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Made in China. CIM 1865 - 1951 100 for China 2007 Praying in faith for 100 new professionals.

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Presentation on theme: "Made in China. CIM 1865 - 1951 100 for China 2007 Praying in faith for 100 new professionals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Made in China

2 CIM 1865 - 1951

3 100 for China 2007 Praying in faith for 100 new professionals

4 Boxer Rebellion “Those were dark days, but with eyes turned to God we waited, and God answered the prayers of His people. With a swiftness and a completeness that seemed almost miraculous, China was thrown open.” 1899 - 1901

5 The Door is Open to All Ages All Skills All Lengths

6 Immediate Opportunities Administrators Arabic Expert Chinese Language Trainer Community Health Worker Dental Hygienist

7 Donor Manager Elementary School Teacher Nurse Human Resources Coordinator Planning Coordinator Team Managers (2)

8 Luke Ch15 vs 4 Suppose one of you had a hundred sheep and loses one of them.

9 Does he not leave the ninety- nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?

10 Question? Are you made for China?

11 A Lost Sheep Peach

12 To my dear Rhona, Thank God for meeting you! It’s you let me know the world in another way. I really enjoy your society, thank you Rhona. My dear teacher, my best friend. Thank you by my heart. By the way. I love your smile. Keep it please.

13 Who is made for China? Maybe you are.

14 Who can pray for a 100 for China? You can.

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