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Sustainability at CNM President’s Sustainability & Climate Control Task Force.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainability at CNM President’s Sustainability & Climate Control Task Force."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainability at CNM President’s Sustainability & Climate Control Task Force

2 President’s Commitment  Accordingly, we commit our institutions to taking the following steps in pursuit of climate neutrality: 1.Initiate the development of a comprehensive plan to achieve climate neutrality as soon as possible. 2.Initiate two tangible actions to reduce greenhouse gases while the more comprehensive plan is being developed.  Establish a policy that all new campus construction will be built to at least the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED Silver standard or equivalent.  Encourage use of and provide access to public transportation for all faculty, staff, students and visitors at our institution 3.Make the action plan, inventory, and periodic progress reports publicly available.  Accordingly, we commit our institutions to taking the following steps in pursuit of climate neutrality: 1.Initiate the development of a comprehensive plan to achieve climate neutrality as soon as possible. 2.Initiate two tangible actions to reduce greenhouse gases while the more comprehensive plan is being developed.  Establish a policy that all new campus construction will be built to at least the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED Silver standard or equivalent.  Encourage use of and provide access to public transportation for all faculty, staff, students and visitors at our institution 3.Make the action plan, inventory, and periodic progress reports publicly available.


4 President’s Sustainability & Climate Control Task Force  Representation from all CNM  Students  Faculty  Human Resources  Facilities  Operations/ Grounds  Purchasing/ Material Management  Foundation  President’s Office  Institutional Planning and Research  Information Technologies Services  Representation from all CNM  Students  Faculty  Human Resources  Facilities  Operations/ Grounds  Purchasing/ Material Management  Foundation  President’s Office  Institutional Planning and Research  Information Technologies Services

5 Role of the Task Team  Document baseline operations and accomplishments  Set goals and objectives  Identify ongoing opportunities  Identify who will do what by when  Get buy-in from all levels  Measure progress  Document baseline operations and accomplishments  Set goals and objectives  Identify ongoing opportunities  Identify who will do what by when  Get buy-in from all levels  Measure progress

6 What does Sustainability mean to CNM?  Protect and enhance the environment  Foster efficient use of resources (energy, water, materials)  Improve the indoor environment  Expand markets for environmentally preferable products and services  Raise employee awareness  Preserve the planet for future generations  Protect and enhance the environment  Foster efficient use of resources (energy, water, materials)  Improve the indoor environment  Expand markets for environmentally preferable products and services  Raise employee awareness  Preserve the planet for future generations

7 Establish a long term plan  Key directions to move over the long-term  Foster broad and long term thinking (more than five years)  Focus effort and build consensus  Plan to be stated in general terms  Be flexible and adaptable  Be meaningful to all of CNM  Key directions to move over the long-term  Foster broad and long term thinking (more than five years)  Focus effort and build consensus  Plan to be stated in general terms  Be flexible and adaptable  Be meaningful to all of CNM

8 Where to begin?  Nine Categories 1.Academics 2.Built Environment 3.Energy 4.Food 5.Landscaping 6.Procurement 7.Transportation 8.Waste/ Recycling 9.Water  Nine Categories 1.Academics 2.Built Environment 3.Energy 4.Food 5.Landscaping 6.Procurement 7.Transportation 8.Waste/ Recycling 9.Water

9 #1 Academics  Current Sustainable Practices  Printed Student Catalog to go On-line  Leadership in Individual Faculty to promote sustainability  Distance Learning  BIT Green Team  AT classes that focus in green technology, e.g. water conservation, energy conservation  Current Sustainable Practices  Printed Student Catalog to go On-line  Leadership in Individual Faculty to promote sustainability  Distance Learning  BIT Green Team  AT classes that focus in green technology, e.g. water conservation, energy conservation

10 #2 Built Environment Current Sustainable Practices  All new building to be built to US Green Council Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver Certification  Well maintained campus noted by State HED study  CNM ranks within the top five  Rio Rancho Campus will be first campus to be built with sustainable practices  CNM is working to develop procedures and policies to convert all renovations on campus to use green building practices  Promoting a campus master plan focused on the pedestrian  Room scheduling software to track space utilization  President Winograd signed Presidents Climate Commitment Current Sustainable Practices  All new building to be built to US Green Council Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver Certification  Well maintained campus noted by State HED study  CNM ranks within the top five  Rio Rancho Campus will be first campus to be built with sustainable practices  CNM is working to develop procedures and policies to convert all renovations on campus to use green building practices  Promoting a campus master plan focused on the pedestrian  Room scheduling software to track space utilization  President Winograd signed Presidents Climate Commitment


12 Building Square Footage

13 #3 Energy  Current Sustainable Practices  Implementing energy-efficiency projects such as upgrading lighting systems, retrofitting HVAC systems, and improving laboratory ventilation.  Purchase natural gas on the open market to reduce cost  RFP for Electrical Service Provider to help CNM seek way to lower energy use  14 buildings are currently tied to Energy Management System  CNM received a grant for the State Energy and Minerals Department to do lighting upgrades which will allow CNM to purchase renewable energy from PNM Blue Sky program with savings  Current Sustainable Practices  Implementing energy-efficiency projects such as upgrading lighting systems, retrofitting HVAC systems, and improving laboratory ventilation.  Purchase natural gas on the open market to reduce cost  RFP for Electrical Service Provider to help CNM seek way to lower energy use  14 buildings are currently tied to Energy Management System  CNM received a grant for the State Energy and Minerals Department to do lighting upgrades which will allow CNM to purchase renewable energy from PNM Blue Sky program with savings

14 CNM Electrical Usage

15 CNM Gas Usage

16 #4 Food  Current Sustainable Practices  Sodexho recycles grease  Sodexho uses environmentally friendly detergent  Sodexho initiated program to reduce and improve recyclability of paper products  Current Sustainable Practices  Sodexho recycles grease  Sodexho uses environmentally friendly detergent  Sodexho initiated program to reduce and improve recyclability of paper products

17 CNM Student Population

18 #5 Landscaping  Current Practices  Use of drought tolerant native plants  Removing invasive non native plants  Reduced the use of herbicides  Reduced the use of power tools  Moving to use reclaimed water to irrigate campus  Current Practices  Use of drought tolerant native plants  Removing invasive non native plants  Reduced the use of herbicides  Reduced the use of power tools  Moving to use reclaimed water to irrigate campus

19 Landscaping

20 # 6 Procurement/ Material Management  Current Practices  P Card process to eliminate paperwork  Use of Energy Miser for Food Vending Machines  Data Warehousing  Reviewing policies to add Energy Star to purchases  Looking at purchasing post consumer recycled paper products for operations  Current Practices  P Card process to eliminate paperwork  Use of Energy Miser for Food Vending Machines  Data Warehousing  Reviewing policies to add Energy Star to purchases  Looking at purchasing post consumer recycled paper products for operations

21 #7 Transportation  Current Sustainable Practices  Partnership with the City of Albuquerque to allow CNM students to ride for free  Development and funding of bus stops at all campuses  Use of High Efficiency LED lights on all future campus parking lot developments  Percentage of Motor pool vehicles must be alternative energy  Bicycle Parking at each campus  Analyzing student distances travel to campuses  Current Sustainable Practices  Partnership with the City of Albuquerque to allow CNM students to ride for free  Development and funding of bus stops at all campuses  Use of High Efficiency LED lights on all future campus parking lot developments  Percentage of Motor pool vehicles must be alternative energy  Bicycle Parking at each campus  Analyzing student distances travel to campuses

22 Transportation

23 #8 Waste/ Recycling  Current Practices  CNM Recycling Program- white paper, newspaper, cardboard, toner cartridges, pallets, motor oil, plastics, metals, cadavers  Addition of recycling receptacles across all campuses  Equipment Auctions  Hazardous waste material program  Reduction in packaging waste through concentrated chemical purchases  50% of chemicals used in Operations are “Green Seal Certified”  Current Practices  CNM Recycling Program- white paper, newspaper, cardboard, toner cartridges, pallets, motor oil, plastics, metals, cadavers  Addition of recycling receptacles across all campuses  Equipment Auctions  Hazardous waste material program  Reduction in packaging waste through concentrated chemical purchases  50% of chemicals used in Operations are “Green Seal Certified”

24 Waste/ Recycling

25 #9 Water  Current Practices  Replacement of old irrigation systems with new more efficient systems  Low flow faucet and flush valves to reduce water use  Replacing urinals with waterless- will be standard in new construction and renovations of existing buildings  Use of reclaimed water in new construction  Improved storm water and waste water management  Use of native plants  Current Practices  Replacement of old irrigation systems with new more efficient systems  Low flow faucet and flush valves to reduce water use  Replacing urinals with waterless- will be standard in new construction and renovations of existing buildings  Use of reclaimed water in new construction  Improved storm water and waste water management  Use of native plants

26 Benchmarking New analysis by Purdue researchers of greenhouse gases shows emission generated in the United States. In the following image, the amount of red represents the increased amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from previous estimates, and the blue represents a reduction in atmospheric CO2. (Purdue University image/Kevin Gurney)

27 (Purdue University image/Kevin Gurney)

28 CNM Carbon Footprint  Electricity  Use 25,000,000 KWh for the year 2007  Gas  Use 653,210 Therms of natural gas in 2007  Waste  Generate 26,592,000 lbs of garbage in 2007  Transportation  Fleet vehicles traveled 422,643 miles in 2007  CNM did approximately 456,775 air miles (550 trips) in 2007  Use 650 gallons of gasoline to power M & O equipment

29 CNM Carbon Footprint

30 Total Carbon Dioxide Emissions

31 Total Methane Emissions

32 CO2/ Student FTE 2.39 tons for 2007

33 CO2/ CNM Community 2.12 tons for 2007


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