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FSC Meeting August 27th, 2013. Upcoming Meetings September 3 – CALS Career Services September 10 - FDA September 17 - Butterball September 24 – Frito.

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Presentation on theme: "FSC Meeting August 27th, 2013. Upcoming Meetings September 3 – CALS Career Services September 10 - FDA September 17 - Butterball September 24 – Frito."— Presentation transcript:

1 FSC Meeting August 27th, 2013

2 Upcoming Meetings September 3 – CALS Career Services September 10 - FDA September 17 - Butterball September 24 – Frito Lay / PepsiCo October 1 – Dairy Bar Training!!

3 Active Club Membership a.Active Members must attend one-half (1/2) of the CLUB meetings. b.Active Members are required to serve actively on at least one committee. c.Active Members must be Student Members of the Institute of Food Technologists. d.Active Members are required to work three (3), 3- hour shifts at the CLUB annual fundraiser, Dairy Bar. e.Earn Fundraising Incentives (Points) f.Participate in at least 1 Outreach or Public Service event

4 What are Fundraising Incentives Anyway? Active members earn fundraising incentives (formerly known as points)! The more active you are, the more you earn! Incentives translate to $$ in the spring! –Professional development

5 IFTSA Chapter of the Year College Bowl: 4 th in the Nation Product Development: 3 rd in the Nation IFTSA President: Jon Bauger

6 Community of students studying food science and technology Over 2300 members 8 Areas and 55 Chapters Area Meetings in Spring (NCSU Hosting) Annual Meeting (New Orleans, June 21-24, 2014) Professional Association for Food Scientists What is IFT and IFTSA? (,

7 Eligibility for IFT scholarships Competitions, including Product Development, College Bowl, etc. Opportunities to build your leadership skills Access to the IFT Membership Directory and IFT Community online IFT resources and contacts, including the IFT online Career Center Savings on registration to the IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo, the world’s largest food industry meeting and trade show Make lots of contacts!!

8 IFT Dogwood Fall Meeting Tentatively Scheduled for Thursday, October 3 rd, 2013 in Wilson, NC Tour of Cott Beverage Facility Speaker TBD Open to Everyone

9 2013-14 Executive Committee President: Joseph Hildebrand Vice President: Claire Klevorn Secretary: Kendra Stallings Treasurer: Liz Hecht Historian: Alicia Branda Activities Chairs: An Truong and Chris Biamonte; Ag Life Reps: Morgan Caudill and Nikki Glick; Undergraduate Rep: Katherine Speight Faculty Advisors: Clint Stevenson & Rodolphe Barrangou

10 What Does it Mean to be a Non-Profit? A message from the Treasurer

11 Amendments Purpose Clause Dissolution Clause Conflict of Interest Clause

12 Changes All activities must fulfill mission Active members only receive certain benefits - Example: IFT registration dues Slight cutbacks to budget

13 Committees Activities Athletics Awards Banquet College Bowl Dinner Outreach Dairy Bar Public Service Product Development Wine and Cheese

14 Dairy Bar 2013 Your Co-Chairs Caroline Campbell Kat DaughtryAllie Briner

15 Mark Your Calendars! Dairy Bar: October 17 th – October 27 th Dairy Bar Training: Tuesday, October 1 st –Ice cream served after! Appreciation Dinner: Thursday, November 7 th –GREAT FOOD: sign up for 4 shifts!

16 Get Involved! Cleaning and freezer move shifts: early October Scooping shifts Or…...worked a DB shift before??? –Sign-up as a manager!

17 Incentives and Penalties – To be an Active FSC Member 3, 3-hour shifts For each shift, you will receive 3 incentives –To attend the Appreciation Dinner 4 shifts 2 must be either a stocking (6-9AM) or closing shift (8- 11PM) –Penalties Must find replacement OR… –Lose incentives and appreciation dinner

18 Sign-up Dates Undergrads –Sept 10  Grads –Sept 17  Daily shifts: –Stocking: 6-9 am –11 am-2 pm –2-5 pm –5-8 pm –Closing: 8-11 pm

19 Product Development Opportunity to get involved in IFT/IFTSA Get experience in product development Competition prizes NCSU has placed in the Top 3 products nationally on a consistent basis

20 Competitions include.. The Disney-IFTSA Product Development Competition IFTSA & Mars Product Development Competition DDW- Natural Coloring Competitions for Students Danisco Knowledge Award ($$) IFT- Developing solutions for developing countries etc..






26 Product Development Sign up or contact us Chris Cheng – Kartheek Anekella –

27 Public Service Chair: Ryan Dowdy Co-Chair: Plans Public Service events for the club IFT Day of Service – Feeding Tomorrow –Anytime in September

28 Responsibilities Include Supervising: 1) An Elementary School Visit 2) Supervising a Science Olympiad Event Benefits Include: 1) Feeling fantastic about yourself 2) Doing some good in this world 3) Earn extra club incentives Outreach Chair: Brianna Massey

29 Athletics Chair: Thomas Clawson Coordinate tailgating parties with Activities Committee Organize intramural sports –Flag Football –Soccer –Softball –Basketball –Ball Hockey

30 College Bowl Chair: Kurt Selle Food Science Trivia Practice trivia questions, assembles question bank, checks questions Need graduate & undergraduate students to compete!

31 Wine & Cheese Chair: Matthew Moore Co-chair: Benefits Wine 2 Water

32 Co- Chairs: An Truong ( & Chris Biamonte ( Activities Committee

33 Canned Food Drives Collected 178.4 lbs of canned food at the Welcome Back BBQ Food donated to Feed the Pack Pantry Food drive for each event this year Updates on amount of food donated at each meeting

34 Upcoming Events Tailgate Saturday, 7 am (NCSU vs. La. Tech) Student Involvement Fair September 4 th, 10 am-2 pm, Brickyard Faculty/Staff vs Students Softball Game October 2 nd, 4:30-6 pm at Pullen Park

35 Future Event Ideas! Join Activities Committee! Plan future events

36 Ultimate Bragging Rights! The Golden Pig Trophy 3 Events –Softball (Fall) –College Bowl (Spring) –Field Day (Spring)

37 Student vs. Faculty Softball Game Wednesday, Oct. 2 nd at 4:30 pm Pullen Park Baseball Field Bring your game faces….. Students > Faculty (simple math)

38 New FNBS website Be a part of the committee to create a new, updated web experience Contact Clint Stevenson

39 Thank You See you on Tuesday, September 3 rd for CALS Career Services

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