Aircraft/Locations/Bottom Banner Statment Leverages Global Enterprise Network

6 Timeline for R&D Establishment
TODAY 2014 In Work Timeline to Influence Major Deliveries Spikes Secondary Production Sites Program Requirements Drive Capability Scope and Investment Timing

7 Greeting My Background 7 Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited Overview and Status 7

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