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9/25/07 1 Kelleigh Butler Research and Planning Coordinator Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board September 25, 2007 National Academy of Social Insurance.

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Presentation on theme: "9/25/07 1 Kelleigh Butler Research and Planning Coordinator Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board September 25, 2007 National Academy of Social Insurance."— Presentation transcript:

1 9/25/07 1 Kelleigh Butler Research and Planning Coordinator Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board September 25, 2007 National Academy of Social Insurance

2 9/25/07 2 The TRWIB approach Workforce development encompasses:  The necessary skills and attitudes individuals need for a job  Availability of transit options, including public transportation  Thoughtful design and collaborative planning  Understanding and analyzing the local labor market

3 9/25/07 3 Who we are  Established through the Congressional Workforce Investment Act (1998 ) that created more than 600 Workforce Investment Boards (WIBs) across the country  An employer-driven, policy-making public entity serving Allegheny County and Pittsburgh  Board Members are appointed by the County Chief Executive and Mayor of Pittsburgh

4 9/25/07 4 Who we are (cont’d) The TRWIB Board consists of 45 members – with a cap of 65.  Unified by a shared concern about the quality of the workforce and the availability of good jobs in the region.  Always a private sector majority  A diverse group of stakeholders that represent: –Employers –Training providers –Labor unions –Government agencies –Community-based organizations

5 9/25/07 5 How do we get the job done? Board committees are one important resource:  The Appointments & Nominations Committee  The Communications Committee  The Executive Committee  The Finance Committee  The Labor Market Council  The Personnel Committee  The Program Committee  The Public Policy Committee  The Youth Policy Council

6 9/25/07 6 Who we serve Tier 3 : Workforce, both current and future (indirect) Tier 2: Employers, education, and training providers (direct) Tier 1 : Decision/policy makers affecting the region (direct) (e.g., Mayor, County, State, Federal)

7 9/25/07 7 Primary functions and services  Policy Advisor  Private Consultant  Data Master  Researcher  WIA Administrator

8 9/25/07 8 Our agenda today Our discussion will center on three TRWIB initiatives:  Shifting demographics of southwestern PA and other regions; the impact of an aging workforce  Preparing the next workforce  Labor market data and intelligence

9 9/25/07 9 Initiative 1: Shifting demographics; an aging workforce Managing the Changing Workforce in southwestern PA; A Closer Look at Issues Related to Our Region’s Aging Workforce © All rights reserved  We conducted this study in consultation with a study team that included Carnegie Mellon’s Center for Economic Development; the University of Pittsburgh’s Institute of Politics; Boston College’s Center on Aging and Work; and many regional and national partners.  Our goal continues to be: to inform employers; policy makers; employers; educators; community and faith based organizations; and training providers about our aging workforce.

10 9/25/07 10 Initiative 1: Shifting Demographics (cont’d) Why did we conduct this study? Since we already knew that our region was “old, we set out to answer:  Is SWPA really that old?  Are we getting older?  Which industries have the oldest workforce?  Do industries with the oldest workforces have a problem?  Are these industries addressing the issue?  What strategies are needed to address the issue?

11 9/25/07 11 Initiative 1: Shifting Demographics (cont’d) Why did we conduct this study? Strategic workforce planning issues  Are the projections of population growth or decline that extend to the next 25 – 50 years reliable?  The uncertainty poses enormous challenges for workforce planning. But taking no action could be risky.

12 9/25/07 12 QWI Data Specialized census data and analysis Business Survey Sample based on “oldest” industries Interviews Exploratory Data Analysis and Reporting Structured Stakeholder Discussions Define target audienceHelps validate data Sparks- Informs Initiative 1: Shifting Demographics (cont’d) Study Methodology – our approach

13 9/25/07 13 Initiative 1: Shifting Demographics (cont’d)  21 relatively older industries identified  14 were mainly private industries (All rights reserved. Excerpts from the TRWIB study

14 9/25/07 14 Initiative 1: Shifting Demographics (cont’d) Further analysis allowed us to identify six of the oldest industries 

15 9/25/07 15 Initiative 1: Shifting Demographics (cont’d) Why isn’t every firm worried?  Some are in the dark  Some are older by design  Some (think they) can buy their way out  Some cannot, and are turning to or thinking of turning to… –Technology –External workforce development partnerships –Ceasing operations! (Small, family owned)

16 9/25/07 16 Initiative 1: Shifting Demographics (cont’d) Dealing with the issue: employer actions taken and to explore 

17 9/25/07 17 Initiative 1: Shifting Demographics (cont’d) Dealing with the issue: employer actions taken and to explore  Frequent TRWIB-sponsored forums to better understand and gauge the perspective of employers  October 19, 2007 Forum about the issue

18 9/25/07 18 Initiative 1: Shifting Demographics (cont’d) Managing the Changing Workforce in Southwestern Pennsylvania To see detailed study findings, please visit the TRWIB website: Contact Kelleigh Butler 412.552.7094

19 9/25/07 19 Initiative 2: Preparing the next workforce The other end of the workforce continuum is preparing the next workforce. We have done that through a number of initiatives: During the 2006-2007 school year, we facilitated:  More than 250 job shadow experiences  130 ementoring relationships  Technical assistance for educators and guidance counselors  Comprehensive local labor market information for guidance counselors  Connections to more than 30 employers In addition TRWIB facilitates:  The Youth Policy Council  Implements the Work Ready Competencies – an assessment of work readiness  Supplies professional development to educators

20 9/25/07 20 Method  Labor Market Indicators – a set of measures to supply a barometer of economic growth and potential challenges – related to the workforce  Employer Survey – an audit of the employer perspective on workforce requirements  Industry Partnerships Initiative 3: Labor Market Data

21 9/25/07 21 Method  As a Labor Market Council (LMC) product, TRWIB produces and distributes Promising Career Pathways to highlight careers with employment potential to guidance counselors in area schools. Initiative 3: Labor Market Data

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