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BROWN’S CHAPEL #1 BALL FIELD AND PARKING LOT LIGHTING June 18, 2013 Full Design Review Board Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "BROWN’S CHAPEL #1 BALL FIELD AND PARKING LOT LIGHTING June 18, 2013 Full Design Review Board Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 BROWN’S CHAPEL #1 BALL FIELD AND PARKING LOT LIGHTING June 18, 2013 Full Design Review Board Meeting

2 LOCATION Brown’s Chapel #1

3 PURPOSE Increase playability of field and park – enhance baseball presence 40% increase in “player hours” BC1 accommodates 60, 65 and 70-basepath games broader set of skill levels can use one field Lighting will add greater scheduling flexibility Easier to make up practices and games More home games – less driving for Reston parents/volunteers Provides the “under the lights” experience to younger players Ability to host some tournament games Light lower parking lot for safety of Chapel and field users – DEFERRED FOR FURTHER STUDY

4 PROPOSAL SUMMARY Install six 60-foot high light poles, each with 3 1500W fixtures Install service panel to back of concession stand, with exterior to match existing – insulated for sound if necessary Install underground service from drop along Baron Cameron Avenue overhead line to concession stand Install scoreboard

5 DRB COMMENTS FROM APRIL 16, 2013 MEETING Example of ball field lighting which more closely replicates the proposed lighting to use for comparison Balloon flight documentation/photos at height of proposed poles in proposed locations Installation of a test light, if feasible Schedule of the games and/or quantified impact of proposed lighting (i.e. spreadsheet showing beneficial impact of lighting on schedule)

6 RESPONSES “Example of ball field lighting which more closely replicates the proposed lighting to use for comparison” Only one field, in Purcellville, VA has the 6-pole set up Vast majority of 200-foot outfield ball fields use a 4-pole set up Attempted to photograph lights here on Friday, May 10 when only that field was lighted – only two nights where this was even possible Unsuccessful due to major thunderstorm after arrival

7 LIGHT DISPERSION Ideal aiming angle is between 25° & 30° Typical baseball mounting heights are 60-ft to 85-ft Choosing poles that are too short will increase glare for players and increase undesirable offsite spill light More poles permit steeper lighting angles as each fixture covers less of the field

8 LIGHT DISPERSION Green dot > 1 foot candle Red dot < 1 foot candle



11 RESPONSES “Balloon flight documentation/photos at height of proposed poles in proposed locations” Light test used to demonstrate this Left-center field Left field line

12 RESPONSES Third base dugout First base dugout Right-center field Right field line

13 RESPONSES View from left field line at fixture height to Waterfront Road:

14 RESPONSES “Installation of a test light, if feasible” Test night Monday May 20, 2013 from 8:10 pm to 10 pm Well attended by RLL, neighbors, DRB and others Photo by Jim Kirby

15 RESPONSES “Schedule of the games and/or quantified impact of proposed lighting (i.e. spreadsheet showing beneficial impact of lighting on schedule)” Show Reston Little League response to scheduling questions (separate Power Point presentation) RA, RLL and Newport Shores Cluster Association met to discuss scheduling

16 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION During its meeting of May 23, 2013, the Reston Association Board of Directors approved a motion that the Browns Chapel Park Ballfields #2 and #3, as are shown on the attached site graphic, continue to be for use only during daylight hours and that the Reston Association Budget shall include no funding for the purpose of installing lights at Browns Chapel Park Ballfields #2 and #3. In 2001, when RA applied to the DRB to light BC2 there were 55 registered affected parties. That application was for 6, 85-foot high poles on a 90-foot diamond ball field, with much less tree buffering and a light shut-off time of 10:30 pm The current application has 6 registered affected parties, 4 from Waterfront Road. We have worked directly with the cluster President on schedule and timing concerns for a 9:00 pm shut-off time


18 PARKING LOT LIGHTS AND CONCESSION STAND LIGHTS Initial proposal for 10, 20-foot high poles with LED shoebox fixtures, and two down-light wall pack fixtures on concession stand Requesting deferral of parking lot lighting and concession stand lighting for further study

19 SCOREBOARD Install Metro-Mech LX1030 LED scoreboard on left-center outfield light pole, or if sight lines to bleachers obscured, mount on two poles with scoreboard above fence. Dimensions: 8 ft. x 4 ft. Weight: 113 lbs. Digit Height: 18 in. Electrical: 120 VAC, 1.1 amps 4” O.D. square or round metal poles.

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