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Mexico’s History !!! By: Joanna Jamerson & Areli Valencia.

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1 Mexico’s History !!! By: Joanna Jamerson & Areli Valencia


3 The Spanish are Coming! The Spanish arrived in 1519 and within 20 years they took control of Mexico. Natives lacked horses, cannons, and resistance to diseases. Spain during this time: Hybrid Society Christian and Muslim (invaded Spain in 711 from North Africa)

4 THE OLMEC YAY! Considered the mother culture of the Meso-American people. The Olmec were located on Mexico’s southern Gulf Coast around 1200 B.C.  (that’s a long time ago) Map HERE!

5 Major Cities San Lorenzo was the earliest Olmec site and it survived until 900 B.C. (they played games) La Venta, was awesome, but it fell during 500-400 B.C. The last Olmec site was Tres Zapotes, and it survived until 100 B.C. Then there were no Olmec People 


7 Olmec’s Magic Stones! (this is kind of scary) The Olmecs made large stone heads, from five to nine feet and weighing about 40 tons. (people believe they depict rulers) The material for these stone heads came from TUXTLA MOUNTAINS, some fifty to sixty miles away.  (I guess that’s walking distance for the almighty OLMEC)

8 It’s Magical Looking!

9 Olmec’s Influence It influenced many indigenous societies from northern Mexico down to Costa Rica; this is why they are considered the MOTHER CULTURE. Olmec practiced mathematics, writing, and astronomy. DOT = 1 BAR = 5 SHELL = 0 Writing was based on hieroglyphics.

10 Continued. Many cultures adopted Olmec’s Gods. Rain God= Tlatoc Plumed serpent deity = Quetzalcoatl First Ritual Ball Court found in San Lorenzo Often the game was attached to politics.


12 MAYA? The Mayan were one of the few cultures who developed an urban culture in tropical forests. Urban centers = religious centers ? TIKAL was their principal city Terrain hard to survive (bad farmland, bad weather, pretty much bad everything… yet they were able to build complex temples) Most complicated and developed writing system in the Americas Practiced SLASH AND BURN methods MAIZE was their main crop


14 Mayan Hierarchy Halach Uinic (true man) Ah Kin Mai (the highest one of the sun) highest in religious authority. Two Special Priests: (Chacs- old men held ppl down) (nacon who cut the living heart) Everyone Else

15 MAYA POPULATION LEAVE  They randomly left their cities around 900 A.D. Reason? A mystery till this day.

16 Teotihuacan (means place of the Gods) 100-750 A.D. City State, reached its height in 200 A.D. Eight square miles, (one of the largest cities in the world during that time) and its population was between 125,000 to 250,000 Religious Center had temple to Quetzalcoatl and pyramids to the sun and moon. Declined in 650; there was a loss of population probably due to a drought.


18 TOLTEC (funny name) Considered them cultural heirs of the Teotihuacanos. Established capital city of Tula in 968. Read Second Paragraph on Page 8 Their empire eventually declined due to violence.

19 Mexica-Nahua? Empire Mexican arrived in central Mexico in 1253. Azcapotzalco, city-state hired the Mexica as mercenaries. 1325 established the city of Tenochtitlan. Triple Alliance was created in 1430 between Tenochtitlan, Texcoco, and Tlacopan (tacuba) By 1500, tenochtitlan rulers ruled over fifteen million people, and 38 cities. OMG!!!

20 Aztec Empire Pic?


22 Beliefs Human Sacrifices, Read 1 st Para. in Religious Beliefs Section Moctezuma II (Moctechucoma Xocoyotzin) assumed office in 1502 and took five thousand people for sacrifices from the cities of Nopallin and Icpatepec. 

23 Aztec Politics RULER (Deity, used to control the people) Lesser Ruler Ciuacoatl (woman serpent) was the vice-ruler

24 Branches of the Elite(tecuhli/lords) Consisted of Civil authorities, military officers, and priests. Civil Authorities Participated in war activities Shared in tribute wealth Received income from land set aside and worked by the local peasantry.

25 Officials and Priests Officials Controlled the districts of the Cap. Military Elite, tecuhli, were the political foundation Priests Was a hard job Only the priesthood allowed women to work Mothers could dedicate their daughters for priesthood at early age. :P

26 Education Calmeac ( School for the children of the elite) Preparation to enter one of branches of government Studied military, history, mathematics, records, politics, and obligations among the different classes. Stressed self discipline, polite intercourse, manners, and religious piety Telpochalli (school for the lower) Vocational skills Ritual practices Civic responsibilities Respect for authority


28 Pochteca…HUH?!? Merchants Marry among each other Live in separate districts Halfway between elite and craftsmen Were often wealthy, but power was measured by your state service and not your wealth.

29 POWER Why did they achieve such a vast EMPIRE?

30 Military Jaguar/Eagle Knights Twenty Men Squads Battalions (400 men)


32 Spanish Conquest (HOLA AMIGOS) Columbus’s voyage in 1492 Spain establishes posts in Greater Antilles Spain creates an Audencia (high court) in Santo Domingo in 1511 Native Labor Tried to control

33 Greater Antilles PIC

34 Catholic Church Against Indian Slavery; wants them to convert Helped the Spanish by providing funds


36 Hernan Cortes(IMPORTANT) 1517 and 1518: two full-scale incursions which were moderately successful. Failed to go inland. 1519 expedition led by Hernan Cortes Poorly planned due to arguments with Gov. Diego Velasquez of Cuba 400 men Twelve cannons Number of horses Marina = Malinche (defeating Potonchan of Tabasco) (Nahuatl and Mayan) Cortes and Tlaxcalans defeated Aztec Tenochtitlan

37 Hernan Cortes I LOVE HIS HAT. Joanna loved his hair.

38 Magical Masks Veracruz - Cortes faced three masks: Quetzalcoatl, Tezcatlipoca, and Tlaloc, each symbolized something different Spanish defeated Technotitlan Moctezuma ruled as a Spanish Puppet (shame on him) He was replaced, then the Spanish were trapped The Spanish fled the city, known as la Noche Triste, Lamentable Night. (June 1521)

39 Religion (I know, I don’t want to talk about it either) 12 Franciscans arrived in 1524 Dominicans in 1526 Augustinians in 1533 Juan de Zumarraga (1468-1548), first bishop of Mexico Supported learning Native Language/Beliefs Refuted Native Beliefs Understood that indigenous Catholic priesthood had to be trained

40 Juan de Zumarraga He’s Scary Looking. Maybe it’s a religious thing…

41 Pedro de Gante (1480-1572) Established the Colegio de Santa Cruz de Tlalteloco, supported by Zamarraga, opened in 1537

42 Virgen de Guadalupe Franciscan friars created a shrine dedicated to the Virgin of Apocalypse on Tepeyac Hill, a site connected with the Mexican goddess Tonanzin. Juan Diego fused the two cultures together

43 The Spanish crown is scurred Missionaries gaining power among people Disbanded missionaries and hired reg. priests Not enough for all people, so beliefs still continued


45 Cortes’ System CitiesTownsVillas Subordinate Villages Lugares

46 Crown is scurred again?!?!?! Cortes gaining power among people Crown elevated New Spain to kingdom, equal to kingdoms in Spain Kingdom meant that king had power over it


48 Politics of New Spain Viceroy (highest royal administrator) Audencia (high court) (dealt with civil and criminal cases not resolved by local) Archbishop (he’s just there) Special Tribunal of Indians(coordinated indigenous and Spanish Laws and proced.

49 Random Politic things Antonio de Mendoza (1495-1552) was the first viceroy of New Spain. In Mex. City an Indian council was organized City’s four Indian quarters Food, water, sanitation, crime, supervision of markets

50 Consulado Organization that represented the large scale merchants and had close ties to the upper class. Settled disputes between merchants Lobbied the viceroy and officials to protect merchants interest.


52 Education in New Spain At least one primary school must be maintained in each municipality. Not enforced. University of Mex. Opened in 1533 Women could not attend Mixed-race individuals could not attend Theology and law were taught in Latin Indian Languages and Medicine, By 1820, 29,882 B.A.’s and 1,680 advanced degrees matched Spain’s education

53 Minor Revolt Mixton War (1541-42), northwest part, present day Jalisco. Indian resentment to Spanish rule and religion 3,000 indigenous soldiers vs. 300 Spaniards WHO WON?!?!

54 The Spanish won,  Led by Viceroy Mendoza.

55 Bourbon Dynasty Bourbons claimed the crown of Spain in 1713 Wanted to make the colonies more efficient, sent Jose de Galvez to inspect from 1765-1771. He attacked the political system No changes were made due to the lack of funds


57 Colonial Society (two groups) Non-Indians Spaniards, Mexican-born Spaniards, and creoles (upper class), mestizos, small number of Africans Indians Everyone else Information may be misleading.

58 People DYING!!!  OMG! Diseases (smallpox, measles, plague, yellow fever, and etc.) Created Pandemics of 1520-21, 1545-48, 1576-79, 1629- 31, and 1634-35 The Indian population fell from 25 mil. to 1 mil. by 1635. Pretty much everyone died!!!

59 Memorizing Random Things African + Spanish = Mulattoes? By 1650, European women only made up 16.5 % of the immigrants; by the end of the century it was up to 28% Urban = mixed Rural = indigenous Marrying Second Cousins was the norm, to keep money in the family.

60 Patriarchal Society MALE CONTROLS EVERYTHING Controls all members of the family Children were considered adults at age 25, both female and male had the same rights, once married the power shifts to the male. Women were able to receive dowries from family.


62 Respected place for women? What?!? Convents were often chosen by women, because they were often free to do what they wish. Required a smaller dowry Nuns ran schools for girls Wrote verses Often studied Ex. : Sister Juana Ines de la Cruz (1648-95)  did a lot of things

63 Mexico made Spain Rich! Mexico was Spain’s most productive and richest colony Mining Agricultural resources Horses, mules, burros, oxen required less workers MONEY IS SCARCE Silver was exported to Spain due to high demand Mint was established in Mex. City in 1535 MINING WAS IMPORTANT


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