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Comprehensive Sex Education and Academic Success Michelle R Miklinski Liberty University.

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2 Comprehensive Sex Education and Academic Success Michelle R Miklinski Liberty University

3 Comprehensive Program Elements

4 Academic Achievement Students will acquire the attitudes, knowledge and skills that contribute to effective learning in school and across the life span. Students will complete school with the academic preparation essential to choose from a wide range of substantial post secondary options, including college. Students will understand the relationship of academics to the world of work and to life at home and in the community.

5 Personal/Social Development Students will acquire the attitudes, knowledge and interpersonal skills to help them understand and respect self and others. Students will make decisions, set goals and take necessary action to achieve goals. Students will understand safety and survival skills.

6 Career Development Students will acquire the skills to investigate the world of work in relation to knowledge of self and to make informed career decisions. Students will employ strategies to achieve future career success and satisfaction. Students will understand the relationship between personal qualities, education and training and the world of work.

7 To take collective action on behalf of all students in order to promote justice and improve academic and environmental conditions. To ensure high levels of academic, personal-social skills, and a college education leading to a successful and satisfying career.

8 Collaboration between parents and guardians and professional school counselors increases the effectiveness of advocacy. Parents will understand their rights as parents. Parents will learn to interpret school policy and how and when to use that information. Parents will learn to effectively communicate their needs, desires, and concerns. Parents will learn how to identify who they need to include in communication efforts. Parents are empowered to advocate on behalf of all students in the schools.

9 Teachers will create a safe, equitable, and learner-friendly environment for all students. Teachers will share success stories, share empirical research, and utilize technology. Teachers will effectively communicate with parents, administrators, and professional school counselors. Teachers will become more involved with the school community and community at large. Teachers will ensure that academic, career, college, and personal-social competencies are defined and taught each year to all students. Teachers are a vital component of the school counseling program advisory committee.

10 ac·cess (noun) The ability, right, or permission to approach, enter, speak with, or use; admittance. When attempting to close achievement gaps attention must be given to policy and procedure that control participation in an activity. Non-data factors that indicate a pessimistic plausibility of access are: Administrative belief systems Cultural responsiveness issues School policy, procedure, and practices

11 at·tain·ment (noun) A personal acquirement or accomplishment; expected level of performance. Determined by: Acceptance Rates Participation Rates Completion Rates Attendance Rates Diminished by: Teacher Quality Accommodations Learning Environment Social/Emotional Distress Academic Preparedness

12 a·chieve·ment (noun) Something accomplished, especially by superior ability, special effort, and great courage. Achievement data is accessed through test scores such as: PSAT, SAT, ACT and grade point averages (GPA). Intervention will be geared towards: Quality Teaching Individual Counseling Group Participation Community Resources

13 Barriers to Academic Achievement: ~Statistics~ Nearly half of New York Cities teaching force in 1997-98 failed certification tests in math compared to only a fifth of teachers from surrounding suburbs. In San Francisco African-American students are suspended from school over three times their proportion of the student population. From birth to graduation inner city students will see about 26,000 dollars less spent on their education as opposed to other children in the state

14 Barriers to Student Well-Being: Feelings of isolation in tough academic classes (feeling intimidated). Stereotypes of their own academic potential. Not seeing the necessity of challenging coursework. Lack of academic achievement role models. Cultural pressure from “acting white”. Mobility rates that interfere with establishing friendships and constancy of academic permanence.

15 Opportunities to Enhance Academic Achievement and Student Development: Prior Achievement School Environment Teachers Parental Involvement Student Motivation Achievement When students are given access to participate in discussions, to engage in cooperative learning, are given responsibility, and encouraged to attain higher standards, they are more likely than their traditionally educated counterparts to achieve academic success and future aspirations. If

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