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® VisualPlex Exchange Project Definition Phase June 23, 2000 Prepared James M. Dutcher Oracle Consulting Services.

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1 ® VisualPlex Exchange Project Definition Phase June 23, 2000 Prepared James M. Dutcher Oracle Consulting Services

2 ® Content Background Project Definition - Goals & Objective Phase Approach Deliverables Produced Results by Area - Activities Accomplished Phase Conclusions Implementation Strategy Workplan Assumptions Oracle Responsibilities VisualPlex Responsibilities Estimate Oracle Resources - person days Next Steps

3 ® Background Oracle Consulting group joined the VisualPlex team in late May to assist VisualPlex meet Oracle Exchange release and implementation goals for the launch phase A fast track phase implementation approach is being followed. The first two phases of the project are completed. Business Definition Mapping Phase The purpose was to assess VisualPlex launch goals, identify OEX fitness & gaps, and prioritize launch tasks. The result was a clear definition of VisualPlex launch scope and objectives, a feasible high level work plan, and immediate next steps Project Definition Phase The purpose was to jump start those tasks that are pre-requisite to OEX Launch implementation tasks, define roles & responsibilities, and set estimated completion dates and dependencies. This document presents the results from the project definition phase.

4 ® Project Definition - Goals & Objectives Define Launch detail project plan Perform Launch Services pre-workshop activities Assemble execution teams Define Post-Launch Phase Goals & Objectives Assist VisualPlex Defining Catalog Management/Schema Perform Supplier Catalog Analysis (B&L) Assist VisualPlex with Marketing Model Guidelines, Standards, and Procedures Assist VisualPlex with Registration & Profile Guidelines, Standards, and Procedures Perform Revenue Model Business Requirement Mapping Explain & Distribute OEX Interfacing technical specifications Accelerate the implementation curve by providing VisualPlex with OEX default guidelines and sample documents

5 ® Phase Approach Project definition activities were facilitated through workshops During each workshop, roles & responsibilities were assigned, and a tentative deadline was identified. The following workshops were conducted:  Marketing Model pre-launch activities  Profile & Registration pre-launch activities  Catalog Purchasing pre-launch activities  Catalog Management pre-launch activities  Launch Services Workshop  Integration  Revenue Model Assessment

6 ® Deliverables Produced Marketing Branding Guidelines Profile & Registration OEX Technical Architecture Profile & Registration user/roles and process flows. OEX Integration & Transaction Delivery technical specifications & guidelines Catalog Management/Schema guidelines Catalog Schema XML Template Revenue Model Business Requirement Mapping VisualPlex Catalog Schema - Initial Solution VisualPlex Catalog Schema searching guidelines Launch Services Workshop High Level Design Launch Project Workplan

7 ® Marketing Model - Workshop Accomplishments  Oracle Marketing Guidelines were presented, explained, & distributed to the team: Legal Notice, privacy term, logo, mission statement, FAQs, technology & architecture, welcome page & logo, security text, supply chain text.  VisualPlex marketing content roles & responsibilities were assigned Work in-progress  Started the process to work with lawyer S. LaLuke to addend / modify legal agreement and privacy notice for the Exchange started.  Started working on marketing content Open Issues  Identify Marketing Content that will be placed in the exchange and the marketing content that will be placed in the VisualPlex HUB  Determine which portions of the legal and privacy agreement can be modified Next Steps  Finalize the Marketing Content

8 ® Registration & Profiling Accomplishments  Oracle Exchange user, roles & constituency’s responsibilities were discussed. Detail process flows for each constituency was distributed to the team.  OEX Registration & Profiling technical architecture document was distributed to VisualPlex to be used as input by VisualPlex to define its global registration strategy. Work in-progress  Trading partner constituencies guidelines  VisualPlex registration technical architecture

9 ® Registration & Profiling Continue..... Open Issues  Define VisualPlex trading partner registration strategy: single registration point, OEX legal document acceptance  OEX user/company registration inbound API. Next Steps  Define VisualPlex registration standards, guidelines & procedures  Define registration accept/reject criteria  Finalize trading partner constituency guidelines  Finalize registration technical architecture

10 ® Catalog Management Accomplishments  It was decided that OEX Price list functionality was OK to meet VisualPlex pricing launch requirements. But a pricing customization is critical post-launch.  OEX Catalog schema guidelines were presented, explained, and distributed. UN/SPSC code was explained. Roles & Responsibilities were assigned.  Catalog schema loading, and catalog loading technical specification were presented and distributed. Roles & Responsibilities were assigned.  Catalog Structure & Schema Strategy for contact lenses was defined  Catalog item searching workaround was identified Work in-progress  Sample catalog extract data files are being produced for B&L contact lenses items  Catalog Structure/Schema Strategy for frames is being defined  Catalog item search scenarios are being defined and tested

11 ® Catalog Management Continue...... Open Issues  VisualPlex strategy to address industry pricing conplexity  Define Visualplex OEX searching, and pricing requirements  Review Oracle policies & processes to apply OEX customization  Finalize STC role and availability Next Steps  Define Catalog Structure/Schema Strategy for the rest of the item categories.  Finalize searching guidelines  Define Item description guidelines  Produce Catalog Schema XML extracts  Produce B&L XML Catalog extracts

12 ® Catalog Purchasing Accomplishments  VisualPlex Catalog Purchasing Guidelines were discussed, responsibilities were assigned.  EFT payment method workaround was defined and approved Next Steps  Define Catalog Purchasing search scenarios to validate searching strategy  Define Catalog Purchasing testing scripts

13 ® Integration - Post Launch Goals Accomplishment  OEX integration technical architecture and specification was presented, explained and distributed. OAG templates were distributed.  OEX transaction delivery mechanism was presented, explained. The team developed a high level integration strategy to be discussed with STC.  Interface post-launch priorities were identified. VisualPlex identified the following integration priorities: –OEX - Supplier ERP: Outbound PO –Supplier Catalog - OEX: Inbound items, Inbound price lists Open Issues  STC role, responsibility, availability, and commitment Next Steps  Defined and Finalize VisualPlex Integration strategy  Meet with STC to start integration workshops

14 ® Launch Services Workshops Accomplishments  Reviewed launch services workshop, course outline, participants job description.  Reviewed Launch Services logistic requirements  Identified Workshop tentative schedule Next Steps  Secure logistic resources  Identify attendees  Produce course material

15 ® Revenue Model - Workshop Accomplishments  Presented an overview of OEX billing system, its payment method, price list definition, available reports, and invoice presentment. The goal was to provide VisualPlex with information to finalize its Revenue Model.  Identified OEX billing required attributes needed for upload proprietary billing engine. Work in-progress  VisualPlex Billing Strategy Open Issues  OEX transaction APIs and Tools  Identify roles, responsibilities, and deadlines Next Steps  Finalize the Revenue Model  Finalize the Billing Strategy  Define VisualPlex Billing Technical Architecture

16 ® Other Areas Discussed Testing  OEX Testing script template was distributed to VisualPlex  Testing roles & responsibilities were identified Support  Define VisualPlex helpdesk support structure

17 ® Project Definition Phase Conclusion OEX Price list functionality was OK to meet VisualPlex pricing launch requirements. But a pricing customization is critical post-launch. Pre-launch tasks were identified, prioritized, and started. Roles & Responsibilities for each Pre-Launch tasks were assigned, and an estimated task completion date was defined. Workaround for Launch business requirement Gaps were identified and accepted (Catalog Purchasing EFT, Searching, Column Pricing). OEX sample guidelines were distributed. OEX technical interfacing environment specifications were presented and distributed. Contact Lenses Catalog Schema definition was produced and a process to finalize definition for other items is currently in-progress. Launch project workplan was developed. Oracle Resources Launch project estimates were produced. Post-Launch interface priorities were identified.

18 ® VisualPlex Exchange Implementation Strategy Project Phases  Business Requirement Mapping  Project Definition  Pre-Launch Activities  Launch Services  Configure Development & Testing Instance  Configure Production Instance  Post system support Next

19 ® Project Tasks Phase 2.0 - Launch 2.1 Project Definition 2.2 Pre-Launch Tasks Revenue & Billing Strategy Finalize Guidelines, Standard, Procedures Generate Marketing Content Produce extract data files FinalizeTesting Scripts Finalize Lauch Services Requirements Finalize Catalog Schema 2.3 Launch Services Workshops Sign OEX Contract VisualPlex Exchange Activation Configure OEX for Workshops Conduct Workshops 2.4 Configure VisualPlex Testing Exchange Branding OEX - Content Management Register Companies & Users Assign Roles & Profiles Configure & Setup Catalog Schema Load Catalogs & Prices Testing 2.5 Configure VisualPlex Production Exchange Configure & Load production environment User acceptance Testing Open & Launch VisualPlex Exchange 2.3 Rollout & Post system support Jun12 Jun19 Jun26 Jul3 Jul10 Jul17 Jul24 Aug7 Aug14 Aug21 Aug28 |-----------|---------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|- ---------|-

20 ® Assumptions OEX Contract will be signed Friday June 23, 2000 STC will join the project in time for pre-launch tasks (Monday June 26, 2000) Trading Partner Catalog Administrator involvement will start on Monday June 26, 2000 Revenue Model technical tasks only include OEX Billing transaction extraction capabilities. Only one supplier catalog will be uploaded Only 4 buyers, and one user per buyer contituency will be setup in OEX

21 ® VisualPlex Responsibilities Define VisualPlex Guidelines, Standard, and Procedures Develop OEX Marketing Content, including the legal and privacy agreement Define VisualPlex functional and technical registration strategy and its interaction with OEX Define the catalog schema strategy Generate XML catalog schema extracts Generate XML catalog (items & price lists) extracts Develop VisualPlex supplier & buyer Custom Integration point Develop Testing Scripts Develop and Implement VisualPlex support structure Perform user acceptance testing Assist in Launch Services Workshops VisualPlex strategy to address industry pricing conplexity Define, and design Visualplex OEX searching, and pricing requirements

22 ® Oracle Responsibilities Coordinate the efforts with OEX Oracle Development Brand OEX with VisualPlex Marketing Content Assist VisualPlex defining trading partners constituencies (users/roles) Provide VisualPlex with the latest catalog loading XML templates Implement & Load VisualPlex Catalog Schema extensions Load VisualPlex items and price lists Perform Unit Testing Resolve OEX issues resulting from testing Assist VisualPlex configuring Testing and Production instance Conduct Launch Services Workshop Review Oracle policies & processes to apply customizations to OEX

23 ® Person days Oracle Resources - Estimate Resource 40 30 160Total Person/Days Assumptions: 1) Contract will be signed Friday June 23rd 2) Estimates Include Oracle Services for Miriam Gallardo, Jim Dutcher, and Scott Howard from June 26th until August 10th 3) Estimates Include Oracle Services for TBD from July 17th until August 25th 4) VisualPlex Exchange Launch Date is August 9th 5) Post system support will be from August 9th to August 25th Jim Dutcher Miriam Gallardo Scott Howard Zane Dick

24 ® Next Steps Sign the contract  Start VisualPlex instance activation process Start Pre-Launch Phase: June 26 - July 7  Finalize Revenue & Billing Strategy  Finalize VisualPlex Standards, Guidelines & Procedures  Finalize Marketing Content  Finalize Catalog Schema  Generate XML extract datafiles

25 ® Thank You

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