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Who are we? USBBY: Our Mission Explore and promote reading materials of literary merit created around the world for young people.

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Presentation on theme: "Who are we? USBBY: Our Mission Explore and promote reading materials of literary merit created around the world for young people."— Presentation transcript:


2 Who are we?

3 USBBY: Our Mission Explore and promote reading materials of literary merit created around the world for young people.

4 USBBY: Our Mission Facilitate the exchange of information about books of international interest for young people.

5 USBBY: Our Mission Promote the reading of international books by young people.

6 USBBY: Our Mission Cooperate with IBBY and other organizations.

7 USBBY was established in the early 1960s by the American Library Association and the Children’s Book Council. Currently, our members— who are librarians, educators, authors, illustrators, and publishers— represent 44 states.

8 A Partner with Key Literacy Organizations International Reading Association (IRA) National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) American Library Association (ALA) The Children’s Book Council (CBC)

9 Get Involved with USBBY  Attend USBBY co- sponsored events and conferences with international focus.  Volunteer for projects.  Contribute to vibrant committees.



12 Jella Lepman Born in 1891 in Stuttgart, Germany, daughter of a Jewish factory owner Lost position in German Democratic Party when Hitler came to power Fled to Britain and became a journalist Came back to Germany after the war Wanted to promote intercultural understanding to try to avoid a repeat of WWII

13 Lepman’s beliefs “More and more clearly, I came to realize that I must not look backward, but to the future, and that I must begin with the children.” “I had the advantage of knowing that behind me marched invisible throngs of children urging me on.”


15 To promote international understanding through children’s books. IBBY’s Mission:

16 To give children everywhere the opportunity to have access to books with high literary and artistic standards. IBBY’s Mission:

17 To encourage the publication and distribution of quality children’s books, especially in developing countries. IBBY’s Mission:

18 To stimulate research and scholarly works in the field of children’s literature; including the production and distribution of children’s books. IBBY’s Mission:

19 To provide support and training for those involved with children and children’s literature. IBBY’s Mission:

20 To promote reading and literacy worldwide. IBBY’s Mission:


22 IBBY National Sections  Afghanistan  Argentina  Armenia  Australia  Austria  Azerrbaijan  Belgium  Bolivia  Brazil  Cambodia  Canada  Chile  China  Colombia  Costa Rica  Croatia  Cuba  Cyprus  Czech Republic  Denmark  Ecuador  Egypt  Estonia  Finland  France  Germany  Ghana  Greece  Haiti  Iceland  India  Indonesia  Iran  Ireland  Israel  Italy  Japan  Republic of Korea  Kuwait  Latvia  Lebanon  Lithuania  Malaysia  Mexico  Moldova  Mongolia  Nepal  Netherlands  New Zealand  Norway  Pakistan  Palestine  Peru  Poland  Portugal  Romania  Russia  Rwanda  Serbia  Slovakia  Slovenia  South Africa  Spain  Sweden  Switzerland  Thailand  Tunisia  Turkey  Uganda  Ukraine  United Arab Emirates  United Kingdom  United States  Uruguay  Venezuela  Zambia


24 Activities:  Awards & Recognition  Advocacy & Outreach  Publications  Symposia  Resource Development

25 Awards & Recognition  Given biennially to two groups or institutions whose outstanding activities are judged to be making a lasting contribution to reading promotion programs for children and young people.  2012 Winners  Abuelas Cuentacuentos : The Grandmother Storytelling Programme (Argentina)  SIPAR (Cambodia) IBBY-Asahi Reading Promotion Award

26 Awards & Recognition Hans Christian Andersen Award  Presented every 2 years to a living author and illustrator whose complete works have made a lasting contribution to children’s literature.  2012 Winners  Author: Maria Teresa Andruetto (Argentina)  Illustrator: Peter Sís (Czech Republic)

27 Awards & Recognition  The world’s largest award in children’s literature, offered by the people of Sweden.  Storytellers, authors, illustrators and other individuals or organizations that make valuable contributions to the promotion of reading are eligible.  IBBY chapters, including USBBY, are among the select organizations able to submit nominations.  2012 Winner  Isol (Argentina) Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award

28 Awards & Recognition IBBY Honour List  A biennial selection of outstanding, recently published books that honors writer, illustrators, and translators of books for young people from all around the world. For a list of the 2012 list:

29 Awards & Recognition Bridge to Understanding Award  Formally acknowledges the work of adults who create programs that use children’s books to explore cultures around the world in order to promote international understanding among children.  Awarded annually by USBBY.  2013 winner: The Nativity School of Cincinnati, Ohio.

30 Awards & Recognition Annual Outstanding International Children’s Book List  USBBY selects an annual list of Outstanding International Books for children and young adults, which is published each year in the February issue of School Library Journal and as a bookmark.

31 Advocacy & Outreach  International Children’s Book Day International Children’s Book Day  Celebrated to inspire a love of reading and to call attention to children’s books.  Co-Sponsored events at professional conferences

32 Publications Bridges: A USBBY Publication Bookbird (IBBY) Bridges to Understanding (Book series)

33 Symposia  IBBY Congresses (held in even-numbered years)  Regional Conferences (held in odd-numbered years)  10 th IBBY Regional Conference 10 th IBBY Regional Conference  “BookJoy Around the World”  October 18-20, 2013  St. Louis Public Library  St. Louis, Missouri

34 Resource Development  The Centre offers information, consultation and documentation services for organizations, research workers, teachers, students, librarians, publishers, authors, illustrators, policy makers and the media who work with young people with special needs. IBBY Documentation Centre of Books for Disabled Young People

35 Resource Development IBBY Children in Crisis Fund  The Children in Crisis Fund provides support for children whose lives have been disrupted through war, civil disorder or natural disaster. The two main activities are the therapeutic use of books and storytelling, and the creation or replacement of collections of selected books in the local language.

36 Resource Development Hands Across the Sea  Hands Across the Sea donations are used to help underfunded national sections in IBBY to pay their annual dues. These donations assist USBBY´s twinning partners around the world-Haiti, Lebanon, Palestine, South Africa, and Zambia.

37 Resource Development USBBY WebsiteIBBY Website


39 Join USBBY: Bridge image

40 34 th IBBY World Congress September 10-13, 2014Mexico City

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